The strongest soldier

Chapter 777 Exploding the Iron Cage

Tiger King, whose real name is Wang Xiaowu, is a descendant of Big Sword King Wu. He has a tacky name, but he has respect for his elders and the ambition to imitate his elders. People who know the inside story are full of respect for this name. In fact, Tiger King The sword technique is superb, with the style of Naizu, and a bit more crazy. Once used, it looks like a tiger, and the two swords are the claws of the tiger. They are fierce, sharp, domineering, and irresistible. Known as the Tiger King.

The imprisoned tiger is still a tiger, and will never turn into a cat. With a knife in my hand, I have the world. The Tiger King burst into laughter, but there was a sense of sadness and vicissitudes in the laughter. After a while, the Tiger King stopped laughing, looked at Luo Zheng and said: "I haven't touched a knife in decades, I'm afraid I can use this knife." If I can't get in, this cage is made of fine steel and cannot be opened at all. I can't get out. If you are really one of your own, take her back."

"Me?" Luo Zheng went crazy with depression. In front of the Tiger King, Luo Zheng found that he was as weak as a child, and his usual wit was gone. Seeing the Tiger King's sad expression, he suddenly moved and said quickly: "Li I have always been worried that you would not want to go back, so I asked us to bring you a message. It is Chief Li Yiming, the current supreme leader of Guo Ren. He said that he would wait for you to go home and have a drink. He also said that everything in the past was all a misunderstanding. He has forgiven you and I hope you can forgive me. he."

"Huh?" The person in the iron cage looked into Luo Zheng's eyes, and found that Luo Zheng's eyes were clear and frank, with a bit of anxiety. He didn't look like he was lying. I was wrong. I was immediately overjoyed and burst into laughter, as if a tiger was roaring in the mountains. I was so full of energy that the cave was buzzing.

"Such a strong momentum." Luo Zheng was shocked and couldn't help but take two steps back. His heart became fervent. He looked at the opponent closely, his blood surged, and he secretly swore that he would become the strongest soldier king and be as domineering as the people inside.

"Okay, okay! He and I are the only two people who know about this secret. You are indeed one of our own. I didn't expect that I would be able to see you when I am about to be buried. It's worth it." As he said this, a group of tiger tears rolled down his face. , like a child who has found his way home, but his complexion has improved a lot.

Luo Zheng could understand the Tiger King's mood. Luo Zheng had seen the same expression on the madman. He knew that the Tiger King was emotionally unstable, so he did not disturb him and said to the Tiger Girl: "Go and guard the entrance of the cave. Let me know if someone comes. "As he said that, he looked up and down at the iron cage.

The iron cage was made of fine steel. There were no nuts at the joints. They were all welded shut. It was very strong. Luo Zheng quickly took out the button bomb and shouted to the Tiger King: "Senior Tiger King, you go to the opposite corner and hide it immediately. I Come and blow this place up, move quickly, the enemy is coming soon."

"What is it?" Tiger King looked at the thing in Luo Zheng's hand curiously and asked. Seeing that Luo Zheng was not in the mood to explain, he thought about what kind of powerful weapon it was. In the desire to go home, he quickly retreated and hid in the opposite corner. , when Luo Zheng asked him to take the table and wooden bed over to cover it, the Tiger King had no objection.

At Luo Zheng's reminder, King Tiger blocked the table and wooden bed in front, with a quilt in between. He huddled in a corner, shrinking his body as much as possible. While looking over curiously, he found that Luo Zheng had put something as big as a button in front of him. Stick it to a welded place and run away quickly.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and the whole big iron cage buzzed and shook. King Tiger was shocked. He didn't expect that humans had developed such a powerful bomb after not going out for decades. When he was confused, he saw Luo Zheng rushed up and asked: "Is it okay? If not, forget it. Take Tiger Girl and run away. With such a big movement, those bastards are coming, and you two can't stop them."

Luo Zheng did not answer, but directly attached two button bombs, then quickly retreated, lying on the ground, covering his ears, and then there was another earth-shattering explosion, and the entire big iron cage almost bounced, shaking The Tiger King's eardrums were stunned, and the door panel and table that covered it fell apart. He was horrified in his heart, such a strong explosive force.

"Are you okay?" Luo Zheng looked at Tiger King worriedly and asked.

"You can't die. It's powerful enough. What kind of bomb is this? It's so big but so powerful." Tiger King asked curiously.

"The latest product we have researched by ourselves." Luo Zheng rushed up to check and found that the welding joint had been blown loose. He only needed to do it again. He was overjoyed and suddenly heard the tiger girl warning that someone was coming. Luo Zheng's expression Yi Lin quickly shouted: "Block them, they will be fine soon." As he said that, he quickly attached the bomb.

Tiger King originally wanted to give up and let Luo Zheng take Tiger Girl to evacuate first. Hearing that it would be fine soon, he was overjoyed. With the desire for freedom, Tiger King swallowed his words and hurriedly hid again. After witnessing two explosions , Tiger King knows very well that button-sized things are not easy to mess with.

"Boom!" A huge explosion sounded, and a gap was opened in the iron cage. Before Luo Zheng could get up to check, he suddenly roared loudly, rushed out of the gap, and rushed out of the cave as fast as lightning. , a large number of men in black robes just poured in outside the cave entrance, and the tiger girl could not stop them.

"Ouch." The Tiger King roared wildly, like a tiger descending from a mountain. The powerful roar made Luo Zheng's eardrums buzz. Then, Luo Zheng found that the Tiger King rushed into the crowd waving a knife, as if a tiger had entered the crowd. They were like a flock of sheep, slashing left and right, using extremely simple sword techniques, but as fast as lightning and deadly.

"So fast." Luo Zheng looked at the Tiger King with a shocked face. The knife seemed to be alive in the Tiger King's hand. It was so fast that the naked eye could not distinguish it. Luo Zheng didn't even know how the Tiger King was doing it. The one who drew the knife only saw countless people falling to the ground, shouting in despair, and no one was spared.

In the blink of an eye, a dozen men in black robes who rushed in were chopped to the ground. Luo Zheng reacted. Stimulated by the Tiger King's fierce fighting style, his blood boiled. He released the tiger. How could he hide behind and be a sick cat? Luo Zheng also roared wildly and rushed over, only to find that the Tiger King had already entered the passage and the people he killed were retreating step by step.

"Tiger Girl, lead the way." Luo Zheng shouted loudly.

"I know." Suddenly following the Tiger King, the passage was narrow, and everyone was chased and hacked to death by the Tiger King. There was no chance to make a move. Luo Zheng fell behind and could only watch. He was secretly shocked. This is The strength of the strongest military king? It's too scary. Compared with Tiger King, I am so far behind.

The Tiger King had been suffering for more than thirty years and had accumulated tremendous murderous intent. At this moment, he completely exploded. There was no enemy under his hands. All the men in black robes who rushed over were beheaded to the ground. Those who were not fully dead were killed. The tiger girl rushed forward to finish the job. This little girl who grew up in a harsh environment is also very murderous and has no qualms about killing.

Luo Zheng fell behind and had no chance to take action. He smiled bitterly, but his blood was burning. His heart was full of desire, eager to become a powerful being like the Tiger King. This is the highest pursuit of a soldier.

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