The strongest soldier

Chapter 799 Security Meeting

We had dinner at the general's house. The general's villa was big enough and there was a person who was responsible for cooking. We all got to know each other. Of course, the identities of Luo Zheng and the five people were not announced. They were all disciplined troops. They smiled in understanding. Without asking any more questions, after dinner, Niu Gang and his people evacuated first, while Shi Feng's people took over the perimeter security work.

In the conference room, the five Luo Zheng people, plus Shi Feng, Lan Xing and the general, sat down for the meeting. The general had a higher rank and sat at the head. Luo Zheng was responsible for the command and sat down on the hand position. The others took turns to sit down and looked at Luo Zheng. Zheng, Luo Zheng cleared his throat and said: "General, everyone, our mission has officially begun from now on."

"Don't worry, I'm just here to listen. Don't worry about me, you can just talk." The general said knowingly.

"Thank you, General." Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief. As long as the General does not interfere, things will be much easier to handle later. He looked at everyone and continued: "In this mission, we don't know who the enemy we have to face is, and what dangers there are. Second, the target to be protected is a normal life. Mrs. Liu is the president of a group company. She has to hold various meetings, meet various customers, and go to various occasions every day. There are many opportunities to attack. Liu Qingqing is a student and needs to live a normal life every day. In class, there are many opportunities to do something, and it can be said that this task is very difficult.”

Everyone nodded understandingly and said nothing, quietly waiting for Luo Zheng's deployment. Everyone has been used to Luo Zheng's working style. Although Shi Feng was not used to it, he didn't ask any questions.

"First of all, we need to strengthen our own combat effectiveness. I will make a list of weapons in a moment. There is no need to discuss this. If you have any needs, you can put it forward and let the organization help solve it. Secondly, all the security measures here have to be replaced. Thirdly, there is the issue of division of labor. ? Let’s discuss the second point first, Blue Star, you speak first.” Luo Zheng said seriously.

"It's easy to change, it only takes one night. But, what principles should be used to determine the replacement plan? This requires you to determine the general policy first." Blue Star also said seriously. Regardless of the usual ghosts and ghosts, Blue Star will not do it in formal occasions. If you dare to mess around, look serious.

"Well, in this mission, no matter how we defend ourselves, there may be flaws because there are too many uncontrollable factors. Do you still remember what happened at the Military Industry Institute? In that mission, our security principle was to guard and defend every step. This It's different every time. We can't strictly guard against it. Moreover, we may face cunning masters and experienced veterans. Any method is futile. Our principle is to wait for the defense by not guarding." Luo Zheng said seriously. said.

"Empty city plan?" Lan Xue said in surprise.

Everyone's expressions changed greatly. This empty city plan was not easy to implement. The mission failed with one mistake. Even the general looked at Luo Zheng in surprise. He didn't expect Luo Zheng to be so courageous. But after thinking about it, he smiled again and said: "Everyone thinks this principle is incredible, and I believe the enemy also has this idea, which is beneficial to us. Don't be impatient and let him continue."

"Some people say that the best defense is to attack. This makes sense, but I think the best defense is not to defend. Of course, this does not mean that you don't care. There is a question of degree. At least on the surface it seems like Without defense, the opponent will be afraid, confused, and worried, and they will only dare to attack tentatively. As long as we catch the flaw, we will wipe out the opponent with thunderous momentum." Luo Zheng said seriously.

Once everyone heard that it made sense, they all put aside their concerns and listened carefully.

"Specific to the work, for example, the security measures here, all the cameras are disguised as other appearances, so they cannot be discovered. They are all monitored by both light and dark, with triangular intersections. There cannot be any blind spots. Infrared cameras monitor the light, and infrared signals monitor the dark cameras. , to prevent infrared surveillance from being cracked. In addition, motion sensors, thermal imaging, position reconnaissance radar and anti-signal jammers are all indispensable, but they must be disguised and cannot be discovered." Luo Zheng explained seriously.

"No problem, these disguises are easy and foolproof." Lan Xue understood and immediately agreed.

When Shi Feng heard about these high-tech equipment, he was confused. These are high-tech products of the military industry. Where do the police usually have the opportunity to come into contact with them? He was vaguely aware that the danger of this mission was higher than he expected, but Shi Feng quickly became excited. This was a big event, and it was a good time to train soldiers to gain experience.

"When will the equipment be in place?" Luo Zheng asked.

"It's expected tomorrow afternoon." Blue Star replied thoughtfully.

These equipments are all readily available in the National Blade Intelligence Brigade. Blue Star’s transfer is not a problem at all. Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief. The security issue here has been solved. What is left is the division of labor. Luo Zheng thought for a while and said: "Serious case The people in the group are responsible for living and staying here, is there any problem?"

"Ah?" Shi Feng was thinking about the big scene. Hearing Luo Zheng arrange for everyone to be responsible for their lives and stay behind, isn't this looking down on everyone? But after thinking about it, he didn't refuse and agreed: "No problem, will all the staff here leave temporarily?"

"Who will cook and clean when you are gone?" Luo Zheng smiled and said: "Originally I planned to let your people be responsible, but I was afraid that they would be emotional and not be able to do this well."

"No problem, we can definitely do it well." Shi Feng knew that Luo Zheng was motivating him and agreed without hesitation.

"In that case, it's settled, let all the staff take a week off, and you'll have to figure out how to arrange it for your people." Luo Zheng smiled and looked at the general.

"No problem. They are really tired of taking care of me. It's good to go back and rest for a while." The general promised. Although the staff are loyal and reliable, what if the family is blackmailed and forced to do something against their will? There is a major hidden danger. Besides, if a war breaks out, the staff will not be able to protect themselves, so it would be a burden to keep them.

"Thank you, General." Seeing that the biggest problem was solved, Luo Zheng suddenly relaxed and looked at Shi Feng.

Shi Feng thought for a moment and then said: "No problem, I will let them disguise themselves as staff, so that they are less likely to arouse suspicion. They are just wearing makeup. But, seven more of me will stay behind?"

"No, you come with me to protect Liu Qingqing. You will be the driver, and I will be the bodyguard. We will arrange and coordinate at any time. Arrange one person to be the driver for Mrs. Liu to cooperate with the captain, and the others will stay behind." Luo Zheng agreed casually.

"No problem." Shi Feng agreed as soon as he heard that he was following Luo Zheng.

Mrs. Liu is an adult, so she should arrange for Lan Xue to be protected. It would be a lot of embarrassment for the elders to arrange it. As for Liu Qingqing, a little girl in her fifteenth or sixteenth year, she is very rebellious. Luo Zheng doesn't think others can control her. When the general heard this arrangement , also smiled with relief, and couldn't help but admire Luo Zheng's attentiveness.

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