The strongest soldier

Chapter 884 Weird Situation

Luo Zheng reported the license plate number and continued to walk forward cautiously. Less than two hundred meters away, suddenly, there was a rapid squeak of tires on the ground. Then, several cars rushed over from various street entrances. The car window was rolled down, and several guns were stretched out. The black muzzles of the guns exuded an icy murderous aura, and they locked onto Luo Zheng.

"Whoops" came roaring towards him. Before they could stop, some sturdy men jumped out of the car. They were all dressed in black suits, with cold expressions and restrained murderous intent. Their sharp eyes were fixed on Luo Zheng, and they walked up quickly. He even shouted loudly: "Hold your head and squat down."

"Hiss? Who is it?" Luo Zheng looked at the person rushing towards him coldly, feeling strange, and asked.

"I can't see it. I'll investigate the satellite right away." Blue Star's voice sounded in the headset.

Luo Zheng did a rough count and found that there must be more than a dozen people, all holding Type 92 pistols. These were definitely not kidnappers. There was no reason for the kidnappers to use the same type of weapons, let alone shout things like "hold your head, squat down, etc." It was time to start fighting. In surprise, Luo Zheng resisted the urge to resist and looked at these people coldly.

These people gathered around and stared at Luo Zheng as if they were facing a formidable enemy. They would shoot if there was any abnormality, and aimed their guns at Luo Zheng. One person shouted: "Hold your head with both hands, squat down slowly, hurry up."

"Who are you?" Luo Zheng asked calmly, looking at the car driven by this group of people. The license plate number did not show any significance, and the cars were all inconspicuous cars. He couldn't help but be surprised.

"Looking for death." One person suddenly became violent and rushed forward fiercely. He picked up the butt of the gun and smashed it on Luo Zheng's head. He was extremely fierce and left no room for anything.

Luo Zheng's firm gaze instantly burst into a cold light. He became angry, blocked it with his backhand, and punched the opponent's heart. The opponent's reaction was not slow, and his body suddenly retreated. He raised his hand and fired two shots. Luo Zheng had been on guard against this for a long time. , quickly fell down, barely avoiding two sneak attacks.

At this time, other people around saw that Luo Zheng was resisting, and he was pretty good at it. They took the opportunity to swarm forward, with fast and fierce movements, and skillful coordination. They grabbed hands, feet, and pressed the head, and they pinned Luo Zheng to the ground. Luo Zheng used all his strength. He resisted, but he couldn't bear the force of five or six people at the same time. His arms were locked behind his back and he was handcuffed with a click.

"Police?" A doubt flashed in Luo Zheng's mind.

"Puff!" The person who struck before kicked Luo Zheng's body hard twice. Luo Zheng's body was rolled over by the kicks, his ribs ached faintly, and a burst of blood surged up. Luo Zheng was furious and took a deep breath. He took a deep breath, suppressed the surging breath, opened his eyes angrily, and stood up like a carp.

"Roar -" Luo Zheng roared, like a furious lion, and pounced towards the opponent. One person came up to block him. Luo Zheng twisted his body strangely, slipped under his feet, and got out of the way. His body twisted with the trend and kicked with a whirlwind. With the sound of thunder, he swept towards the murderer.

Luo Zheng took action with hatred, using all his strength. His movements were so fast that it was hard to see with the naked eye. The killer did not expect that Luo Zheng was so fierce and dared to resist, and the resistance was so powerful. He couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, waiting for a reaction. By the time he came over and realized the danger, it was already too late.

"Poof!" Luo Zheng's whip leg was like a steel whip, hitting the opponent's chest fiercely. The opponent's body flew backwards, and he was in the air, spurting out a mouthful of blood. Seeing how fierce Luo Zheng was, the others were immediately angry. There were too many people to shoot, so everyone put away their pistols and surrounded them like ferocious wolves.

Luo Zheng was furious and hated the group of people who suddenly appeared. His hands were cuffed and he couldn't fight. He relied on his feet to fight back. After kicking the opponent away, Luo Zheng saw one person rushing forward ferociously. He didn't hesitate. He retracted his whip legs and kicked forward suddenly, as if a divine dragon came out of its cave and roared forward.

This man was also very fierce. He locked his hands and held Luo Zheng's legs tightly. He shrank his heart back and barely avoided Luo Zheng's kick. He kicked hard with his feet and pushed his body back, trying to push Luo Zheng away. Pulling him to the ground, Luo Zheng saw that the other party was so skilled. He kicked hard with one foot standing on the ground, and his body rushed forward. He twisted strangely in the air, his body spun, and his foot that was on the ground rushed towards the opponent's cheek. Kick it over.

This group of people who suddenly appeared did not care about anything and were quick to kill. They were also very powerful. Luo Zheng did not leave any room for his attack. With a sound of thunder, this kick directly dislocated the opponent's cheek with a click. With a scream and a cry from his hand, his body flew out, and Luo Zheng landed firmly on the ground.

At this time, other people rushed forward. Luo Zheng suddenly rushed forward, like an angry wild bear. His body turned slightly sideways and his shoulders slammed into the heart of a person. The other person was also very fierce. He did not retreat but advanced with a fierce uppercut. Hit Luo Zheng on the shoulder, trying to block Luo Zheng and buy time for others.

Luo Zheng knew the horror of falling into the encirclement. He focused his cold eyes, kicked his feet suddenly, fell backwards, avoided the opponent's uppercut, and slammed his knees forward, hitting the opponent's heart, and there was a faint sound. There was a sound of broken ribs, and the other party screamed and fell to the ground.

"Puff!" Luo Zheng felt that someone hit him on the back with the butt of a gun. The pain was unstoppable. His body was hit and fell forward. He quickly moved his feet forward and stabilized his body. Suddenly he felt someone hit him. The opponent's leg was as hard as a wooden stake, and a sharp pain came. Luo Zheng's face turned cold, his cold eyes were filled with murderous intent, his body twisted strangely, he kicked his feet, and his body fell to one side.

With a bang, Luo Zheng knocked down someone. He was about to roll up when he was hugged tightly by the person below him. Luo Zheng was shocked. He grabbed the other person's collar with both hands and rolled his body. He retracted his feet and stepped on the other person. In the lower abdomen, a rabbit kicked the eagle, kicking the opponent fiercely and flying several meters, knocking down one person.

At this time, when other people saw how fierce Luo Zheng was, they retreated one after another, surrounded him in a circle, took out their pistols and aimed at Luo Zheng, and fired several bursts around Luo Zheng, puff puff puff! The bullet sank into the concrete floor.

All this happened too fast. Luo Zheng had just kicked one person away and had not had time to roll up. Feeling the danger coming, he instinctively huddled up and held his head with both hands. Seeing that the other person's bullets were not directly aimed at him, he secretly relaxed. He took a breath and became suspicious.

"Be honest, I'll beat you to death if you move again." Someone yelled.

Luo Zheng knew that this group of people was not simple, and their behavior was not like that of kidnappers. He couldn't help but become suspicious. He stood up slowly, looked at the group of people calmly and shouted: "Which one of you is the leader? Come out and answer the question."

"Quite arrogant, looking for death." One person stepped forward angrily, raised his gun and aimed at Luo Zheng's shoulder, with murderous intent in his angry eyes.

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