The strongest soldier

Chapter 853 Moonlight Night Chase

"Even so, we must catch him." Luo Zheng refused without hesitation. It's not that Luo Zheng doesn't know the importance and doesn't care whether Mrs. Liu and her daughter live or die, but Luo Zheng believes that Lan Xue's commanding ability is no worse than his own. Usually, He just deliberately kept a low profile and hid his clumsiness, giving the opportunity to himself. Luo Zheng still believed that the brothers who were left behind could do it.

Ghost Hand, Snow Leopard and Mountain Eagle quickly came to the living room. Everyone looked at Luo Zheng with burning eyes. Luo Zheng nodded. Everyone rushed outside in tacit agreement, pretending to be staggering and running towards the door. , looking a little panicked and out of control. Hong Meihua, who was hiding in the room, couldn't help but smile when she saw this scene, and said to Lan Xue: "They are very alert and cooperate very well."

"Of course." Lan Xue said proudly, feeling reassured about her comrades.

The four people rushed out of the big iron gate in a panic and got into a car. Luo Zheng deliberately drove the car this way and that, as if he had lost control after being poisoned. Could he deceive the enemy hiding in the dark? Well, in order to catch Charlie, we had to give it a try. After the car rushed out of the villa area, it pulled over and Luo Zheng quickly asked through the headset: "Target location?"

"It should be in the green forest on your left." Blue Star said quickly.

After everyone got out of the car, they rushed toward the green forest. Luo Zheng pulled out his pistol and shouted in a low voice: "Spread out and outflank." They had already left the high-end community. The invading enemy was inside and could not see the situation outside. No need to install it again.

Everyone rushed to the green forest. Suddenly there was a faint gunshot. Luo Zheng felt his hair explode. It was a silent gun. A huge danger enveloped him. Before his brain could react, there was a heavy impact on his body. The object was very sharp, as if it was about to tear the body apart. Severe pain rushed into his mind, and his body stiffened and stopped.

In a panic, Luo Zheng realized that he had been shot. His body went limp and he fell behind a nearby tree. He shouted through the headset: "If you find any enemies, leave me alone. It's okay. Just rush forward." After saying that, Luo Zheng quickly checked the target. Looking at the position of the gun, a bullet was embedded in the body, but it was blocked by the tight clothes inside the body. He couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and continued: "This bastard must be Charlie. There is no sign of me shooting, everyone, be careful."

Everyone heard that Luo Zheng didn't seem to be in trouble, so they immediately breathed a sigh of relief and continued the pursuit. Luo Zheng also quickly got up, rubbing the part of his chest where he was shot while running. He was extremely angry and vowed to catch Charlie, and he couldn't help but move his feet. After speeding up a bit, he soon spotted a dark figure, running away in panic at a very fast speed.

"Son of a bitch." Luo Zheng kept shooting at the black shadow, forcing the opponent to dodge left and right, and his escape slowed down. Gui Shou and others quickly surrounded him from other places, and when they saw the target, they also fired. In this way, the opponent's escape speed will be even slower.

After a while, everyone got closer. Luo Zheng shouted: "Alternate fire cover to trap him."

"Understood." Everyone agreed quickly, each aiming in a direction and firing, compressing the other party in a smaller space. Luo Zheng saw the other party hiding behind a tree and counterattacking, he immediately laughed and continued to shout: "Mountain Eagle and I Cover fire, you two rush up."

"Yes." Everyone shouted in unison, flying into the sky with murderous intent. Luo Zheng and the mountain eagle were good at shooting, and locked on the hidden Charlie. Guishou and Snow Leopard outflanked him from other directions.

The people behind the tree were blocked by the precise firepower of Luo Zheng and Mountain Eagle. They had no way to escape and had no choice but to counterattack covertly. Ghost Hand and Snow Leopard rushed forward and fired several bursts at the target. Luo Zheng found that the opponent's body was stunned. He bowed, squatted on the ground and continued to fight back. When he got angry, he shouted: "Charge up and kill!"

"Kill!" Seeing Luo Zheng give the order to charge, everyone rushed out of the bunker without hesitation and rushed directly towards the opponent.

During the charge, Luo Zheng felt another bullet hit him, but it was blocked by the tight-fitting suit and was not fatal enough. Thinking that Guishou and others might also be hit, Luo Zheng quickened his pace and found that the opponent suddenly rushed out of the bunker and headed towards A countercharge was launched in his own direction, and he couldn't help but sneer, and his steps became faster.

The speed of the two of them was so fast that it was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. A black shadow stretched out in the night, and they were about to collide. The others had to give up shooting and chased after them. Luo Zheng gritted his teeth and did not use any attack moves. The body is slightly sideways, the shoulders are forward, and the opponent is directly hit hard, using head-to-head contact to block the opponent. He is saying that as long as the opponent's charge is delayed and everyone rushes forward, there is still a chance of winning.

"Bang!" The other party also chose the same strategy as Luo Zheng, trying to knock Luo Zheng away and find a way to escape. The two collided hard. Luo Zheng felt like he was hit by a high-speed train. The body flew backwards, and a huge pain swept over him. It was so powerful.

Boom! Luo Zheng fell heavily to the ground and landed on his back. His eyes were in pain and his mind was dizzy. Guishou and others saw that the other party actually knocked Luo Zheng, a guy with abnormal physical fitness, away. His body just paused for a moment. It can be seen that They were so powerful that they didn't dare to be careless. They gathered around and drew their sabers.

Three fighting one, no matter how much face or honor, everything is just a cloud on the battlefield. Kill the opponent and complete the mission. This is what a soldier should do. The enemy is too powerful, so the three of them tacitly chose to join forces and fight with each other. , train together, fight together, and play together. The three of them have a very high tacit understanding and their combat effectiveness is greatly increased.

Luo Zheng, who fell to the ground, slowly recovered. Seeing that the three of them were surrounding each other and fighting each other, they couldn't win. There was a faint sign of defeat. He couldn't help but be shocked. He secretly thought that this guy was really powerful. In the encirclement just now, none of the bullets could hit him. The opponent's melee ability is so high, no wonder he can escape from the pursuit of the shadows, he is really powerful.

Luo Zheng stood up quickly and suddenly heard gunshots in the distance. He thought it was the enemies hiding in the dark who had launched an attack. He shook his head, took out his tight belt, took out some of the iron nails inside, and strode He rushed forward, like an angry wolf king, and roared: "Brothers, help defend, let me come."

Guishou and others jumped out of the battle circle in a tacit understanding, and gave up Charlie to Luo Zheng. He could sneak attack from the side at any time. Luo Zheng rushed forward and waved his hand, and a black light flashed in the night sky, staring at the opponent with his eyes. After seeing the opponent twisting his body to avoid it, he quickly threw the iron nails again.

"Whoosh whoosh!" The iron nails were fired one after another, like bullets, flying toward the opponent. They were only two or three meters apart. The opponent was wary and kept twisting his body to avoid it. Suddenly, he kicked his feet hard and shot toward Luo. Zheng pounced forward, his hands facing forward, like the claws of a tiger, with the momentum of tearing everything into pieces, the sound was terrifying.

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