The strongest soldier

Chapter 787 Closed Training

Early the next morning, Luo Zheng and others came to an independent yard for closed training. The training content included espionage, counter-terrorism and security. Each major category of training lasted ten days. Everyone was curious. But I sat back and waited with excitement.

At nine o'clock, an old man with gray hair walked in. When everyone saw the visitor, they did not show any contempt. Instead, they stood up in awe and saluted solemnly. Everyone did not expect that Wu Jin invited a domestic espionage leader. It shows how much attention is paid to everyone.

"Sit down, I'm a bad old man and I can't afford the gift from you elites." The instructor said very easily. He looked really old and frail, but there was an almost undetectable light in his eyes. Everyone They are all people who have gone through countless life and death tests on the battlefield. They have strong observation skills, so they naturally feel it and dare not underestimate it.

"Thanks to the captain, let me tell you about espionage. How can I, a bad old man who was almost killed by the enemy and didn't even know about espionage, know anything about espionage?" the instructor smiled very humbly and sat down. , glanced at everyone.

Luo Zheng keenly noticed that the other party's eyes were very sharp, so he went to hide himself. Under the other party's eyes, he seemed to have no secrets to speak of. He couldn't help being shocked. He sat up straight, not daring to show any contempt, and pricked up his ears. Taught by a master-level instructor, every word is very precious, and how much you can learn depends entirely on the individual.

The instructor was keenly aware of everyone's changes, and his interest increased greatly. He originally didn't want to come when he was invited. He has been retired for a few years, and his temper has faded. When he saw the few people sitting here, the instructor's old pride came back, and he was relieved. He smiled and said, "Seeing you makes me feel older. It's like the waves behind you in the Yangtze River push the waves ahead."

Everyone pricked up their ears and listened attentively, not daring to slack off at all.

"Okay, let's get down to business. From the word spy, we can see that 'yan' refers to language and characters, and '枼' originally refers to the thin wood slices used to record family history, and by extension, the thin wood slices used for general writing. 'Yan' and '枼' are combined It means 'a thin piece of wood on which confidential words are written'. And what about war? It is fighting. In short, it is secretly estimating the enemy's situation, including military, political and economic fields." The instructor started talking eloquently.

Everyone listened humbly, taking notes regardless of interrupting.

"These are all conventional sayings. I believe you all know that. I am here today to tell you some unconventional things." The instructor continued: "In my opinion, spy warfare is ultimately about intrigues. If you can pretend, Being able to deceive, conceal, detect, doubt, and analyze. Pretending is pretending, lying is cheating, concealing is concealing, observing is observing, doubting is suspicion, and analyzing can analyze. These are somewhat different from the thinking habits of soldiers. You have to If you adjust your way of thinking and achieve these six points, you will be a qualified spy."

The instructor wrote these words on the blackboard. Seeing that everyone had no doubts, he continued: "A spy refers to a person who engages in secret detective work, spying on confidential information from hostile parties or competitors or carrying out sabotage activities. To benefit the party they work for, they are also called spies and secret agents. One of the main tasks of a spy is to steal information through illegal or legal means, secretly or openly, and also carry out subversion, assassination, kidnapping, explosions, psychological warfare, and sabotage Personnel who are sent or bribed to spy on secrets, intelligence or conduct reconnaissance activities can do anything to achieve their goals, and they are hidden in the dark, making them unprepared, hard to defend, and most difficult to deal with."

When Luo Zheng heard this, he couldn't help but think of the security of the military factory last time. The enemy's attack was impossible to prevent. The fighting method was completely different from that of soldiers on the battlefield, so he couldn't help but sound more detailed.

"You are all lacking in specific combat skills and qualities. What you lack is just the awareness of espionage warfare. Today I will mainly talk to you about the awareness of espionage warfare." The instructor continued to talk: "I have summarized the eight major awarenesses, namely low-key and confidentiality. and awareness of disguise, awareness of vigilance and observation, awareness of recording, awareness of suspicion and analysis, awareness of time, awareness of traces, awareness of deception, psychological quality, etc.”

At this point, the instructor paused to let everyone digest, and picked up the water glass while minding his own business. After waiting for a while, the instructor continued: "Let's talk about low-key, confidentiality and disguise. The key to keeping a low-key is to never show off yourself and yourself. mission, no matter where or under any circumstances. For confidentiality awareness, what you have to consider is to prevent the leakage of information. First, keep your mouth shut, and then check whether there is anything that may be active (presented) or passive (found) ) leaked information. Disguise consciousness is an extension of low-key consciousness, and can also be said to be a practical type of low-key consciousness. The difference between the two is that low-key means not attracting the attention of others, while disguise is used to fight against the attention of others. Similarly It makes you look ordinary.”

The instructor explained the theory while adding examples. The rich cases made everyone's eyes bright. The skills they had thought of in the past and the skills they had mastered were now systematically engraved in their minds. Everyone listened carefully, wrote hard, and recorded the key words. , in order to review the past and learn the new.

At the end of the day, the instructor finished explaining the specific connotations of the six major consciousnesses, leaving behind a group of Luo Zheng and others who were overwhelmed by the massive amount of information and walked away. Naturally, there was no contact with the outside world during the closed training. Someone brought it to them during meal time, and everyone was full. Drink enough, take notes to exchange experiences and increase understanding.

There was a separate room in the yard for everyone to rest. When they were tired, they went back to their rooms. Early the next morning, everyone had breakfast and continued training. The instructor still showed up on time. He first asked about everyone's learning status, and did not randomly check, but answered everyone's questions. I will continue to talk about the few questions raised in a concentrated manner. This time I am not talking about theories, but cases. I will analyze the cause, process and results of the matter, and then integrate my own views into it. The content is vivid and vivid, and everyone will benefit. Very shallow.

Ten days later, a different instructor came to teach anti-terrorism skills. He was also a leading figure in the anti-terrorism community. He had extremely rich experience and special teaching content. With case explanations, with everyone’s skills, there was no need to drag them to the training ground to teach all kinds of domestic and foreign personnel. Terrorist activities were explained, the causes and consequences were analyzed as well as their own opinions, and finally some rules of terrorist attacks in the world were summarized, which everyone enjoyed listening to.

After the lecture on anti-terrorism, the instructor changed to talk about security skills. The instructor was not a native of the country, but the director of the world's number one security company. He was an internationally renowned master. He had been in security for ten years and had never failed. He was nicknamed God. Shield means that no one can break through his security system.

The instructor was invited in the name of international exchange, and the teaching place was naturally not at the headquarters base, but in the presidential suite of a five-star hotel in Beijing. The new security concept also benefited everyone a lot.

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