The strongest soldier

Chapter 815 Discovering clues

The gunfire was a little far away, and the noisy sound came from afar. Luo Zheng looked at Shi Feng. Shi Feng quickly dialed a number to ask a few questions, and then cautiously told everyone that the police had found a suspicious person. The other party suddenly attacked, He shot and injured a police officer and ran away. The police were organizing a manhunt. When Luo Zheng heard this, he immediately reacted and said with a stern face: "Sure enough, there is someone lurking in the community to monitor us. I suspect that person deliberately exposed himself. I'm sure There are still those who have not been exposed, you two follow me."

Luo Zheng and the others rushed out of the villa, rushed outside, and got into the car they came from. Shi Feng started the car and rushed forward. While calling his colleagues to get the latest information, the suspect rushed out of the community. Later, someone drove to pick him up. It was a sports car. There was no traffic jam at night, and the driver's driving skills were good. The police could not catch up with him. They chased him to the outskirts of the city. The driver abandoned the car and disappeared. As for the sports car, it was stolen.

The vigorous plan to scare away the snake worked, and a snake was spooked, but it was a flying snake that could not be caught. Luo Zheng's face looked ugly as he listened to the constant news. Next to him, Lan Xing said with pity: "If it were me, I would prepare satellites. No matter how the other party changes cars, they can't escape."

"This operation was too hasty and poorly prepared. Besides, tonight's operation is more about covering us, and there is no plan to arrest anyone." Shi Feng explained with a wry smile.

"Failure is failure. Why are you making so many excuses?" Blue Star didn't give any face at all. He finally got a clue, but he didn't expect that the other party ran away. What a pity.

"Okay, this incident is indeed a bit unexpected. Let's be more prepared next time." Luo Zheng said to smooth things over. It would be bad if the colleagues who were fighting together were about to cause some unpleasantness.

Lan Xing was just angry that the other party ran away, not that he had any objections to Shi Feng. After hearing Luo Zheng's words, he immediately stopped talking. Shi Feng didn't mind and concentrated on driving. Unknowingly, he arrived at the underground parking garage of the Liuyuan Group Building and left. After parking the car, everyone took the elevator to the top floor and entered the president's office.

"Check that sports car immediately." Luo Zheng said, sitting on the sofa and turning on his tablet, ready to study the information about Mrs. Liu.

"Since the car was stolen, there's no point in checking it." Lanxing reminded.

"I need to know the license plate and where it was lost. Follow this clue to see if I can find the car thief. In addition, Guishou, give the relevant information about the car to the underground evil forces and let them inquire. Let's see if we can find any useful clues." Luo Zheng said seriously, while opening the relevant files on the tablet computer.

Everyone was busy. They were all professionally trained and knew what to do at this moment. Luo Zheng took the time to study Liu Qingqing's information and found that Liu Qingqing's information was very clean. He was born in a noble family in the capital and had been familiar with the general's son since he was a child. , went to school together, and finally got married, and with Liu Qingqing, the general's son climbed up to a high position and went to the local army. Mrs. Liu took charge of the Liuyuan Group and took on the responsibility of taking care of the family.

Judging from the data, it is impossible for a successful and virtuous female image to be bribed by Charlie, let alone become Charlie's person. However, why would she leave the protection on her own? There was something strange about the matter, and the results could not be analyzed from the data. Luo Zheng read the data carefully and then turned it off and began to think deeply.

After a while, Luo Zheng said to Lan Xing: "Check Mrs. Liu's daily habits immediately. Where does she like to go? Who does she come in contact with? Find out these two questions as soon as possible."

Lan Xing agreed, and Ghost Hand came over and told Luo Zheng in a low voice that the matter of the sports car had been let go. Luo Zheng agreed and continued to meditate. His opponent took action twice, once against Mrs. Liu, once against Liu Qingqing, and once against Liu Qingqing. Qing Qing's plan was a chain plan, which almost succeeded, leaving no clue. The enemy who was frightened away was the only clue exposed. He must not relax and must hold on to it.

"Has the driver been caught on camera?" Luo Zheng suddenly asked.

"The speed of the car was too fast, and the other party deliberately blocked it, so it was impossible to take a picture. However, a surveillance camera captured half of the other party's face. It can be roughly seen that the other party is white." Lanxing quickly explained.

"White people? Very good, this clue is very important." Luo Zheng suddenly became excited and shouted: "Guishou, immediately notify the people above to inquire about the situation near where the other party got off the bus. Don't let them go within a hundred miles. If If the other party fails to abandon the car, we will definitely be able to find some clues. If the other party has other vehicles to pick up the car, it will be difficult. However, Blue Star, immediately check which vehicles passed the abandoned car point during that time period."

"Understood." Lan Xing and Gui Shou agreed and went about their business.

An hour later, Gui Shou received a call. After hearing it, he immediately became excited. He looked at Luo Zheng with bright eyes and said, "Xiao Dao called and said that one of his subordinates rented a house in Dawangzhuang to a foreigner. He just rented a house." On Sunday, the other party readily gave me money, and only asked not to register with the relevant departments. I was greedy for money at the time, so I rented it to the other party. When I heard that we were asking about the foreigner, I took it seriously and called my parents at home to ask. His parents said The other party went back more than an hour ago."

"Dawangzhuang?" Luo Zheng looked at Guishou in surprise. This information is not enough to explain what?

Guishou knew that Luo Zheng was not familiar with the terrain of the capital, so he explained: "Dawangzhuang is about ten minutes' walk from the sports car. Judging from the time, it matches exactly."

"Oh?" Luo Zheng was overjoyed and quickly went online on his tablet. After checking the map, he found that it was indeed very close. It took about ten minutes to get off the road and walk on the wilderness mountain road to reach the village. He quickly said: "Don't scare the snake."

"Understood, I have already explained it." Guishou quickly agreed, his fighting spirit burning brightly.

Shi Feng didn't even know that the sports car was so close to Dawangzhuang. He couldn't help but curiously took the tablet to check it, and said: "I have been to Dawangzhuang. There is a small road off the highway. The road is difficult to walk. You need to go around it. That's fine, it takes about ten minutes to drive, not to mention the sports car is parked on the side of the highway."

"You are right, but climbing over the guardrail on the highway and taking the wilderness mountain road in a straight line, ten minutes is enough. There are bushes along the road to cover, and it is dark. If you find a place to hide, the police who are chasing you will just think that the other party is being attacked. After someone picked him up, how could he have imagined that he would choose to walk on the mountain road to Dawangzhuang?" Guishou explained.

"I didn't expect you to be so familiar with that generation." Shi Feng said with emotion.

"I often went to Dawangzhuang when I was a kid, so I know a little bit about it." Gui Shou said politely.

"Let's go and catch this bastard." Luo Zheng said with a murderous look on his face.

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