The strongest soldier

Chapter 747 Kill it out

"Click, click, click!" Hundreds of AK47s opened fire almost at the same time. The bullets formed a barrage, overwhelming Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng was horrified and turned around to retreat. The edges of the roof were hit by bullets and collapsed one after another, but It also blocked the fierce barrage of bullets.

Luo Zheng retreated more than ten meters in panic. After confirming that he was out of the fire attack range, he quickly squatted down and looked around for the enemy. After finding no one on other rooftops, he shouted into the headset: "There are a large number of armed enemies at the entrance and exit of the town. We can't get out. Not good, rpg." While speaking, Luo Zheng saw the rockets flying in and blowing up the house. He was shocked, his body rose up, and he continued to retreat back.

Five rockets flew onto the roof, and the powerful shock wave destroyed everything. It collapsed the roof, leaving everything in shambles. Luo Zheng retreated more than ten meters and knelt down to search for enemies around him. His face was ashen, and his cold eyes were filled with monstrous rage. He wished he could immediately Find Hyacinth and give him a shot.

"Boom!" Two sniper incendiary bombs were fired from different places and headed straight for the exit of the town.

"Boom!" There were two explosions, mixed with fierce shouts. Luo Zheng was startled and quickly guessed that it was Lan Xue and the others who had taken action, blowing up the car and igniting the enemy. The exit should be in chaos at this moment. Luo Zheng found a place to jump off the roof and rushed forward.

Soon, many armed men with guns rushed forward, looking very panicked. Then there were two more explosions. These people must have come to the alley to escape the snipers. Unexpectedly, they bumped into each other. Luo Zheng's expression changed. In a flash, he raised his hand and pulled the trigger. Bullets kept whizzing out, knocking down the charging enemies.

This group of people didn't expect Luo Zheng to be in this alley. They were caught off guard. More than a dozen people fell down at once. However, they also reacted and fired wildly at the alley. Luo Zheng had climbed up to the roof again and was heading towards the front. Rushing away, the enemy who blocked the attack had been disrupted by incendiary bombs, and no one paid attention to Luo Zheng's departure and return.

"Ah -" Luo Zheng roared angrily and jumped off the roof. He was in the air, the gun in his hand kept ringing. He fired several rapid bursts and knocked down several enemies before landing. One of them rolled up and rushed forward. Like a tiger that had fallen into a flock of sheep, it shot all the bullets in the gun in one breath, quickly put it away, and took out the dragon's tooth from its back.

The black dragon fang was unsheathed, reflecting a death-like cold light in the sun. The long knife flew and rushed past like a windmill. The enemy in front had no way to avoid it and was chopped directly to the ground. The dragon fang raised a puff of fire. After nearly two months of hard training, Luo Zheng's sword skills have made great progress.

During the charge, Luo Zheng's speed was not hindered. The enemies around him raised their guns and tried to aim and kill, but found that the target had disappeared when they fired, making it impossible to aim effectively. They fired randomly and were worried about hurting their own people, so they had no choice but to shoot. Without giving up shooting, he rushed forward with a roar.

With the rise of Luo Zheng's killing, the invisible sword technique was launched, invisible and difficult to resist. After a while, Luo Zheng rushed out of a bloody path like plowing a hole in the court, killing the enemies in front of him, and rushed to a place with one arrow. Next to a pickup truck, he opened the door and took out the people inside.

"Bang, bang, bang!" Several bullets were fired at this man, and they all hit this man, becoming Luo Zheng's shield. Luo Zheng was frightened, and without having time to look, he quickly got into the pickup truck, started the car and rushed forward. Go ahead and run wildly outside after a beautiful flick.

Countless people around him rushed up and jumped into the car without fear of death. Luo Zheng saw clearly through the rearview mirror and accelerated suddenly, losing some of them. However, five or six people still came up to the pickup truck. Luo Zheng suddenly The car braked suddenly, and under the action of strong inertia, the five or six people in the carriage flew out immediately, shouting in panic.

Luo Zheng slammed the accelerator and rushed forward. Someone happened to fall in front and was hit by a pickup truck. He was thrown away. He was bald and life-or-death. Luo Zheng didn't care much. He stepped on the accelerator to the bottom and controlled the steering wheel to rush forward. Suddenly, there was a sound coming from the headset. Lan Xue shouted anxiously: "Be careful, RPG."

Hearing the warning, Luo Zheng didn't even have time to glance at the rearview mirror, turned the steering wheel, and made the pickup truck run out of the main road and rush to the side of the desert road. He saw a rocket whizzing away from the desert road. If the car Continuing to run on the road, there is no way to avoid the rocket launcher attacking from behind.

"Boom!" Luo Zheng turned the steering wheel fiercely, and the pickup truck roared, got on the road again, and rushed forward. After stabilizing, Luo Zheng looked through the rearview mirror and found that there were many small cars following behind him, and several cars in front of him. He was blown up and flew up, with flames shooting into the sky and thick smoke billowing. The cars behind him rushed to the side of the road, avoiding the rear-end collision, and tried to continue chasing Luo Zheng, but sniper bullets shot him from both sides.

Luo Zheng guessed that it was Lan Xue and Shan Diao, and he was convinced that with the two of them there, the car behind them would not be able to catch up. When he saw two people suddenly coming out of the sand in front of him, he couldn't help but be startled. When he saw clearly, they were After Guishou and Snow Leopard, they quickly slowed down and got into the car without talking nonsense.

"Run forward and go back to the previous village first." Lan Xue's voice sounded in the headset.

"What should you do?" Luo Zheng asked.

"The car went back when we drove here." Lan Xue said quickly.

"No, which car belongs to Hyacinth? There must be something weird about it. It can't be used anymore. Come over and join us quickly." Luo Zheng denied without hesitation.

Thinking of Hyacinthus, Lan Xue was startled and did not insist. After seeing that the enemy did not pursue him anymore, he immediately informed the mountain eagle to retreat. Luo Zheng stopped, jumped out of the car, and looked coldly at the burning car of the pursuers behind him, silently. , his face was cold, and his cold eyes were so murderous that Guishou and Snow Leopard did not dare to ask any more questions.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Lan Xue and Shan Diao caught up with them. Everyone got in the car without saying a word. Luo Zheng let Gui Shou drive, and he came to the pickup truck. He said what happened before and finally said bitterly. Added: "I didn't expect Hyacinth to be an enemy. We must find an opportunity to kill him. Also, our whereabouts have been exposed. I don't know if the mission has been exposed."

"It is unlikely that the mission will be exposed, otherwise Hyacinth will not continue to insinuate me. I need to report the situation immediately." Lan Xue said, took out the satellite phone from his backpack, installed it, and dialed Wu Jin's number.

"It's finally turned on. Are you okay? What happened?" Wu Jin asked eagerly. Wu Jin had already grasped the battle just now through satellite monitoring, but he didn't know what happened and was anxious.

"Hyacinth betrayed us, how much does she know?" Lan Xue said coldly. Lan Xue was also very angry about Hyacinth arranged by the headquarters. If she didn't have absolute trust in Wu Jin, she would never have made this communication. Instead of calling, I contacted my grandfather directly.

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