The strongest soldier

Chapter 807 Mrs. Liu disappears

The opponent came to the door and openly fascinated Shi Feng. Not only did he not leave any clues, he also escaped completely. This approach was so arrogant. Luo Zheng was also very angry. He wished he could find the opponent immediately and beat him up. , seeing the shameful and angry Shi Feng, Luo Zheng nodded with understanding and said: "This shame must be washed away, and we cannot sit back and wait for death. This is our country, and we must not be laughed at."

Just as he was talking, Lan Xue's anxious voice suddenly came from the headset: "Oh no, Liu Qingqing is missing."

"What? Missed?" Luo Zheng was shocked, his face turned livid, and he shouted: "What's going on?"

"I don't know what's going on." Lan Xue's cold voice sounded in the headset.

Luo Zheng could feel Lan Xue's anger across the distance. A living person was missing. How could the proud Lan Xue let go? Luo Zheng was worried that Lan Xue would do something stupid, so he quickly said: "Don't worry, I'll be here right away." He looked at Shi Feng and continued to ask: "I need to leave right away, you?"

"I'm lying here for a while, my whole body is weak, and I can't help much for the time being. That bastard didn't kill me on the spot, and he probably won't come back again. I'm not a target, so don't worry and take her away." Shi Feng said quickly.

"Take care and contact us at any time." Luo Zheng said seriously and looked at the little sister. The little sister realized that something had happened again. She quickly packed her things and got up. She followed Luo Zheng and walked outside. She didn't dare to ask any questions along the way. At the entrance of the hospital, Luo Zheng stopped a taxi and gave the address.

When the little girl heard the address, she immediately panicked and looked at Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng took out his cell phone with a pale face and sent a text message to He Shan, asking He Shan and others to watch him near the hospital. Luo Zheng felt that his opponent was fascinated. It's not easy to overthrow Shi Feng. What if someone turns around and kills him? You must know that there is no one around Shi Feng.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng became more convinced of his guess. As long as Shi Feng was killed, Shi Feng's men would definitely have a disagreement, disobey the command, or even leave, and his defensive strength would be reduced by more than half. If this is true, what does this mean? Luo Zheng became suspicious and frowned.

"Is the other party afraid of the police? Why?" Luo Zheng thought to himself. He suddenly felt that his little sister was looking at him. He was startled and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Is it my mother?" the little girl said nervously.

Luo Zheng nodded unequivocally. He couldn't hide this kind of thing. He said softly: "We don't know the specific situation yet. Don't worry, Master. Drive faster." The latter sentence was addressed to the taxi driver.

Ten minutes later, everyone arrived at the Liuyuan Group Building and hurried in. The security guard saw that it was the little girl and did not stop them. The two took the elevator to the top floor. Guishou greeted them in the elevator corridor and saw Luo Zheng. He said softly and guiltily: "The captain is very emotionally unstable and the situation is very strange. It has not been announced yet."

"Well, we must block the news. We can't mess up." Luo Zheng nodded and glanced at the little sister. The little sister walked forward at a loss and was confused. Luo Zheng sighed and threw it to With a look from Guishou, the two of them quickly stepped forward.

After a while, everyone arrived at the door of the president's office, pushed the door open, and saw Snow Leopard comforting Lan Xue. Lan Xue looked heavy, and his whole body exuded a coldness, like an iceberg. The loss of the target made Lan Xue extremely angry. I also blamed myself to the extreme.

"Don't worry, you will find it." Luo Zheng patted Lan Xue's shoulder and said softly, but his words seemed feeble and weak. Lan Xue did not move. Luo Zheng looked at Guishou, who shook his head to express his ignorance. Zheng looked at Snow Leopard, who also shook his head.

"Where's my mother? What's going on? How could you lose my mother?" The little girl suddenly shouted loudly, looking at Luo Zheng with an angry face and staring eyes.

"Stop arguing. Can arguing solve the problem?" Luo Zheng scolded dissatisfied.

The little sister was calmed down. Luo Zheng gave Guishou a look. Guishou nodded knowingly and pulled the little sister outside. The little sister was unwilling. Snow Leopard came up to help, one on the left and one on the right. After leaving with his little sister, Luo Zheng looked at Lan Xue and said softly: "Stop blaming yourself, tell me, what happened?"

Lan Xue stood up, pulled Luo Zheng forward, pointed to the elevator and said: "Gui Shou and Xue Bao are outside. This elevator leads directly to the basement. It is for Mrs. Liu's exclusive use. It requires palm prints and voice to activate. I was originally sitting in I was resting on the sofa next to me while Mrs. Liu was correcting documents. I went to the toilet and came out, but Mrs. Liu disappeared."

"Hiss?" Luo Zheng was shocked. How could such a good person disappear out of thin air? There are ghost hands and snow leopards outside. No one can come in quietly and kidnap people. The only channel is the elevator, but the elevator It's for Mrs. Liu's exclusive use. No one else can come in quietly and kidnap someone.

Even if it is possible, if someone suddenly comes in, Mrs. Liu is not a fool and will definitely press the alarm. The alarm was specially given to Mrs. Liu by Luo Zheng this morning. With a light press, everyone will know that it is about twelve meters from the elevator to the office desk. , this distance was enough for Mrs. Liu to call the police.

Even if you forget to call the police, there will always be an argument, right? Lan Xue was using the restroom inside, and the restroom was for Mrs. Liu's exclusive use. It was just across the door. There was no reason why she couldn't hear her. This was incredible, unless Mrs. Liu ran away on her own.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng couldn't help but trembled and looked at Lan Xue in surprise. Lan Xue nodded and said, "You guessed it too, right? Yes, there is only one explanation, that is, she ran away on her own. But, why did she Do you want to do this? In extraordinary times, Mrs. Liu is not a fool. There must be some inside story for doing this, but I can't think of it."

"It seems that things were originally complicated as we imagined. This Mrs. Liu may not be simple." Luo Zheng began to ponder in surprise. He recalled everything since they met and found nothing suspicious. This made Luo Zheng even more vigilant. If She really ran away. Why did Mrs. Liu choose to disappear during this extraordinary period?

"Check Mrs. Liu immediately, don't miss any details." Luo Zheng quickly said through the headset.

"Understood." Lan Xing quickly agreed, and was secretly relieved when Luo Zheng didn't scold Lan Xue.

"Charlie was fascinated by Shi Feng, and now Mrs. Liu has disappeared. I'm afraid there is some reason. Could it be that the other party wants to confuse you?" Lan Xue continued to analyze.

"It is entirely possible. If Mrs. Liu's disappearance is also related to Charlie, and Mrs. Liu suddenly disappeared by herself, there would be something weird here. Charlie is really powerful. It seems that we have to break the rules. Just use unconventional means to fight back." Luo Zheng said solemnly, his brows furrowed.

"Have you thought of a solution?" Lan Xue asked in surprise.

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