The strongest soldier

Chapter 855 Qingqing is abnormal

In the villa, in the command room, Lan Xing was busy. There were some documents scattered on the ground. The red plum blossoms were missing. Luo Zheng was startled and looked at Lan Xue. Lan Xue shook his head and looked at Lan Xing. Lan Xing felt someone coming in and raised his head. When he saw it, he immediately said excitedly: "It's confirmed, it's Charlie, that bastard. We have made a great contribution this time. By the way, she went to the room." The latter sentence was said to Lan Xue.

Lan Xue nodded, left Luo Zheng and hurried away. Luo Zheng knew that Lan Xue and Red Plum Blossom had a close relationship. A person who had to avenge a great revenge would inevitably be excited. It was inappropriate for him to follow him. He looked at Lan Xing excitedly and said: "Very good, tell Mr. Li the news immediately, as well as your and my boss."

"Understood." Blue Star said quickly.

Luo Zheng walked out of the command room with some excitement and came to the door of the villa. Looking at the people cleaning the battlefield, he couldn't help shouting excitedly: "Brothers, listen to me."

Everyone put down what they were doing and looked over with curiosity on their faces.

"Let me tell you some good news. The place where we died, Charlie, that bastard has been killed by us. His identity has been confirmed and there is no mistake." Luo Zheng shouted excitedly.

"Wow -" everyone screamed excitedly, cheering for the great revenge to be avenged and for the dead policeman.

Luo Zheng did not join the cheering team. After bringing the good news to everyone, he returned to the living room to make tea, relax his nerves, and calm down. Although he killed Charlie and annihilated many killers in one fell swoop, it was considered a great victory, but Luo Zheng still didn't dare to take it lightly. There were still three or four days before the mission was completed. Who knew if another powerful enemy would pop up, so he had to stay calm enough.

At this time, Guishou, Snow Leopard and Mountain Eagle came together and sat beside them. Luo Zheng poured a cup of tea for everyone and said softly: "Brothers, are you all tired? Have a cup of tea to relieve your fatigue. Our mission is We’re only halfway done, and we don’t know what will happen next. Let’s relax first and be more vigilant at night.”

"Well, everyone understands this truth. The nerves have been too tense in the past two or three days. It's good to relax with some good news, otherwise everyone will be depressed." Guishou said with a smile.

"Yeah, nearly a thousand people took action, but they caught an imposter. Fortunately, Charlie was killed. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to explain to the relevant departments, and the organization would also have objections to us, and they would be under great pressure. Da, it’s okay now, let them cheer.” Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"Report." Blue Star ran over and shouted excitedly, with a bit of naughtiness.

Luo Zheng was startled, as if he had seen the weird Lan Xing again, and couldn't help but smile: "It's such a good thing to see you having fun? We are all brothers here, let's talk about it."

"Mr. Li sent a congratulatory message to congratulate your team on their victory, and Captain Wu also sent a congratulatory message." Lanxing stuck out his tongue and said with a naughty expression.

"It's not our team, it's all the members." Luo Zheng smiled.

"It seems that you haven't been dazzled by the victory. I actually didn't hide it from you. Mr. Li asked you and me to take the time to go there tomorrow. You can set the time yourself." Blue Star said quickly.

"Okay, by the way, the surveillance outside can still operate normally, right? At this time, you can't be careless." Luo Zheng warned cautiously, looking at the three ghost hands, the three stood up, and went outside to check knowingly. .

Lan Xing also left and checked again. No one dared to be careless about this kind of thing. Luo Zheng continued to drink tea, but heard the sound of the stairs. Luo Zheng looked up and saw that it was Liu Qingqing, who was walking towards him and put on his clothes. Wearing a loose housecoat, her hair was naturally loose, no lipstick and nail polish were applied, and she wore smoky makeup, exuding a youthful and girlish atmosphere.

Luo Zheng couldn't help but was startled and asked: "You are looking for me."

"Well, I heard that many people outside were very excited. It should be because they won the battle. To make everyone so happy, Charlie must have been caught alive and beaten to death, right?" Liu Qingqing said with a smile, sitting down next to Luo Zheng Diagonally opposite, I made myself a cup of tea.

Luo Zheng already knew about Liu Qingqing's high IQ. When dealing with such a high IQ person, he spoke easily. He nodded and smiled and said, "If you have something to ask me about, just tell me."

"I really can't hide it from you. What are you going to do with Sein Fei who is locked up in the basement? Give it to my dad or grandpa?" Liu Qingqing looked at Luo Zheng and asked curiously.

"You want to plead for him?" Luo Zheng asked.

"It doesn't count, but it can be seen that my mother does like him. I've known him in the past two days. I'm not afraid of your jokes about family scandals. Speaking of which, it's fate. My father went to the local army, which is rare in a year. Come back, it is not easy for my mother to support such a big company by herself. Thanks to Seinfeld, this is an objective fact and cannot be denied. I just hope not to abuse him." Liu Qingqing said helplessly, with a bit of bitterness, It seems that I have grown up all of a sudden.

Luo Zheng looked at Liu Qingqing in surprise, couldn't help but smile, and said: "You look completely different now than when I first met you. You know how to think about things from other people's perspective. You have grown up a lot all of a sudden. This is good. Seinfeld provides good food and drink, I have no right to deal with it, you should know this."

"That's enough. As for my mother, can you be more generous and let my mother go, leave this home, and live abroad. She will only live a miserable life if she stays. You may not understand much about the big family." Liu Qingqing He looked at Luo Zheng closely, with a bit of expectation in his eyes.

Luo Zheng really didn't understand these things about the big family, but letting Mrs. Liu go was not good. It was against discipline. After thinking about it, he said, "You are a smart man, you should know that I can't do this."

"I know, I just asked uncertainly, is it okay?" Liu Qingqing got up and walked upstairs.

Luo Zheng was stunned for a moment, feeling that Qingqing was a little abnormal, as if something was about to happen, his face became calm, and his brows were slightly furrowed. Not long after, he saw Lan Xue coming downstairs, and quickly motioned to Lan Xue to come over, and explained what happened just now, and finally Asked: "I don't feel very good. The mother and daughter won't mess around, right?"

"Such a big thing has happened. It is impossible for Mrs. Liu to return to her parents' home. The big family wants to save face. If she stays, she will only be left out and live a lonely life. This kind of life is painful for a proud woman. It is better to die. Okay, no, I have to go take a look, just in case." Lan Xue said this and hurried upstairs.

When Luo Zheng heard this, he couldn't help being shocked. If Mrs. Liu really chose to commit suicide, it would be in trouble. He quickly walked to the command room and said to Lan Xing: "Notify Shi Feng immediately and dispatch two female detectives to watch Mrs. Liu." ."

"Ah?" Lan Xing looked at Luo Zheng in surprise, not knowing why. Seeing that Luo Zheng's face was ugly, he didn't ask any more questions and quickly made arrangements.

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