The strongest soldier

Chapter 882 Revenge

Back at the consulate, Lan Xue pulled Lan Xing into a bedroom. Luo Zheng knew that the two of them had a lot to say. Family feuds were not trivial, and it would be bad to be around him, so he made a cup of hot tea and thought about the hotel assassination and The style of what happened in the casino was completely different, which made Luo Zheng vaguely feel Song Tao's style. He couldn't help but hold the tea cup tightly and his face became firm.

The Song family's repeated attacks made Luo Zheng furious. It seemed that it was necessary to take more radical action against the Song family. About an hour later, the Lan Xue sisters came out of the room with red eyes. , obviously crying, Luo Zheng pretended not to see it and continued to study the map.

"Brother-in-law, I have told you everything. Thank you. You can tell me what to do next." Lan Xing sat next to Luo Zheng and said with a serious face, his red eyes shining with a firm desire for revenge.

Luo Zheng glanced at Lan Xue awkwardly. He used to call him future brother-in-law, but now he calls him brother-in-law directly. This change of title made Luo Zheng a little uncomfortable. Seeing Lan Xue blushing and nodding, Luo Zheng said knowingly: " I suspect that Song Tao is in the casino, look for him, if he is there, lock him in, and make arrangements to return to the casino as soon as possible."

"Okay, I'm going to let Song Haitian, the bastard with hair, send the black-haired guy away." Lan Xing said coldly, stood up, and walked to the computer with a stern expression and cold eyes.

Luo Zheng was startled, knowing that Lan Xing's heart was full of hatred, and it was difficult to persuade him about this kind of thing. He looked at Lan Xue, who said bitterly: "I'll go find the chief consul to arrange the trip." After saying that, he got up and walked outside. .

Ten minutes later, Lan Xue came back and said he could return at any time. Luo Zheng nodded and looked at Lan Xing, who was looking at the computer with a frosty expression on his face. His fingers kept beating on the keyboard, his eyes were cold and his lips were tightly closed. , Lan Xue walked up and patted Lan Xing's shoulder. She didn't know how to comfort her, but she was filled with anger in her heart.

An hour later, Lan Xing suddenly stood up, looked at Luo Zheng and said, "I found it. This bastard has already bought a ticket to return to China. All the documents he used are fake documents. No wonder he can't find it. It seems that the flight will be tomorrow night. , must have smelled something and are ready to evacuate, what should I do?"

"Return to the country?" Luo Zheng looked at Lan Xue in surprise, and he understood a little. The news here must have been spread back. Song Tao knew that he was in the Palm Island, so he didn't bother to stay in the casino and went back to the country directly. How cunning. It was too late. It seemed that we could only wait until we returned home. He couldn't help but look at Lan Xue.

Lan Xue also knew that time was running out and said, "I'm afraid it won't be easy to deal with that bastard after he goes back. What are your plans? Are we going back to China right away?"

"No, we won't go back for the time being." Luo Zheng said with a thoughtful face, his eyes flashing. Seeing that the Lan Xue sisters didn't understand very well, he explained: "The Song family's status in the country is not low. It's not easy to deal with him. It’s easy, we hide here and control remotely, but we can avoid suspicion.”

"Have you figured out a way?" Lan Xue asked in surprise.

"I can't talk about solutions, I just have some ideas." Luo Zheng said with a smile. Seeing the two sisters looking at him expectantly and not being able to play riddles, he quickly said: "Everyone has weaknesses. What is Song Tao's weakness? This is necessary Blue Star replied to me that Song Tao is the executor of the Song family and is very cunning. If Song Tao is killed, it will be much easier to deal with the entire Song family in the future. Let’s attack Song Tao first.”

"Okay, I'll check it right away." Blue Star said firmly.

"What you said makes sense. The two pillars of the Song family are Song Haitian and Song Tao. Song Tao is a rising star. As long as you kill Song Tao, you will break one of the pillars of the Song family. It will be difficult for the Song family not to collapse. Although there is no evidence, But this vengeance is on the Song family, I will call grandpa immediately." Lan Xue said.

Luo Zheng transferred the phone recording to Lan Xing. Although the target who was killed didn't say much, it could still prove something and asked Lan Xing to transfer it to Mr. Li. After Lan Xue waited for the recording to be sent, he dialed Mr. Li's number. , explained the situation in detail, and then listened carefully to the call for a while.

After hanging up the phone, Lan Xue said with a stern face: "Grandpa said that the Song family can assassinate my mother without leaving any traces. Let's do it beautifully and leave no traces. Don't be afraid if something happens, he will help." We will stand up and let you come up with a plan as soon as possible. If grandpa is needed to cooperate, he will spare no effort."

"I understand, but it's best not to involve your grandfather in this matter," Luo Zheng said.

Lan Xue nodded, and everyone started to wait. If you want to deal with someone, the best way is to attack the opponent's weakness. Blue Star knew that the matter was very important, so he carefully checked and collected various information. After about two hours, Blue Star got up. Come and say to the two of them: "I found something."

"Tell me about it." Luo Zheng asked eagerly.

"Three fake identities, a dozen properties, overseas deposits and the like are of no use?" Blue Star said quickly.

"Song Tao is a businessman, not a civil servant, so these are not problems for him." Luo Zheng said.

"That's not the case. His life is very rigorous and regular. He stays at home most of the time, and his whereabouts are unpredictable when he goes out. It's hard to find out for a while. This will take some time unless the headquarters helps." Blue Star was distressed. He said with a cold tone and endless anger.

"Where is his family?" Luo Zheng asked.

"My wife is a teacher. She is very virtuous. She goes to and from get off work every day very regularly. She is a model wife for a big family in the capital. Everyone in the big family knows that her son Song Yang is dead." Lan Xing quickly replied.

"Then check his living habits and patterns, such as what day he went out, what time he went out, where he went, are there any rules? Wait." Luo Zheng said angrily: "I don't believe he has no weaknesses."

"There is one. He goes to a private club at 7pm every Monday and Friday." Blue Star replied.

"Okay, contact Guishou immediately and ask him to find help from the gangsters on the road. See if we can find out what he does every time he goes to the private club? Who does he meet? Wait, but don't alert the snake." Luo Zheng said quickly, feeling vaguely that this There are clues that can be used, and I can't help but get excited.

Lan Xing immediately contacted him. Lan Xue thought for a moment and then said, "You want to frame him?"

"Not necessarily, it depends on the specific situation. If he is really clean and can't find a weakness, then create a weakness. If that doesn't work, then create an accident. If you don't kill it, it's not easy to move to the Song family. The Song family If we don't fall, we won't be worried about fighting on the front line in the future." Luo Zheng said with a serious face, fighting spirit beating in his eyes.

"Indeed, this bastard might stab us in the back at any time." Lan Xue agreed. Since the enemy who killed his mother cannot be redressed by law, Lan Xue doesn't mind using any method to retaliate.

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