The strongest soldier

Chapter 837 Lan Xue is surrounded

After killing the invading enemy in a thrilling manner, Luo Zheng thought he could breathe a sigh of relief. Unexpectedly, there was no news about Lan Xue, which made Luo Zheng's face suddenly turn cold. If something happened to Lan Xue, everything would not be important to Luo Zheng. He rushed to the command room with murderous intent. Seeing Lan Xing directing the other three information police officers to be busy, he suppressed his anxiety and waited.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine." Hong Meihua came over, patted Luo Zheng's shoulder, and consoled her with understanding. Seeing Luo Zheng's cold expression, as if he wanted to eat someone, Hong Meihua felt very sorry for Lan Xue. I'm happy, as a woman, to be cared for by such a man, what else is there to ask for?

Thinking that her lover had died on the battlefield, Hong Meihua's mood became depressed. She leaned against the door frame, looking at the screens of Lan Xing and others, praying secretly.

After a while, Blue Star located the location of Lan Xue's mobile phone and immediately mobilized the satellite. It found that the mobile phone was in the grass on the side of the road. There was traffic on the road and there was no trace of Lan Xue at all. Luo Zheng ran over and stared with bloodshot eyes. Boss, staring at the screen, worried.

"Can you locate that car?" Hong Meihua came over and asked.

Blue Star kept typing on the keyboard, his fingers were flying, and the keyboard was clattering like a gust of wind. Not long after, a picture of the car leaving the community appeared on the screen. Then, Blue Star found three other information police officers. Help, constantly check the footage captured by surveillance cameras along the way, and track the vehicle’s trajectory.

A few minutes later, everyone saw a scene of a car chasing Lan Xue. Lan Xue threw his cell phone out of the car window. He probably knew that the cell phone was being tracked by the enemy. He drove all the way. Lan Xue's car went north on the highway and pursued him. After the car realized that it was exposed, it also accelerated its speed. There are many cameras on the highway, but it takes time to retrieve the footage.

"Find the information about that car immediately, start the radio remotely, and connect to the frequency." Hong Meihua reminded.

Lan Xing agreed and typed on the keyboard with a sullen face. Not long after, a rustling radio sound sounded, and it quickly returned to normal. Lan Xing anxiously shouted: "Sister, where are you?"

Everyone became nervous and pricked up their ears, but did not hear any answer. Everyone's heart suddenly sank. Luo Zhenghan said with a face: "Decode it immediately, get the surveillance footage of the highway, and contact me at any time." He rushed outside.

Shi Tao happened to come over and looked at Luo Zheng in surprise. He immediately realized that something had happened. He didn't ask any more questions and said, "What can we do? Please give me instructions."

"Leave half to protect the safety here, and follow me the other half, heading north and onto the highway." Luo Zheng said coldly, striding outside.

Shi Tao quickly agreed and asked the deputy captain to lead half of the people to stay on guard. He and the remaining few people hurriedly chased after him and got into the car. At Luo Zheng's signal, he got into the passenger seat of an off-road vehicle. Zheng started the off-road vehicle, slammed the accelerator, and rushed outside.

Along the way, Shi Tao asked a few questions deliberately. Seeing Luo Zheng's face was gloomy and his body exuded a strong cold murderous aura, he had no choice but to suppress his curiosity. The off-road vehicle quickly got on the highway. Luo Zheng suddenly asked through the headset: "I We're on the highway, what's going on now?"

"We are still investigating. We are not sure which exit my sister got off the expressway. You can continue forward." Lanxing said quickly.

Luo Zheng responded and continued driving, his stern eyes flashing with overwhelming anger as he drove the car at lightning speed. Not long after, Lan Xing's words came from the headset: "I understand, take the second exit in front of you. The specific location is still being investigated.”

"Okay, notify me immediately if there is any news." Luo Zheng responded coldly, pushed the accelerator to the bottom, and rushed over.

After getting off the exit, Blue Star's reminder sounded in the headset again, and he shouted anxiously: "Quick, go straight for about two kilometers after going down, turn right at the intersection, go straight about 600 meters and there is a construction site, where are they, there are many people surrounding them The situation at the construction site is unknown.”

"You bastard, you are looking for death." Luo Zheng shouted angrily, and shouted to Shi Tao beside him with a sullen face: "The person who notified you should follow closely, the situation is urgent."

"Understood." Shi Tao had long sensed that something was wrong and quickly contacted others through the headset.

The off-road vehicle roared straight ahead, and soon there was an intersection ahead. Luo Zheng saw a red light, and there was no car passing by. He ignored the violation and quickly turned right. He soon discovered that there was indeed a large construction site in front of him, and a group of people were besieging one of the buildings. The abandoned building had only its frame, and it was clearly visible from the outside. Nearly a hundred people tried to rush upstairs, but they were deadlocked on the fifth floor. Gunshots rang out from upstairs to stop the impact.

Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Although he didn't know why these people did what they did, it also meant that Lan Xue was okay for the time being. He drove directly into the construction site, shooting while rushing, but Lan Xue couldn't stop him even if he fired. Luo Zheng would not be polite if these people attacked.

"Bang, bang, bang!" Luo Zheng kept firing, killing a man who was holding an iron rod and making the most noise, and then drove over him with his car. This frightened everyone around him and scattered them, looking for a place to hide. Luo Zheng He jumped out of the car and rushed upstairs. Shi Tao also got out of the car, raised his gun and started shooting.

At this time, the car behind them also arrived. Six people got out and opened fire on the people around them who were trying to rush up. Everyone forced their way out and rushed upstairs. The stairs to the fifth floor were crowded with people. People, when they saw Luo Zheng and others charging towards them like men and women, killing each other with gunfire, were so frightened that they dispersed and hid behind concrete pillars.

Luo Zheng and others fought all the way, alternately covering fire, and immediately changed magazines after the attack. When they rushed to the fifth floor, Luo Zheng didn't know how many people had been killed, and shouted to the top: "Xue'er, it's me, it's okay. Bar?"

"It's okay, is everyone okay?" A voice shouted in surprise, it was Lan Xue.

When Luo Zheng heard this, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief. He turned around and shouted coldly into the headset: "Gather your strength and come here immediately. I don't care who it is. Anyway, arrest everyone here." Lan Xue The almost accident made Luo Zheng extremely angry, and he hated these people who besieged him to the extreme, so naturally he would not be polite.

"Understood." Blue Star agreed quickly.

"Two people guard the stairs, and the others will fight for me, level by level." Luo Zheng shouted coldly, pouring his anger against Charlie, the God of Death, and reincarnation onto this group of people, regardless of who the other party was. , at this moment, Luo Zheng just wanted to vent.

"Kill!" Shi Tao also got angry. This group of people was too arrogant, too bold, and unambiguous. He immediately ordered two people to guard the entrance and exit from the fourth floor, while the others rushed towards the people hiding on the fourth floor. , all of them looked like menacing menaces, all the bullets had been fired, and everyone still had their sabers.

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