The strongest soldier

Chapter 83 Chopping wood and practicing sword practice

In the distance, Lao Chang did not sleep, but stood at the window and observed Luo Zheng with a telescope. When he saw Luo Zheng chopping dry firewood, his face changed slightly and he smiled with satisfaction. Next to him, Lao Liu also held up a The telescope was observing, and naturally he saw the knife just now. He couldn't help but put down the telescope and said with a smile: "Old Chang, how are you doing?"

"The captain asked him to take off the cooking class and told us brothers to teach him killing skills. To be honest, brothers, I am a little resistant. Now it seems that the captain is the captain after all. This is a piece of rough jade. Once it is carved, it will definitely be rare. Zhibao, the ace of our special operations team, has nothing to say about his understanding, it just depends on his willpower." Lao Chang said with emotion.

"Yes, but the captain also specifically warned not to spread the word." Lao Liu said with a smile: "Okay, I want to see if the steamed buns are cooked. You can take your time and see." He hurriedly left. .

Luo Zheng, who was chopping firewood, didn't know that all this was arranged by the team leader. He was sweating profusely, but he didn't give up. He just ran to drink a lot of water before coming back. Two hours later, Luo Zheng felt his arms were sore and swollen. Every swing of the sword was very strenuous, and he had to stop and rest. Haste makes waste in everything. Luo Zheng understood this very well, and he used the breathing method passed down from his family to restore his physical strength.

At this time, several soldiers in camouflage uniforms came over. Luo Zheng didn't pay attention. He was rubbing the muscles in his arms to recover from the soreness. He was startled when he saw a man coming next to him. He looked up and saw that it was Song Yang. With a sneer on his face, he didn't care, and continued to lower his head and rub his sore arms to speed up recovery. People who have energy and boredom are better off splitting more dry firewood and practicing sword skills as soon as possible.

"Boy, fight with me, you're still young." Song Yang knelt down and whispered coldly.

"Brother Song, who is this person?" A soldier ran over and asked with a smile.

"You don't know him? He is a capable person in our special operations team. He is good at fighting and breaking laws and disciplines. He violated disciplines on his first mission and almost killed his comrades. No, he was He was transferred to the cooking class for reform." Song Yang stood up and explained proudly.

"Oh?" For soldiers, everything can be understood and forgiven. The only thing is that they cannot kill their comrades. When Song Yang said that Luo Zheng almost killed his comrades, the soldier looked at Luo Zheng more. Disdainfully, he said coldly: "You deserve it, let's go."

Luo Zheng sneered noncommittally. He felt that the soreness in his arms had disappeared a lot. He picked up the Type 65 army dagger and continued to chop wood. For people like Song Yang, Luo Zheng didn't pay attention at all. He was just a narrow-minded son of a noble family. , maybe he has some skills, maybe his family has a lot of energy, but he is not his opponent. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng couldn't help but think of the blood wolf he met last time. Such a master is the goal of his struggle. His strength could not help but increase a lot.

Seeing that Luo Zheng didn't answer, Song Yang became even more proud. He squatted down again and said coldly: "Boy, if you feel like it, I'll meet you in the bathroom at ten o'clock tonight."

Luo Zheng glanced at the other party, a murderous look flashed in his eyes, but he quickly calmed down. This simple and crude provocation was too inferior. If he really wanted to go, there must be a conspiracy waiting. By then, I'm afraid the cooking team would have no one left. No way, even if the captain comes forward, he can't save it. Luo Zheng laughed and said: "Okay, if you can write a life and death document and have a public duel, your family will not be held responsible afterwards, and life and death will be decided."

"You?" Song Yang couldn't help but get angry when he saw Luo Zheng being so vigilant.

"Why, are you telling me the central thing? If you can do it with real swords and guns, what's the point of relying on your family?" Luo Zheng continued to say sarcastically, and his voice was deliberately louder so that several other soldiers around him could hear it.

"You are looking for death." Song Yang was completely angered and kicked him in the air.

Luo Zheng's eyes froze and closed slightly like needles. He was about to kill Song Yang's foot with a knife, but when he thought of the consequences of his reckless actions, he turned his body slightly, blocked Song Yang's kick with his arm, and rolled out. Two meters away, he looked at Song Yang coldly. If Song Yang continued to attack, then he wouldn't have to worry about self-defense.

Several soldiers around were shocked when they saw Song Yang's sudden attack. The special operations brigade prohibited private fights. They hurriedly ran up to hug Song Yang, who was about to go berserk, and offered words of comfort. Song Yang gradually calmed down and understood that continuing to fight would be detrimental to him. , Borrowing the donkey down the slope, he sneered coldly: "That's all."

"Song Yang, what are you doing?" A loud shout sounded next to him.

Luo Zheng saw that it was the captain. He immediately reacted and fell to the ground. He pretended to be in pain and shouted: "Captain, this bastard attacked me sneakily. Ouch, it hurts me to death."

The captain was simmering with anger because of the demotion of members of the first team. Unexpectedly, Song Yang came to the door. Seeing Luo Zheng being so aggressive, he immediately shouted: "Asshole, this is a military camp, not a street. What do you want to do? He is your comrade. , are not your enemies. Fighting or private attacks are not allowed in the military camp. The crime will be increased. I will be detained for three days, and some of you will also be detained for one day. It will be implemented immediately. "

"Yes." The soldiers did not dare to explain and ran away in a hurry. Song Yang glanced at the brigade leader with a bitter look, thought for a while, and ran to lock himself up. In the three-acre area of ​​​​the special operations brigade, the big The captain is Wang Fa. Although Song Yang's family is extremely powerful, he cannot directly confront the captain, otherwise military law will not tolerate him.

The captain originally thought that Song Yang would jump up to refute, and he would have the opportunity to express his anger. Unexpectedly, Song Yang chose to endure it. He couldn't help but look up a little, came to Luo Zheng, and said with a concerned smile: "Stop pretending. Get up?"

"Thank you, captain." Luo Zheng stood up and looked at Song Yang who was leaving, his face became serious. He originally thought that this guy was just a playboy, but he didn't expect to be so forbearing and good at calculating. It seems that he is from a big family. It’s not all trash, this scheming cannot be underestimated.

"Do you think he is difficult to deal with?" The captain's face darkened and he asked softly.

"I haven't seen him for a while. This guy is quite scheming." Luo Zheng said truthfully.

"Well, it's good that you know that people from big families may be less powerful, but they are influenced by what they have heard and seen, and they have a high starting point, so their vision and scheming are not too bad. You should be careful, and be patient if you can, and you should exercise your power. My own mind and perseverance." The captain explained.

"Don't worry, I know what to do." The captain smiled with satisfaction. Seeing that the ground was full of chopped dry firewood, the knife edges were neat and the strength was not bad. He smiled in approval, turned around and left without asking any questions.

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