The strongest soldier

Chapter 784 Back to the camp

One morning a week later, the National Blade Headquarters Base.

A transport helicopter landed slowly, and the roar of the propeller gradually weakened. On the transport aircraft, Luo Zheng and others looked around with surprised faces. Countless comrades lined up to welcome them, saluting solemnly, with shining eyes and excited faces. The captain Wu Jin came up with all the people in charge of the National Blade Headquarters. Luo Zheng looked at the curious Tiger King with doubtful eyes, and immediately realized that none of this was prepared for him. What everyone was welcoming was the Tiger King. According to the legend, The strongest soldier king.

After completing the mission, everyone came to the local embassy. There are very few flights to the country. There are only one flight every few days. Through the operation of the embassy, ​​after three days of rest, we went through diplomatic channels and took a flight back to the country. Everyone's mission It was to rescue King Tiger. The mission was not completed until King Tiger arrived at the base. Everyone did not dare to stay in the capital for too long, so they set up the arranged transport helicopter and continued on their way back to the base.

After the transport helicopter landed, the mission of Luo Zheng and others was successfully completed. The team members were completely relieved. Luo Zheng gave Lan Xue a look. As the captain, Gui Lanxue was behind to handle it. Lan Xue looked at the Tiger King and Tiger Girl knowingly. Said: "Senior Tiger King, we are welcoming Wu Jin, the current captain of the National Blade Special Warfare Brigade. Can I accompany you?"

"Okay." Tiger King looked around excitedly and said, his eyes locked on Wu Jin, attracted by Wu Jin's iron-blooded aura, he smiled with satisfaction, glanced at Tiger Girl, and continued: "Don't worry, this will be our home from now on. Come on, come on, follow me to meet them."

Lan Xue gave everyone a look and walked in front with Tiger King and Tiger Girl. Luo Zheng and others walked behind. Wu Jin stepped forward quickly and looked at Tiger King solemnly with shining eyes. Lan Xue did not dare to delay and quickly saluted. Said: "Report to the captain, the rescue mission has been successfully completed. This is Senior Tiger King, and this is Tiger Girl, please give instructions."

"You have done a great job. I am proud to have such capable people as you." Wu Jin said excitedly, giving an evaluation of this mission. His eyes swept over Lan Xue and then fell on the Tiger King. After saluting solemnly, he said: " Tiger King, I am Wu Jin, and on behalf of all the officers and men of the National Blade Special Warfare Brigade, I would like to welcome you home."

"Go home?!" Tiger King suddenly became excited. After thirty years and many days and nights of expectation, this moment finally came true. He looked at the unfamiliar military uniforms, unfamiliar faces, and unfamiliar camp. , more than thirty years have passed, things have changed, military uniforms have been changed, and people have been changed several times, but the Tiger King does not feel a trace of strangeness, as if he was originally here, and was originally one of everyone. Member, never left the general.

"Going home." King Tiger was a little out of control and excited, but he still straightened his body solemnly, slowly raised his hand, and performed a military salute that he had not performed for more than thirty years. It was a bit unfamiliar. But he is still so standard, his eyes are shining, and he is majestic.

"Welcome Tiger King home!" Everyone around stood up and shouted, expressing their respect and support.

"I, thank you all." The Tiger King roared excitedly, as if there was a thunder on the ground, which made everyone's eardrums buzz. He was so strong that he was indeed the strongest soldier king, and everyone's faces became fanatical.

"Brother!" an excited voice sounded, and a man rushed over from behind Wu Jin, it was Wei Changfeng.

"Madman." Tiger King looked at the person and rushed forward excitedly. The two brothers hugged each other tightly. After more than thirty years of separation, who would have thought that there would be a chance to see each other again? Who would have thought that when we see each other again, we will still be at our favorite National Blade headquarters camp, and see each other in this way?

How many thirty years are there in life? The two hugged each other tightly and choked with sobs. No one said a word, but they seemed to understand each other's feelings. Everyone around them knew the story behind them and were touched by their brotherhood. No one laughed at them. People are choking, who says soldiers don't shed tears? Soldiers are also human beings with emotions and desires, not cold-blooded fighting machines.

After waiting for a while, Wu Jin gave Luo Zheng a look, and Luo Zheng took a few steps forward knowingly and whispered: "You two, why don't we change places and reminisce about old times? I know that the captain has a lot of treasures that have been treasured for a long time. Isn't it better? Looking for a place where you can’t get drunk without returning?”

"Good attention." Tiger King also realized that his emotions were out of control, took the opportunity to push the madman away, and said with a smile.

Wu Jin originally asked Luo Zheng to settle the matter, but unexpectedly he got involved. He glared at Luo Zheng, but he was not angry, but smiled happily: "This is the tiger girl, right? Let's go, the Fengfeng Banquet is ready. Okay, I'll just wait for you and your party. The wine won't be good, but it will be enough." He looked at the Tiger King and said the last part.

"Then it would be disrespectful." King Tiger agreed without any pretense.

Wu Jin took the opportunity to introduce the other responsible persons to Tiger King. They all came to the cafeteria and entered the private room. Luo Zheng and the other five were also pulled in. This meal was not only a feast, but also a celebration. How could the banquet be without the protagonist?

Of course, Luo Zheng and others also knew that the Tiger King was the real protagonist, and no one was trying to grab this split. After coming off the battlefield, they relaxed and everyone opened up to eat and drink. After the banquet, they were a little drunk, and saw that the Tiger King was fine. He usually interacted with everyone, with a bold look and extraordinary demeanor. Luo Zheng felt ashamed, so he excused himself with everyone and went to bed.

With no mission and no danger, everyone fell asleep peacefully. They slept until early the next morning, when military doctor Wu Miao called him to the medical room. It was enough to tolerate one day and let everyone eat and drink. Special attention has been paid to it. According to the rules, you must get checked first when you come back to prevent any hidden diseases or missed treatment time. This rule is also for everyone's health, and no one objects.

On this mission, everyone went from extremely cold snowy mountains to extremely hot deserts, and their bodies went through a major test. Just because everyone felt that there was no problem did not mean that there was really no problem. After an inspection, Wu Miao unceremoniously ordered everyone to stay in the treatment center. After a week of observation, everyone will be given nutrient solution and IV drips.

Wu Miao thought that Luo Zheng would stay in the ward like last time, taking care of himself and learning spy skills. Unexpectedly, three days later, Luo Zheng learned that all the indicators were fine and immediately started practicing swordsmanship. During the first mission, Luo Zheng saw the Tiger King's sword skills, which were amazing. Even the thirteen or fourteen-year-old Tiger Girl's sword skills were so superb that it was unmatched. Luo Zheng decided to practice sword skills to improve her close combat ability.

Wu Miao had become accustomed to Luo Zheng, who was training like crazy. He was angry, but he did not stop him. On the battlefield, more skills meant more chances of survival. Last time Luo Zheng was almost killed by a missile from the Polar Bear Country, Wu Miao suddenly After understanding the soldiers' crazy training mentality, not only were the requirements for Luo Zheng not so strict, but they were also more relaxed for other soldiers, but nurses would be arranged to keep an eye on him, just in case.

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