The strongest soldier

Chapter 862 Tang Tian’s identity

"Tang Tian is missing." Lan Xue's voice sounded in the headset.

"What?" Luo Zheng was shocked, stopped the car, covered his headset and continued to ask: "What happened? Why did he disappear suddenly?"

"She said she went out to greet the guests. A car suddenly came and picked her up. Our car chased her and was blocked by a large truck. The driver of the large truck was being interrogated." Lan Xue explained hurriedly.

"Hiss? There is a strong opponent." Luo Zheng said with a solemn expression. After pondering for a moment, he continued coldly through the headset: "The convoy has all returned to the villa. The operation is cancelled. Xue'er, all your people have also withdrawn."

"What's wrong?" Liu Qingqing asked in a surprised voice.

"Tang Tian ran away just now." Luo Zheng said angrily, started the car, turned around at the front, and drove towards the villa. When he saw the mountain eagle cast a confused look, he explained with a wry smile: "This little girl is wary. He is very sexy. He must have realized that he was exposed after seeing the failure of the motorcycle operation and immediately changed his plan. He is a difficult master to deal with. He is only fifteen or sixteen years old. I am afraid there are experts behind his back."

"You mean Charlie?" the mountain eagle asked in a surprised voice.

Luo Zheng nodded noncommittally and continued to drive. Not long after, Lan Xue's voice came to his ears: "A little flower seller came over and said that she was entrusted by someone to send a letter to you by name. , I haven’t read it yet, but I asked Hongmeihua to check it. There is no problem on the surface of the letter, it is not poisonous or infected, and it should be a genuine letter.”

"Take it apart and take a look." Luo Zheng said through the headset.

"Okay." Lan Xue agreed, and not long after, he continued through the headset: "Family feud must be avenged, just four words, printed by the printer, no handwriting can be seen, family feud? Who do we have a family feud with? It seems like It seems they are coming for us, who do we have a family feud with?" There was a bit of confusion and surprise in his words.

"Hiss?" Luo Zheng pondered and recalled carefully. He had not offended many people in his life. This was impossible before becoming a soldier. However, he had offended many people after becoming a soldier. However, they were all enemies on the battlefield and had different political stances. That’s all, it’s not a family feud, the Song family? It’s impossible to do this, who could it be?

"Is it the Wolf King of the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group? It seems that he is the only one who has a family feud, right? Could it be that the descendants of the Wolf King come to us for revenge? I remember that the Wolf King has a daughter who is proficient in computers. In the Wild Wolf Mercenaries The person in charge of external relations in the group said that the headquarters registered a number and there is very little information. During the last raid, there was no trace of her whereabouts. No one has seen me. Could it be her?" Lan Xue said suddenly, with a bit of worry. color.

"Hiss?" Luo Zheng was startled, and after analyzing according to Lan Xue's prompts, he felt that only the Wolf King could be called a family feud. There was no second family enemy. Could it be that she was really the Wolf King's daughter? From the surface, the conditions basically met the characteristics. He couldn't help but look solemn and said in a low voice: "If you can catch Tang Tian's adoptive father, it's best. If you can't, evacuate first."

"His adoptive father didn't show up. He probably ran away now. I'll arrange for someone to follow him immediately." Lan Xue promised.

On the way back, Luo Zheng was sullen and silent. Liu Qingqing realized that she had made a mistake. The mistake was that she did not have a thorough understanding of the world and trusted others easily. This kind of betrayal was a serious betrayal for Liu Qingqing, who was only fifteen or sixteen years old. A painful lesson, he pondered with a low face.

Mrs. Liu wanted to give some advice, but the words came to her mouth feeling pale and weak. She swallowed them, sighed secretly, closed her eyes, and looked resigned. The car was quiet, and a depressing atmosphere filled the air. The mountain eagle was not very talkative to begin with, but now it was watching its surroundings vigilantly to prevent any unexpected events.

The journey was very peaceful. Everyone returned to the villa, and the convoy just returned. After parking the car, everyone got out of the car and looked at Luo Zheng. Seeing that Luo Zheng's face was gloomy and scary, they didn't dare to ask any more questions. After Luo Zheng returned to the villa, , arranged for Blue Star to send someone to keep an eye on Mrs. Liu and her daughter, and then went back to the room.

Not long after, Lan Xue and others hurried back. Seeing that everyone was in a bad mood, they found out that the root cause was Luo Zheng, so they knocked on Luo Zheng's door, sat on the edge of the bed, and looked at Luo Zheng, who was leaning on the sofa. Zheng said: "Your emotions have affected everyone. As a commander, this is inappropriate."

"Well, I know, I'm just worried." Luo Zheng said seriously.

"Are you worried about Tang Tian?" Lan Xue asked knowingly. Seeing Luo Zheng nod, he thought for a while and continued: "You don't have to worry about her. If the operation fails this time, she will definitely not take action again. At least she has not been found. They will not take action until the right opportunity arises. As for the safety of their families, they are essentially mercenaries and have their own principles. They will not harm their families. If they did, they would have taken action long ago."

"I hope so." Luo Zheng smiled bitterly, stood up, handed a bottle of mineral water to Lan Xue, opened a bottle himself, drank a few sips and said: "Tomorrow is the last day, the enemy only has this tonight." If I get a chance, I will set up my defense. No matter what, I must hold on until the end. As for the rest, we will talk about it then."

Seeing Luo Zheng's fighting spirit glowing again, Lan Xue breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and went out. Luo Zheng found Shi Feng, He Shan, Shi Tao, Niu Gang and others, arranged the deployment, returned to the living room and sat down, Lan Xing She came over to report and tried all kinds of contacts but could not find Tang Tian and her adoptive father. The two of them seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

Hong Meihua heard this situation nearby and immediately said: "Then don't look for it. I judge that they have other identification documents. They must have left the capital. If Tang Tianzhen is the identity you guessed, she must have a group of people under her." People are assisting, and their methods of escaping, hiding, and putting on makeup are definitely not bad."

"Forget it, stop checking, she will still come to our door. As long as we know who it is, it is enough. There are too many enemies to kill, so let her go." Luo Zheng said lightly. The top priority is to ensure that tonight No worries, as long as tomorrow passes, everything will be settled.

Just as he was talking, Liu Qingqing came down and handed Luo Zheng a phone. Luo Zheng was startled. Seeing Liu Qingqing's face looking ugly, he suddenly thought of something and signaled everyone to stop talking. He took the phone and put it to his ear, saying coldly. : "Tell me, what do you want?"

"I believe you must have guessed who I am. In the eyes of the world, you represent justice and I represent evil. You kill me and I kill you. Everyone depends on their own abilities. But you killed my father. After killing my father, Our hatred is irreconcilable, and we will meet again." A cold voice said slowly, with a bit of coldness.

"Okay, I'll wait. I hope you won't lose the dignity of the Wolf King. He is a respectable enemy." Luo Zheng retorted coldly.

"Thank you for your evaluation, but it cannot reduce my hatred for you." The other party said coldly and hung up the phone.

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