The strongest soldier

Chapter 771 Weird Discovery

Marched overnight.

Early the next morning, everyone came to rest on the shady side of a sand dune and ate some dry food. After marching in a hurry, everyone found that the tiger girl was fine. Her thin body seemed to have endless strength. She was also very familiar with this desert. We got to know each other a lot during the evening. The elder brother and sister called her very sweet, and she was a very sensible child. Everyone quickly fell in love with this little girl.

"Climb over the sand dune in front and walk for half a day to get there." Tiger Girl observed the terrain and said while swallowing the dry food as if she was not full. Along the way, most of everyone's dry food went into Tiger Girl's belly , everyone felt heartbroken when they saw such a little girl who could eat so much. She was still at the age where she was going to school without any worries, yet she had to endure so much suffering. Compared with the tiger girl, everyone felt that they were living in a happy paradise.

"Da da da!" Suddenly, several weak gunshots rang out. Everyone was startled and pricked up their ears. Luo Zheng found that the tiger girl was lying on the ground and heard the sound. Her face was solemn and her brows were furrowed, as if facing a formidable enemy. This alertness should not be underestimated, and she was obviously a battle-hardened person, but she was still a minor.

"Tiger girl, don't worry, we are here." Luo Zheng comforted.

"About ten people, in that direction, about three kilometers away in a straight line." Tiger Girl suddenly said calmly, with a firm color on her young face, giving people the illusion that the person in front of her was not a child, but a child. An experienced warrior.

"How did you hear it?" Luo Zheng was shocked. He could only judge the approximate distance and direction of the gunshot just now, but he couldn't be as accurate as Tiger Girl. He couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Did you hear it? My godfather taught me." Tiger Girl replied seriously, looking past everyone, looking towards the direction where the gunshots were heard and said: "It seems to be coming towards us."

"Everyone spread out, Mountain Eagle, the commanding heights on the left, Xue'er, the commanding heights on the opposite side, Snow Leopard, Ghost Hand, find a place to defend on the right, Tiger Girl, you stay with me, don't run around, everyone will act according to the situation." Luo Zheng quickly issued the order. The battle order was given, and the others agreed and acted quickly.

After everyone dispersed to ambush, Tigress looked at Luo Zheng curiously and asked, "Are you their leader?"

"No, that sister is our captain." Luo Zheng responded casually while checking the weapons.

"Then why did they listen to you? Shouldn't you listen to the orders of the highest officer on the battlefield? Why didn't the captain give the order?" Tigress asked curiously.

"This?" Luo Zheng was startled. He didn't know how to explain it. Seeing the curious look in Tiger Girl's eyes, he was afraid that he would be pestered to death if he didn't explain. He was driving all night, and Tiger Girl was like a curious baby. Countless questions made everyone worried. , but this matter is difficult to explain, and suddenly he had an idea and said: "Everyone in the team has a division of labor. The captain makes decisions and issues orders. Yes, but I am the team responsible for tactical suggestions. The captain is my lover, so I give orders directly." It’s the same order as the captain’s, so there’s no need to waste time again.”

"Huh?" Tiger Girl nodded as if she understood.

Luo Zheng heard the ambiguous laughter of his brothers and Lan Xue's dull expression coming from the headset, and said awkwardly: "Why are you laughing? Hurry up and get into the battle right away."

"Yes," everyone agreed quickly.

"Are you talking to them through the things in your ears?" Tigress asked curiously.

"Well, I'll ask you later if you have any questions. When someone comes, don't say anything or run around. Do you understand?" Luo Zheng quickly interrupted Tiger Girl's curious question and warned him seriously. Seeing Tiger Girl ducking down on him Next to him, the probe looked forward curiously, then handed the binoculars to the tiger girl and warned: "Remember, don't talk."

"Yes," Tigress quickly nodded in agreement and took out an iron horn scimitar from her arms. The knife was not long and was stained with rust, but the blade was sharpened. This was the first time Luo Zheng saw this. He drew his sword and asked curiously: "What's this about you drawing your sword?"

"When I came out, I quietly went to the kitchen to steal it. It's very sharp." Tigress explained in a low voice.

Luo Zheng opened his backpack and took out a tiger-tooth saber. When he came out, everyone wore casual clothes to avoid being exposed. All military supplies were in the backpack. Luo Zheng handed the tiger-tooth saber over and said, "This knife is for you. , regarded as a meeting gift."

The tiger girl took it and pulled it out. She saw a cold light and murderous intent. She had never seen such a good knife before. She fell in love with it immediately and said gratefully: "Really give it to me?"

"Yeah." Luo Zheng said affirmatively.

"That's great, thank you." The tiger girl couldn't put it down and stroked the tiger-tooth saber, as if she felt the spiritual energy on the blade, and she put the horn-sharp knife away close to her body.

Not long after, a person came into everyone's sight. Luo Zheng took the binoculars and took a look. He turned out to be five people dressed as snow bears. They looked exhausted. They were followed by three men in black robes. It looked like the men in black robes were chasing them. The Snow Bear warriors were only two to three hundred meters apart from each other, but they didn't even fire in the flat desert. Is it strange?

"Is it them?" Lan Xue's voice sounded in the headset.

"The men in black robes are chasing snow bears. Three are chasing down five. When did the snow bears fall to this point? However, they look very tired." Ghost Hand's suspicious words rang in the headset.

Luo Zheng also looked at this scene curiously and asked in a low voice: "Tigress girl, who are those men in black robes?"

"I don't know, let me take a look." Tiger Girl took the telescope and observed it. She soon made a sound of surprise, put down the telescope, and said with a serious face: "I have seen the three of them. I often ask my godfather for sword skills. They are very good. , However, what they learned is fake invisible sword skills, I can defeat them."

"Huh?" Luo Zheng looked at Tiger Girl in surprise, took the telescope, did not take Tiger Girl's words seriously, and continued to observe, while lowering the headset and said: "Dog bites dog, we are just watching the fun, everyone please stay hidden and don't move. , wait for them to have a yellow bird behind them in the end."

"Understood." Everyone whispered through the earphones.

"You don't believe me?" Tiger Girl asked anxiously from the side. Seeing Luo Zheng put an index finger on his lips to signal himself to be silent, he quickly swallowed the rest of the words, looked ahead carefully, and clenched his tiger fangs. , prove yourself with practical actions when absolutely necessary.

Luo Zheng did not pay attention to the emotional changes of the tiger girl, but looked curiously at the snow bear getting closer and closer in front of him. He heard the news that the snow bear was being hunted by various organizations for shooting civilians, but he did not expect it to be true. What's even more unexpected is that five elite snow bears were actually chased by three men in black robes. What does this mean?

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