The strongest soldier

Chapter 935 Lan Xue’s plan

The attack from Xi Yafa's team came faster than expected. The attack was launched before the convoy arrived. The elite troops of a hundred people spread out, forming a group of thirty people, and attacked in a perfect glyph. The thirty people in front formed an attack triangle. , keep a certain distance from each other. This attack formation has obviously been specially deployed by someone. Otherwise, how would a warlord composed of a group of ruthless bandits with no formal training know?

When Luo Zheng saw this scene, he immediately understood that it was the work of Sam's country's special forces. He couldn't help but sneered. He looked through the telescope at the rear of the team and saw a dozen specially dressed people distributed in a five-pointed star shape. They should be the ones he was looking for. He was overjoyed and quickly set up the captured M200 sniper rifle. The effective range of this gun is 2,000 meters, so it is suitable for use at this time.

Every important part of the defense was being watched by his own people. Luo Zheng felt relieved and quickly aimed his sniper rifle at a Sam State special soldier. He measured the distance and found that it was 2,000 meters away. It was dark and light refraction could easily cause visual contrast. It was easy to aim, but Luo Zheng was not completely sure, so he gave up on sniping the opponent and instead aimed at the person rushing up.

In the attack formation composed of the first thirty people, someone was howling. Luo Zheng guessed that it was the leader and did not attack. He quickly searched the two attack formations at the back and soon found another leader with a full beard and waving. Holding an AK47 rifle, he kept waving his arms to cheer up his men, and led the team to rush forward.

Luo Zheng quickly measured the distance. The distance was less than 1,500 meters. The field of view was wide. The opponent was not moving very fast. The visibility was low. He could only vaguely see the opponent's figure. The wind speed was three levels. Luo Zheng adjusted the sniper point according to the sniper conditions. , his face became firm, and suddenly, Luo Zheng decisively pulled the trigger.

"Whoops!" The sniper bullet screamed, as if it was about to crush the entire night sky. It ran towards the target with endless murderous intent. In the sniper scope, Luo Zheng saw that the target fell backward, and a line of blood flew out of his heart. The arrow could no longer survive. He couldn't help but feel happy and said into the headset: "Brothers, don't expose the firepower point in advance, snipe the opponent's leader, and slow down the attack speed."

"Understood." Everyone shouted knowingly.

It was quiet on the mountain ridge. Everyone hid in the bunker and stared coldly at the warlord who rushed up. Although they were panicking, they did not mean to retreat. Instead, they clenched the guns in their hands. One thousand versus five thousand, no. It was impossible to be afraid, but Luo Zheng had a good start, which boosted everyone's morale and gave them hope.

After the leader was sniped by Luo Zheng, the team's attack speed slowed down a lot, and some of his confidants went back to check the situation. At this time, there was another sniper gunshot. Luo Zheng didn't know who fired the shot, so he quickly searched the area. , saw that the leader of another phalanx was also killed, and couldn't help but be overjoyed.

The killing of the two leaders directly led to the attack speed of the two phalanxes. In this way, they distanced themselves from the phalanxes responsible for attacking arrows in front. This was what Luo Zheng wanted. This group of warlords attacked in a swarm. It is not difficult to deal with more than a hundred people. Once the other two phalanxes are delayed, the enemies in the front phalanx are only thirty, which is not difficult for everyone.

Luo Zheng quickly aimed at the Sam State special forces at the rear and found that they had advanced about 500 meters. They each took cover and did not launch an attack immediately. Luo Zheng estimated that the other party was observing the firepower point in order to adjust the attack method. He couldn't help but sneer.

The terrain in front was flat, and there was no good cover even if it was hidden. Luo Zheng was condescending and could see clearly. He quickly aimed at a Sam State special forces soldier and was about to shoot, but found that the opponent rolled twice in alarm, got up and ran towards the back. Luo Zheng sneered and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"Whoops!" The sniper bullet made a terrifying whimpering sound, creating a death energy shock wave that flashed and disappeared under the moonlight. Luo Zheng saw his target staggering to the ground. Soon, someone else rushed up, helped him up and continued. Running away, very fast.

Luo Zheng didn't know whether he hit the opponent or not. He aimed again angrily and was about to shoot, but found that more than a dozen special forces retreated. At this time, a convoy roared in. The special forces hid behind the convoy and were difficult to find. Luo Zheng gritted his steel teeth in anger and shouted bitterly: "Put them in and then beat them."

"Understood." Sarachi and Gawaf agreed, using walkie-talkies to communicate with their teams.

The 30-man attack team at the front was only 500 meters away, and was about to rush into the mountain pass. The ambush on the mountain was silent, and no one showed their head. Under the moonlight, the wind blew slowly across the mountain, blowing a strong The murderous aura was much lessened, but the roaring and charging armed men under the mountains made this silent wilderness become terrifying again.

Three hundred meters, two hundred meters, Lan Xue calmly observed the enemy's situation, his heart as calm as water, the murderous intent in his cold eyes was restrained, unmoved, as if the enemy in front of him did not exist at all. There were many elite Gaiwafu around. The troops stared at Lan Xue calmly, waiting for the order to attack.

Seeing that this armed group is about to enter the mountain pass, the distance is only a hundred meters. The effective range of the AK47 is 400 meters, but the scale can be set to 800 meters. In fact, the warhead is still lethal at 1200 meters, and the 1500 Stray bullets can also be fired into an unprotected human body, but the lethality is no longer sufficient, but for armed warlords less than 100 meters away, they are absolutely deadly weapons.

Everyone was curious about why Lan Xue didn't give the order to shoot, but Gaiwaf had a strict order, so everyone had to wait patiently, holding on to their guns and waiting seriously. Lan Xue knew the importance of this battle very well, and he also knew the order. As a result, Lan Xue hoped to have a small victory to stabilize his morale, so he focused on these thirty people. As for the other two attack teams that followed one after another, the distance was already more than 300 meters, and they were catching up. It will take some time, Lan Xue plans to seize this time to kill the enemies in front first.

Waiting is depressing. Watching the enemy getting closer and closer requires excellent psychological quality. Some people can't help but shoot to relieve the panic in their hearts, but when they see Lan Xue, not a woman panics. They just looked at the charging enemies calmly, and everyone's hearts calmed down for no reason.

"Hit!" Just when everyone was about to be unable to bear the pressure, Lan Xue's attack order was issued, and everyone suddenly relaxed. Regardless of whether they aimed or not, they fired at the attacking enemies. Although the AK47 had a low hit rate, But the rate of fire is fast, and dense bullets fly around, forming a barrage, which is particularly terrifying under the moonlight.

"Ta-ta-ta!" Bullet roared, rushing forward with everyone's panic, throwing the enemies in front of them to the ground one by one, screaming again and again.

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