The strongest soldier

Chapter 922 Adventure Sniper Killing

The moonlight is as cold as water, scattered across the wilderness. The night wind is gentle and cool, and the surroundings are silent. Perhaps feeling the dangerous murderous aura, even insects such as crickets do not dare to chirp. Behind a mound, Luo Zheng lay quietly on the ground, frowning in thought, while pricking up his ears to listen, not letting go of any details. The opponent was too strong, and anyone who underestimated the enemy would be destined to die.

After waiting for a while, Luo Zheng couldn't feel any movement in front of him. He looked around and saw that it was flat and there was nothing to use. Luo Zheng became suspicious and observed the surroundings vigilantly. Five or six minutes had passed and there was no enemy movement. This made Luo Zheng suspicious. Luo Zheng became even more nervous and couldn't help but take a deep breath. On the battlefield, the competition between masters is often not about skill and luck, but about who can't calm down first.

Luo Zheng got lucky with the breathing method passed down from his family, and soon entered an ethereal state. His five senses and six senses became more acute. Faintly, Luo Zheng seemed to smell a dangerous smell in the air, and couldn't help but close his eyes and take a closer look. Perception, smelling on the left, sniffing on the right, eager to sense from the air which direction the dangerous smell is stronger, and which direction there is an enemy touching.

After waiting for a while, he found nothing. Luo Zheng didn't dare to move anymore. After thinking about it, he decided to give it a try and climbed forward carefully. He climbed very slowly and carefully, not daring to make the slightest sound. He crawled for about ten minutes. After arriving, a low-lying pit appeared in front of him. Luo Zheng was overjoyed and quickly climbed in, filling up the low-lying area.

Luo Zheng slowly poked his head around to observe the surroundings. He was covered by a ghillie suit, and his body just filled the low-lying pit, as if he was integrated with the surroundings. It must be said that it was very dangerous for Luo Zheng to do this, because the surrounding area was flat. There is no place to hide, and if the enemy discovers it, there is no way to escape.

Fortunately, no one fired during the crawling process. Luo Zheng estimated that his opponent had not noticed him, so he waited patiently, using the breathing method passed down from his family to adjust his breath, so as not to let any trace of murderous intent leak out. Under the moonlight, the silent front was A black shadow suddenly appeared in the wilderness and disappeared in a flash.

Luo Zheng was secretly startled, and almost lost his breath. He quickly controlled his emotions, calmed down his excitement, and completely integrated himself into the surrounding nature. He closed his eyes slightly and looked at the place where the black shadow appeared, as if he didn't notice anything. Generally, wait patiently.

The direction in which the black shadow appeared was beyond Luo Zheng's expectation. It was actually at the side and behind. Unexpectedly, the opponent not only chose to attack, but also detoured to his side and behind in such a short period of time. What a terrifying skill, what a terrifying opponent. For such a master, Luo Zheng tried his best to control his emotions regardless of the slightest carelessness, imagining himself as a lifeless stone and letting the surrounding wind blow by him.

Luo Zheng wouldn't worry at all if he was hiding behind a solid fortification, but just lying in a flat open area, although there were low-lying earth pits hiding his body, it was not enough to completely cover him, especially his head, which was like a flat A stone in the wilderness has nowhere to hide. Once discovered, you will surely die.

Luo Zheng is putting himself in danger to survive. It is a very dangerous plan. You must know that the other party must have a night vision device with thermal imaging function. As long as he is found, he will definitely die. Luo Zheng is gambling with his life. Luo Zheng walked up the hillside in a roundabout way, and he didn't know whether it was a deliberately confusing tactical move or whether he was really not noticed. Luo Zheng didn't dare to move and secretly grabbed the sniper rifle.

After waiting for a while, the black shadow appeared in the field of vision again, as if it suddenly emerged from the ground, rushing to the flat hillside, and a tiger fell to the ground. Luo Zheng could see clearly through the sniper scope, and the opponent also set up He used his sniper rifle to search for the place where he had previously hidden.

Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng was immediately overjoyed. He knew that the opponent did not notice that he had crawled away, but he could not wait any longer. When the enemy found that there was no one behind the slope, they would definitely search everywhere. As long as the sniper scope with thermal imaging function was there, With so much plainness around, finding yourself is almost effortless.

The opportunity must not be missed and it will not come again. Luo Zheng quickly aimed at the past, put his slightly closed eyes into the sniper scope, and suppressed the murderous intent that was about to explode, lest the murderous intent leak out and alarm the opponent. This kind of master is very sensitive to danger. You can feel the slightest movement.

Luo Zheng noticed that the other party raised his head. Perhaps he didn't notice anyone behind the slope. He realized the danger. On his face painted with thick black paint, a group of black and white eyes flashed with surprise. He did not panic, but quickly set up his trap again. Get into the sniper scope and move the muzzle to find the target.

Right now, Luo Zheng's cold murderous intent suddenly erupted. The invisible murderous intent was like a volcano, soaring into the sky with endless hatred and determination to avenge the snow leopard, and he pulled the trigger with his index finger.

"Whoops!" The sniper bullet roared out, and a red light flashed from the muzzle. The bullet shell ejected and fell to the ground, emitting green smoke. The bullet screamed and tore through the night, as if the god of death was grinning. It was fierce. He rushed towards the target, and the overwhelming murderous aura also enveloped the target.

After Luo Zheng fired, he prepared to pull the trigger again without hesitation. In the sniper scope, he found that the target seemed to sense danger and actually rolled to the side. Fortunately, the distance was only more than 500 meters, which was not suitable for sniper bullets. , but it’s a matter of a moment.

The target was originally lying on the ground, but the bullet did not hit the target's head. In addition, the target's body rolled, and his shoulder turned over and became a target. The sniper bullet went in without hesitation and penetrated the pipa bone on the shoulder. The momentum was blocked and it spun irregularly at high speed.

The flight path of the sniper bullet was almost parallel to the target. After the bullet penetrated into the shoulder, the remaining force disappeared slightly and twisted into the body. It seemed to be turning its head at high speed, entering the body cavity and destroying the internal organs. Luo Zheng saw the opponent's shoulder. A blood arrow spattered, and he knew he had hit the target. Without hesitation, he fired the second shot again.

"Whoops!" The sniper bullet roared away again, and the devastating sound seemed to shake the entire night sky. It drew a terrifying energy shock under the moonlight, and indifferently penetrated into the opponent's head. The skull exploded, and the red White things splashed and rolled, and the body was hit by bullets and flew sideways. It rolled several times and stopped moving.

Luo Zheng picked up the weapon and rushed forward, holding the sniper rifle flat on his shoulder. He stared at the target coldly, not daring to be careless. He jogged for a short distance and saw that the opponent was motionless. His head was completely exploded. He knew that he could not survive. Then he breathed a sigh of relief, put down his gun, pointed the muzzle downward, and ran over quickly.

The opponent secretly attacked the snow leopard from a long distance in the dark night, all of which was somewhat mysterious. Luo Zheng felt uneasy until he figured out the identity of the opponent. The joy of succeeding in taking risks and sniping the target was diluted by the opponent's mysterious identity.

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