The strongest soldier

Chapter 733 Think of a way

Guishou's injury suddenly made everyone realize a problem, and they began to underestimate the enemy. They succeeded in consecutive sneak attacks and killed seven enemies. Everyone was so confident that they forgot that they were facing elite snow bear warriors. The polar bear country The most powerful military force, the price of underestimating the enemy is very high. Fortunately, the opponent only targeted the body, not the head, otherwise he would have to die. Everyone was secretly frightened and cheered up.

"Don't even move." Luo Zheng said angrily. Guishou's action was in vain and he almost lost himself. This made Luo Zheng extremely angry. He searched the snow in front of him with cold eyes, but still did not find the whereabouts of the enemy. He observed He looked at the terrain and said coldly: "Snow Bear, you attacked the target on the slope from behind, be careful."

"Understood." Snow Bear said quickly.

"There are at most three enemies. One of them went to the slope. There are no more than two people hiding in the snow ahead. Mountain Eagle, your position is towards the slope. Go around and find a suitable position to hide. Join forces with the Snow Leopard brothers to kill him." Luo Zheng said coldly, since the enemy was hiding and attacking, he might as well take the initiative to attack.

"There is a very suspicious situation." Lan Xue suddenly whispered.

"What's going on?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"The person who fired the shot was only 200 meters away from the ghost hand. With their skills, there was no reason to choose to attack the chest instead of the head. The chest target is large and easy to hit. I feel that the other party didn't care whether the shot could hit or not. It seems that he took the initiative to expose himself, why?" Lan Xue said in surprise. After all, he is a senior sniper. Lan Xue has more combat experience than Luo Zheng. With his female sixth sense, he is keenly aware that something is wrong here.

Luo Zheng was startled. He followed Lan Xue's train of thought and felt that something was wrong. If it were him, if he wanted to shoot, he would have to aim and shoot to death, instead of just shooting and hiding. That's fine. There's no need to take the risk and change places. There's something weird about this shot. It's not killing anyone. What's going on?

"Is it to attract you to shoot?" Guishou said in surprise. He was wearing a large cotton-padded jacket. He didn't feel too cold lying on the snow. He could withstand it. After being shot, Guishou's thinking became clearer and he looked ahead. In the quiet snow, his face gradually became serious, and he endured the pain and continued: "The location of the ghost brother has been exposed, the snow leopard and mountain eagle brothers have also been exposed, and only the captain is left. Is it to attract the captain to shoot?"

"It's possible, Xue'er, what do you think?" Luo Zheng's eyes lit up and he asked in agreement.

"It's hard to say, I didn't fire from the beginning to the end. From a certain point of view, it does have a certain deterrent effect. After the person was exposed just now, I almost couldn't help but shoot. If I wasn't sure, my position would have been exposed. , If it is really testing my position, then I can't fire this shot." Lan Xue said in a low voice.

"Yes, let them be wary and not act arrogantly." Guishou said in agreement. On the battlefield, a hidden sniper is absolutely terrifying, like an invisible sword, which is terrifying.

Luo Zheng also understood this truth, thought about it, and said: "Fortunately, there is a bulletproof vest outside, and there is also a newly developed tight-fitting suit inside, otherwise it would be troublesome, brother Guishou, don't be so reckless next time, continue Play dead."

"Not to mention, the bulletproof vest is broken, but the tight-fitting suit is fine. The tight-fitting suit developed based on the bullet-proof vest captured by the Japanese pirates is really useful." Ghost Palm said with lingering fear: "However, I can't continue to pretend to be dead, I have to Hide it to prevent the other party from becoming angry. Then when I go out, the fake corpse will become a real corpse."

"That's right. I didn't think well. You should find a way to hide." Luo Zheng came to his senses and said quickly.

"Two shots were fired just now. One shot was aimed at the ghost hand, and the other was aimed at the top of the mountain. The shot aimed at the top of the mountain was fired from the four o'clock direction, about 400 meters away from the top of the mountain. This person is left to me, Ghost , you keep an eye on the one at the bottom of the slope, and work with the snow leopard and mountain eagle to kill him first." Lan Xue said coldly.

"Understood." Luo Zheng agreed, turned the muzzle of his gun, and aimed at the slope. He felt suspicious in his heart. He just exposed two people, and there should be three more enemies. So, where is the other person hiding? Could it be that he came behind you? Thinking of this, Luo Zheng couldn't help but shudder, quickly turned his gun, and searched and got up.

There was still white snow behind him, the ground was flat, and no suspicious signs could be seen. However, this invisible person made Luo Zheng wary. He quickly lowered his voice and reminded through the headset: "Brothers, there are three more enemies. The shot just now only exposed two people." There is still one missing person, please be careful."

"Understood." Everyone responded in a low voice.

Luo Zheng's cold eyes searched the front, but there was no suspicious target. He went back to the other place to check, but still no suspicious target was found. This made Luo Zheng nervous, and cold sweat broke out on the palm of his hand holding the gun. He was exposed. The enemy is not scary. No matter how he hides, he has a general range, but an unexposed target is like the God of Death hiding behind him. No one knows when he will open his fangs.

Just like the invisible Lan Xue was a deterrent to the senior colonel, the unexposed person also had a huge deterrent effect on Luo Zheng. Who knows where? Don't know when the shot will be fired? This kind of depression and frustration was so frustrating. Luo Zheng searched the other three directions for a while, but found nothing. He returned to the original bunker and found that the ghost hand had disappeared under the snow. He couldn't help but have an idea. The best way is to be authentic. This is the experience passed down from our ancestors.

Tunnels are impossible to find and difficult to attack. The best way is to dig tunnels and connect them with the enemy's tunnels. Then fight inside the tunnels and decide the outcome based on their abilities.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng checked the route. It would take him a few minutes to rush down the hillside. This time was enough to make him a living target. It was okay to go around from other places, but digging the tunnel took too long and was not cost-effective. Moreover, people were there. When digging a tunnel in the snow, you cannot control the direction, and it is easy to dig in the wrong direction, resulting in wasted effort.

Just as he was thinking about it, the headset suddenly heard Lan Xue's voice: "Snow Leopard, the enemy may be heading towards you. Be careful. Have you found the enemy's whereabouts?"

"No, I'm hiding and waiting for work." Snow Leopard whispered.

"Waiting for work with ease?" Luo Zheng thought to himself, could he wait for work with ease? It doesn't seem to work, but what about going the other way and alerting the enemy? Thinking of this, Luo Zheng's eyes lit up and he smiled. He had an idea and said through the headset: "Concentrate on dealing with the enemies below the slope, Xue'er, don't shoot."

"Do you have an idea?" Lan Xue asked in surprise.

"I have some ideas, let's talk about it later." Luo Zheng agreed, aimed at a large puddle of snow on the slope, replaced it with an incendiary bomb, and said coldly: "Mountain Eagle, Snow Leopard, please be on alert and see how I can force him to come out."

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