The strongest soldier

Chapter 766: A big fuss

"Boom, boom, boom!" There were constant explosions in the natural cave. After Luo Zheng used up all the button bombs he was given, he ran along the cave for a distance. When he saw a hole going down in front, he did not hesitate. After jumping down and landing, Luo Zheng found three militants looking at him with horror on their faces. He quickly took out his pistol and shot the three militants to the ground, but found that the pistol had just run out of bullets.

Luo Zheng put away his pistol, picked up an AK47, and emptied the magazines on the three armed men. He randomly chose a direction and rushed for a few steps. When he heard the sound of heavy footsteps in front of him, he quickly took it out of his backpack. He took out some of his own button explosives and put them in his pocket. Hearing the footsteps getting tighter and someone cursing, Luo Zheng quickly put two of them on the wall of the cave, turned around and started running.

Just a dozen steps out, several people appeared in the passage in front. Luo Zheng picked up his gun and opened fire. The ak47 was not very accurate, but it had a fast rate of fire and was easy to operate. The dense bullets flew past, and there was no place to hide in the cave. All the people were immediately knocked to the ground.

"Boom!" Two huge explosions sounded, and the ground around him seemed to be shaking. The soil fell, and Luo Zheng knew that the button bomb had taken off. He rushed forward and was beaten to death. Several armed men came forward and collected all their magazines. They found that there were still two grenades.

While running, Luo Zheng heard the sound of explosions coming from the cave, which echoed for a long time. He knew that it was Guishou and Snow Leopard who were wreaking havoc. Unwilling to lag behind, he saw a cave opening in front of him, and a group of people rushed over from below. Luo Zheng quickly took out the captured grenade, opened the safety cover, threw it down, and quickly left to avoid it.

"Boom!" Two grenades exploded, and a large area of ​​the cave collapsed. Luo Zheng waited for the explosion and turned back. He jumped down from the cave entrance and saw that the passage below was full of corpses. He quickly collected all their magazines and was about to prepare. As he left, he suddenly saw a deep crack in the cave wall, which was about to collapse. He heard the sound of footsteps, and a large number of enemies were surrounding him.

Luo Zheng had an idea and quickly took out a handful of button bombs from his pocket, stuck them on the nearby cave wall, and then rushed in the other direction. Before he could get ten meters away, a series of earth-shattering loud bangs sounded behind him. There was an explosion, and the whole ground was shaking. Luo Zheng was so frightened that he rushed forward without stopping.

While running, Luo Zheng suddenly noticed a group of armed men appearing in front of him. They rushed towards him screaming. Luo Zheng dodged and hid in the passage next to him. Seeing the group of people whizzing away without even looking at the situation in the passage next to him, Luo Zheng sneered. Show up and go out, shooting at the back of this group of people.

"Da da da!" The dense bullets threw the group of people to the ground. Luo Zheng keenly noticed that someone was coming behind him. He had no time to clean the battlefield and quickly rushed to the opposite passage while changing the magazine. There were too many passages here. , extending in all directions, was originally very disadvantageous, but at this moment it became a life-saving talisman.

Luo Zheng used the complicated cave environment around him to continuously attack the enemy, blowing up many places. Unknowingly, he came to a cave. There was no one in front of him, and there was bright light coming from above. Luo Zheng rushed along the passage, and jumped on the top of a cave with a run-up. Seeing no one on the left and right, he climbed up and continued running. When he saw another hole above, he jumped up again.

Having been in for a while, Luo Zheng was preparing to evacuate. While running, Luo Zheng found that enemies kept appearing in front of them, in small groups. He launched an assault without hesitation. If he could defeat them, he would attack them. If he could not defeat them, he would avoid them. When he found a passage to the enemy, he would attack them if they could. Just jump up, and if there are enemies chasing behind you, use button bombs to collapse the hole and block the road.

Luo Zheng killed a lot of people in the cave. When he was having fun, the anger he had accumulated in the past few days also dissipated a lot. After climbing up to the first floor again, Luo Zheng checked the time by the light. Ten minutes was just right. Luo Zheng ran forward quickly. , when he saw an upward passage, he jumped up and reached the ground unknowingly.

When I poked my head out of the cave, I saw that the sun was dazzling and the heat was unstoppable. On the contrary, it was cooler underground. And because there were so many caves going up, the lighting was very good, and I didn’t feel depressed at all down there. This kind of natural cave is really good, Luo Zheng saw a head sticking out from the front, it was Guishou.

"Brother Ghost, this is a great killing trip, retreat." A voice sounded from behind.

Luo Zheng looked back and saw that it was a snow leopard. He was overjoyed. He quickly crawled out of the hole and ran towards the front. The three of them quickly joined together and charged in in a triangular attack formation. Some armed men came out of the ground in front and tried to stop the three of them. , the three of them fought smoothly, and they suddenly rushed over with the captured AK47. The militants who were beaten retreated and did not dare to move again.

"Quickly, seize the stone cliff cave and carry out the original plan." Luo Zheng looked at the cave under the cliff ahead and shouted.

"Yes." Guishou and Snow Leopard were overjoyed, roared angrily, and immediately sped off.

While running, the three of them heard the sound of a sniper gun and suddenly remembered that the direction of the shot was in front of them. They were shocked. They should have known that Lan Xue and Mountain Eagle were behind them. However, they found that no one was injured. Everyone exchanged surprises. He glanced at him, but kept running. Luo Zheng looked back and saw a large number of pursuers behind him. One of the militants was hit by an incendiary bomb. He immediately reacted and shouted through the headset: "Xue'er, it's you, right?" ?”

"Well, are everything okay?" Lan Xue's voice sounded in the headset.

"It's okay, carry out the original plan and provide fire cover." Luo Zheng said quickly. With Lan Xue's fire support from the commanding heights ahead, Luo Zheng's confidence greatly increased, and he rushed to the cave under the cliff with Ghost Hand and Snow Leopard, shouting loudly He shouted: "Ghost hands, horses, snow leopards, camels." He went straight to other caves to look for the car.

"Understood." Guishou and Xuebao agreed excitedly, not taking the large number of armed men behind them seriously at all. At this moment, their blood was completely burning. The two of them were not snipers. They were Luo Zheng, Lan Xue and The mountain eagle is showing off its power. It has been holding in its anger for a long time, and now it is letting it out.

The two people rushed over, opened the wooden fence door, and rushed into the cave. They ignored the curious horses and camels. They placed the button bombs and quickly rushed out of the cave. They hid at the door. There was a huge explosion. One or two of the horses and camels fell to the ground and whined, while the others were frightened and ran out in panic, rushing around and frightened the armed men who rushed over and ran away.

When Guishou and Snow Leopard saw this scene, they laughed excitedly, raised their guns and fired hard at the front, driving the horses and camels to run like crazy. When they saw Luo Zheng rushing out in a pickup truck, they were even more excited to scream. The monster screamed, rushed over, jumped into the car, hid in the car and continued to fire.

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