The strongest soldier

Chapter 842 Suspicious Person

After the meeting, Luo Zheng immediately informed Niu Gang, Shi Tao, Zhou Gang and others to be on standby, asking everyone to find a way to mobilize a small car as a backup and be ready to attack. As long as Charlie was forced out, Luo Zheng would concentrate on giving the opponent a heavy blow. After knocking the opponent down at once, everyone agreed to get busy.

Luo Zheng was sitting in the living room, reading the report on the interrogation of the gang that besieged Lan Xue. The report was brought by Niu Gang and had been placed in the living room for a long time. Luo Zheng had no time to read it. He turned over a few pages and found that it was actually analyzed by Liu Qingqing. Exactly the same, they were really a bunch of local gangsters who were blinded by money. When they saw the three women Lan Xue, they thought they were easy to bully, so they took action.

After looking at it for a while, Luo Zheng threw the report aside. He was too lazy to worry about this kind of thing, so he left it to the police to handle it. When he saw Shi Feng coming in, he threw the interrogation report to Shi Feng and said, "Strictly follow the relevant rules." Deal with it, these people actually dare to cooperate with spies to do illegal things, I can’t help but teach them a lesson.”

"Understood, I will arrange it." Shi Feng said after taking the interrogation report and hurried away.

Luo Zheng leaned on the sofa and closed his eyes to rest. It was broad daylight. It was unlikely that Charlie would attack, so he could relax a little. The surroundings were full of elite forces. It would not be easy to break in. After squinting for a while, he felt faint. Shen Shen's head sobered up a bit. When he heard someone coming, he couldn't help but opened his eyes and saw that it was a mountain eagle and a snow leopard. Luo Zheng smiled and said, "Have you taken a break on duty?"

"Yes." The two of them agreed and sat next to each other. Shandiao asked seriously: "Guishou is very busy. We are bored here. How about giving us some work?"

Luo Zheng knew that the two of them had been smitten. He held his breath mentally and wanted to seek revenge on Charlie. He smiled understandingly and said: "No, this is our foundation. We cannot be weak. The mountain eagle must stay, or I Don’t worry, once Charlie is found, Snow Leopard can follow me to arrest him.”

"Eccentric." Shandiao said depressedly, but did not insist anymore. As a soldier, obeying orders is the first priority. Even brothers in life and death cannot be ambiguous in the face of tasks.

When the Snow Leopard heard that he could attack, he smiled excitedly. As he was chatting, Shi Feng's words rang in the headset, with a bit of surprise and annoyance: "A suspicious person was found outside. It doesn't look simple. He seems to be observing the terrain. I'll let the area The police have checked and found that the other party has an official identity, a foreigner, claiming to be a tourist, and the documents are all genuine, do you think?"

"Are you sure he is a suspect?" Luo Zheng immediately covered his headset and asked, becoming alert. At this time, a suspicious person suddenly appeared around him. The reason is definitely not simple, so he should not be careless.

"Okay, it looks serious, but I trust my intuition." Shi Feng said with certainty.

Luo Zheng knew that people who worked as criminal policemen looked at people with vicious eyes, and they usually looked at each other with the same look. He couldn't help but became interested and said: "Since they have a formal status, the police cannot move. Ask the gangsters for help and let them go up and have a fight. Yes, and then arrange for the police to follow them, invite them to the police station for investigation, and check their details at will."

"Good idea, I will arrange it." Shi Feng promised. This kind of thing is familiar to Shi Feng.

"Come on, Snow Leopard, come and have a look with me." Luo Zheng looked at Snow Leopard and said.

"Okay." Snow Leopard happily agreed, got up, and the two walked out of the living room, walked outside and quickly walked towards the door. When they came to the guard box, they saw a man carrying a camera diagonally opposite, Dong Paipai, Xipaipai looks like a tourist. Judging from his appearance, he is a Westerner.

Shi Feng was chatting with the security guards at the guard box. Luo Zheng and Xue Bao stopped at the door and pretended to chat. Not long after, two motorcycles rushed over, one behind the other. The one in front suddenly rushed toward the suspicious person. , one person in the car reached out to grab the camera hanging around the other person's neck.

The incident happened suddenly, and his movements were skillful. Luo Zheng found that the other party avoided it nimbly and his skills were very good. The motorcycle in front did not grab anything. Suddenly it swerved to a stop. The two people on the car put the motorcycle to the ground, angry. They rushed toward the suspicious people, and one of them shouted: "You bastard, why did you push us?"

The suspicious person was startled, and the motorcycle behind him rushed up. After it stopped, two people also jumped out and attacked the suspicious person from behind. The suspicious person realized that something was wrong, and just in time to explain, one of them suddenly got violent and hit the other person. The other three people also quickly took action.

The situation happened so fast and suddenly that Luo Zheng was dumbfounded. Sure enough, he was specialized in the art. However, the four gangsters were no match for each other. They were knocked to the ground in a few seconds, but the suspicious person was a little afraid. The attack was not heavy. At this time, a police car roared over. The knocked down gangster just got up. When he saw the police car approaching, he quickly fell to the ground and rolled around, with a painful expression.

The police car rushed over and stopped. Two police officers got out of the car. One of them shouted: "No matter what happens, don't move. Hold your head with your hands and squat down."

The suspicious person sensed that something was wrong, so he approached a policeman and handed over his ID with a warm expression. The policeman took it vigilantly. Luo Zheng keenly noticed that the suspicious person touched the policeman's hand, and the policeman suddenly changed his expression. Stiff and motionless, at this time, the suspicious person walked towards another policeman.

Another policeman shouted vigilantly: "Don't move, put your head in your hands and squat down."

The suspicious person seemed to be slow but fast. He rushed to the policeman and patted the policeman on the shoulder. It didn't look heavy, like a gesture of intimacy. The policeman didn't move either. Luo Zheng was startled and saw that the suspicious person quickly got in. The police car couldn't help being shocked and shouted: "No, stop him."

As soon as he finished speaking, Luo Zheng noticed that the bodies of the two policemen suddenly collapsed on the ground, motionless, and the suspicious person roared away in a police car. At this time, Shi Feng shouted through the headset: "Do it, let me catch him."

Immediately afterwards, Luo Zheng noticed that many cars suddenly rushed out from other intersections and blocked the police car. People got out of the cars and aimed their guns at the suspicious people in the police car. Their expressions were cold and their eyes were sharp. Luo Zheng took a closer look. , it is the six people Shi Feng transferred to help.

The six people were fascinated once, and they suppressed the anger in their hearts. The eyes they looked at the suspicious person were full of cold murderous intent. If it weren't for the police's rules for handling cases, they would have seen the gun. The suspicious person slowly came out of the police car, raised his hands, and looked like a murderer. He looked like he was surrendering, then put his head in his hands and slowly squatted down.

All this happened so fast. Luo Zheng didn't expect that the other party would actually surrender. He couldn't help but wonder, is this the end? It's not like Charlie's style. Why did the two policemen fall? He quickly said through the headset: "Shi Feng, capture him alive and interrogate him carefully to find out what his background is."

"Understood." Shi Feng agreed.

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