The strongest soldier

Chapter 950 Capture the Guild Hall

"Swish, swish, swish!" More than a dozen tear gas canisters and flash bombs were thrown into the Sanhe Guild Hall, making bursts of muffled noises. Huge white light flashed, illuminating the entire Sanhe Guild Hall. White smoke billowed up and passed through the windows. Floated out from inside, followed by a tear bomb and a flash bomb. A flash bomb is a hand-held bomb that uses strong light to impede vision. When it explodes, it can release a moment of dazzling bright light, causing temporary blindness. , coupled with tear bombs, no matter how powerful a person is, they cannot bear it.

Outside the Sanhe Guild Hall, a well-equipped anti-terrorism armed police force was waiting. In order to ensure nothing went wrong, the leader of the armed police team threw three rounds of tear gas and flash grenades inside, and then equipped the team members responsible for the attack with gas masks and several flash grenades and tear gas grenades. Let everyone go in and find dead spots before using them.

After three rounds of attacks, the armed police leader gave an order, and the elite armed police rushed in. Luo Zheng and Gui Shou watched everything calmly from outside. Seeing that the entire Sanhe Hall was filled with white smoke, they secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Under such a strong attack, it is impossible for the people inside to resist.

Not long after, bursts of gunfire rang out in the Sanhe Guild Hall, intermittent. It seemed that someone who had slipped through the net was resisting. Luo Zheng looked at the armed police leader, who came over understandingly and whispered: "Brothers, rush in. Later it was discovered that there were still people resisting, and the final clearing was being carried out.”

"Well," Luo Zheng nodded noncommittally, walked around, dialed Lan Xue's phone, explained the situation and asked: "I'm afraid there is a big fish in it, the details are not clear yet, I feel it is related to the case we are investigating Regarding this, do you want to send someone to take in the prisoners?"

"I'll arrange it right away." Lan Xue thought for a moment, agreed, and hung up.

After waiting for a while, the counterattack gunfire inside became more intensive. Luo Zheng's face was stern and he looked at the leader of the armed police team. The leader's face was also livid, and he immediately asked another reserve team to rush in. Shi Feng couldn't sit still and came to find him. Gas mask, ready to rush in to help, was pulled by Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng said vigilantly: "Let your people disperse around and see if anyone is monitoring this place from the outside."

Shi Feng was stunned for a moment, realized what was happening, and immediately made arrangements to have his people withdraw from the perimeter to monitor. He stayed behind, looked at the intensive gunshots inside the Sanhe Guild Hall, straightened his face, and whispered: "I didn't expect the resistance to be so fierce. , it seems there is a big fish inside, I don’t know who it could be?”

"It's hard to say, we will take over this matter, so you don't have to worry." Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"That's best. Such a big thing is not something that a small police officer like me can handle. It's best for you to take over. If there's anything we need to do, just ask us." Shi Feng smiled.

The two chatted for a while, and the gunshots inside stopped. Not long after, the armed police who rushed in withdrew. Some were injured, and some died. When Luo Zheng saw this scene, his face suddenly became serious, and he looked at the leader of the armed police. The leader's expression changed. He was also very ugly, with a cold face, angry eyes, and fluctuating heart and tone.

A squad leader ran up to salute and reported with a face full of shame: "Report, five enemies were killed and six wounded, eight of whom lost resistance. We sacrificed two people and injured three. It was due to my poor command. , please punish.”

"Send the dead and injured brothers to the hospital immediately for rescue." the armed police leader said with a cold face.

The other party agreed and left in a hurry. Luo Zheng walked up and said: "Brothers, you have tried your best. The other party dared to shoot back, and they also escaped such a dense attack of tear bombs and flash bombs. Naturally, it will not be ordinary." A tough bandit, this record is pretty good, and besides, my people will come and take over here."

"Yes." The armed police leader nodded noncommittally and agreed. The armed police were only responsible for operations. As for whether it was left to the police or others to handle, the leader was not interested. He was in a bad mood when he thought of his sacrificed comrades.

Luo Zheng didn't try to persuade him. He saw several cars roaring towards him, and all of them were men in black suits. The team leader showed his ID, and the surrounding police let him go. The team leader came to Luo Zheng's station and handed over his ID. Luo Zheng didn't know. Why did the other party know him? He took it and took a look. He was from the Peripheral Operations Division of the Intelligence Brigade, responsible for the aftermath.

"They are our people, no problem." A voice came.

Luo Zheng turned around and saw that Hong Meihua had come over at some point, so he nodded, returned the certificate to the other party, and said: "Take all the people inside, whether dead or alive, I want to know their identities in the shortest possible time." Identity, go ahead.”

The other party agreed and rushed into the Sanhe Guild Hall with his men. Luo Zheng looked at the red plum blossoms walking over and asked in surprise: "Why are you here?"

"You're right. The people here may be related to what we're investigating. I'm worried. Come and have a look. I heard that you came here to track down the murderer of your parents. What's going on?" Hong Meihua asked in a low voice. road.

Luo Zheng briefly explained the situation in a low voice. The man in a black suit took out the people inside, one in each hand, and threw them into the car. Hong Meihua next to him explained: "Considering that there may be ambushes surrounding enemies to kill and silence them, Just knock them out and bring them out, so the enemy doesn't know who lives and who dies."

"You guys are quite experienced in this, do you know anyone?" Luo Zheng asked in a low voice.

Hong Meihua did not answer, but stepped forward to check, looking at each one twice. After everyone was brought out and pulled away, Hong Meihua motioned Luo Zheng to get in the car before talking. Luo Zheng and Shi Feng said hello. , leaving the mess to Shi Feng to deal with, Guishou reminded Luo Zheng of the person from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Luo Zheng glanced at the other person, no nonsense, and signaled Guishou to get off, and he would deal with this kind of person later, and he was not afraid of him running away.

After the two got in the car, Hong Meihua drove away without any nonsense. On the way, Hong Meihua said solemnly: "The three of them are the leaders of the Sanhe Guild Hall, and they are all high-level officials of the Sanhe Guild. This time we have completely offended the three Japanese people." It’s a joint organization, but it doesn’t matter, you may be more interested in other people.”

"Huh? What do you mean?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"One of them is the captain of the action team of Sam State's Strategic Intelligence Department, and there is a man and a woman who are his subordinates. They can enter Sam State's Strategic Intelligence Department. Their identities and abilities are not simple. I didn't expect to be hit by you by mistake. It's okay. It's a great achievement, and more importantly, there are people from the Samsara Killer Organization inside. I know one who is registered with the International Police Headquarters, and the other few are strangers, and they should be their accomplices." Hong Meihua said with a serious face. .

"You accidentally killed a captain of the Strategic Intelligence Department of Sam State? And a killer? It seems that this net has indeed caught a big fish." Guishou said excitedly.

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