The strongest soldier

Chapter 907 Lan Xue is chasing after her

The next morning after the heavy rain, the sky was clear and the wind was blowing gently. The forest made a rustling sound, soft and melodious, as if a child's voice was singing the hope of life. The sunlight was scattered on the ground through the woods, speckled as if light. With flying butterflies, in a dense forest, Lan Xue stared gloomily at the hillside ahead, where there were villages built on the mountain.

In order to find clues about Luo Zheng, intelligence personnel from all the countries in the southwest took action. Countless special forces, forest armed police and scouts were sent out to divide the areas and investigate carefully. After two days, they finally got some clues. The clues came from a group of drug dealers. Zi, who confessed after being ambushed by the armed police, said that he saw a strange team suddenly appear in a village. He originally thought they were here to get some trouble, but the details were unknown.

After Lan Xue learned the information, without waiting for the investigators to verify it, Lan Xue and the three ghost hands hurried over to check it out in person. They were accompanied by an investigator who was familiar with the surrounding terrain as a guide. The investigator took into account the habits of ethnic minorities and asked everyone to After waiting in the woods for a while, he disguised himself as a collector and went into the village to inquire about the situation.

Not long after, the investigator returned with an excited face, saluted Lan Xue and said: "I have inquired about the situation clearly. A group of armed men have indeed arrived. The leader is a girl, which is consistent with the situation. I heard that she is a local. People in the village didn’t suspect that she was staying at home temporarily. Two nights ago, the girl’s old house caught fire, and then she heard gunshots. The rest is unknown.”

"Girl? It must be her. I didn't expect this to be her hometown. Where has she gone now? Did you find anything else?" Lan Xue perked up and asked quickly, her eyes full of surprise and expectation.

"I heard that I walked west for a day and a night and found nothing. No one in the village knew what happened, and they became even more clueless after they left." The investigator said quickly.

"To the west?" Lan Xue's face turned stern and she said coldly: "Okay, you can go back. Thank you. We will chase her. We will find her even if we run to the edge of the horizon." She rushed forward as she spoke.

What else did the investigator want to say, but he was held by Guishou, who said gratefully: "Brother, let's stop here. As long as we have clues and the pursuit is in the right direction, they won't be able to escape. You will only be a drag if you stay." With our speed, if we have a chance to go to the capital, brother, I hope to come back alive and treat you to a drink." As he spoke, he rushed forward like a cheetah and quickly disappeared into the dense forest.

The snow leopard patted the scout on the shoulder, said nothing, and rushed forward. The mountain eagle nodded to the scout and quickly caught up with him. When the scout saw everyone, they disappeared into the forest. , it was indeed not something he could catch up with. He smiled bitterly and turned back.

Lan Xue and the others got clues and let go of the chase. They ran for about two hours at a stretch. They stopped at a hill and sat under the shade of a tree to rest. The snow leopard made a fire and the mountain eagle ran to find prey. He came to sit down opposite Lan Xue and said with concern: "Captain, I know you are feeling miserable, and I don't know how to persuade you┅┅"

"Then stop talking. I want to be quiet for a while." Lan Xue said with a sad face.

"Okay, I just want to tell you, cheer up. Brother Ghost is still waiting for us to rescue him. Before we rescue him, we can't fall down, especially our bodies. Otherwise, how can we save people?" Ghost Hands He said with concern, seeing Lan Xue looking blankly ahead, he sighed helplessly and went to help light the fire.

After a while, the mountain eagle hurried over with two hares, and said with joy: "Come and see, what is this? I found it in the forest ahead."

When Guishou saw that it was a sanitary napkin, he couldn't help but was stunned. He looked at the mountain eagle in surprise. The mountain eagle turned red, glared at Guishou angrily, and said: "You are stupid, who would use this thing? Of course it is a woman. , How can a woman come to this vast forest so easily? The women in the surrounding cottages cannot afford such high-end goods, so it must be her."

"Hiss, that makes sense, brother's observation is getting sharper and sharper." Guishou suddenly realized it and said with a smile.

Lan Xue ran over excitedly, picked up the sanitary napkin and observed it for a while, then asked in surprise: "Where did you see it?"

"In the woods over there." The mountain eagle said quickly.

"This brand is not affordable for ordinary people. It must be Tang Tian. Let's rest for a while, eat something and go on the road immediately." Lan Xue became energetic, threw the sanitary napkin away and helped light the fire.

Everyone knew Lan Xue's anxious mood, so they all rushed to help. After a while, the bonfire was burning. Everyone skinned and gutted the hare and roasted it on the bonfire. After half an hour, everyone divided the hare and ate it, drank some water and continued on their way. , during the rapid march, one by one seemed to be running cheetahs, only weaving through the woods.

After dark, everyone found traces again. They were chopped thorns with neat edges. There were many footprints on the ground and there were ashes around, indicating that someone had stayed here. The equipment we carried was not enough to travel overnight. Don't rest on the spot.

It is not difficult for everyone to make a fire and hunt for food. Lan Xue leaned on a big tree and looked at the rising moonlight with a stern expression. Her heart became heavy. It has been so long and she does not know her lover. how? This kind of worry and longing is as painful as knives being twisted.

Not long after, Gui Shou brought a roasted pheasant leg. Lan Xue took it and thanked her, and started to eat. Gui Shou saw that Lan Xue's appetite was okay, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. As long as people don't collapse, everything will be fine. Hopefully, if people get sick, it's going to be really troublesome.

Not long after, the mountain eagle scouting ahead came out of the woods like a ghost, walked up to Lan Xue, and said softly: "Judging from the footprints, the other party shouldn't be walking very fast. We are only about ten hours away. Maybe you don't know." Let's catch up and hurry up after dawn. As long as we go faster, we should be able to catch up before dark."

"Well, don't worry, I'm fine. Have a good rest tonight. I'll be on duty on the first shift." Lan Xue said with a serious face, while eating the food in his hands as if there was hope there.

Everyone was relieved to see that Lan Xue was in good condition and could control his emotions. After eating, they all went to rest. After a day of rapid march, everyone was really tired, and they all fell asleep after a while. Lan Xue looked through the trees. Looking at the cold moonlight, I felt particularly heavy.

After experiencing too many separations of life and death, Lan Xue originally thought that she could withstand all tests, but found that this time was particularly different, as if her beloved had left her. This unforgettable feeling was very uncomfortable, and there was a cold look on her cold face. His eyes were full of worry, and he murmured at the corner of his mouth: You must wait for me.

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