The strongest soldier

Chapter 731 The Colonel’s Regret

"What's going on?" Lan Xue heard the gunfire and asked hurriedly.

Luo Zheng, who was on the top of the mountain, noticed that the enemy was opening fire. He didn't have time to snipe, so he quickly shouted: "The enemy is attacking, take cover quickly." while moving the muzzle of the gun to aim at it.

When Guishou heard Luo Zheng's cry, he knew he was being targeted. If the snow had not loosened under his feet just now, and he slipped and avoided the bullet, he would have died. Getting up or moving forward would mean death. Gritting his teeth, his body He rolled down the slope. The gunfire came from above. The man was below the slope, and a blind spot soon formed. The person who fired the gun lost the position of his hand. Knowing that he was exposed, he evacuated immediately. Unfortunately, it was already too late.

"Boohoo!" Luo Zheng fired, three sniper shots rang out, and the three bullets whizzed away in a straight line, heading straight for the target. In the sniper scope, Luo Zheng spotted the suspected target, which had already retracted into the snow cave. Not knowing where he would run, Luo Zheng fired three bullets in one breath in order to increase the success rate of shooting.

"Puff!" All three bullets were fired into the snow, but there was no response. Luo Zheng didn't know whether he hit the target, so he hurriedly shouted through the headset: "Guishou, report the situation?"

"It's okay, it rolled down the hillside." Guishou stabilized his body in shock. Hearing Luo Zheng's greetings, he quickly replied while looking up at the hillside. His face was pale, his scalp was numb, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat. From the gun The feeling of escaping from death was devastating. He saw the body of a snow bear not far from him, motionless, obviously dead.

The ghost crawled over on hands and feet and saw that the opponent had been shot in the head and was dead. He was also shot in several places and was bleeding profusely. The ghost hand checked and found that the opponent was wearing a bulletproof vest and was shot at close range by bullets. The bullet jacket could not stop the bullet. The bullet penetrated the bulletproof vest and entered the muscle, but it was not fatal. The fatal injury was to the head.

"Son of a bitch." Guishou kicked the opponent angrily, looked at the sky, and raised a middle finger. The sun was shining brightly in the sky and the visibility was good. Guishou believed that the polar bear country would definitely be able to see him through the satellite. He sneered and picked up the I put on the other party's headset and listened for a while. It was quiet inside and no one spoke.

"Fuck!" Guishou cursed coldly at the headset, destroyed it three or two times, and threw it aside. Seeing that the big cotton-padded jacket the other party was wearing was good, he couldn't help but take it off quickly, put it on himself, and immediately felt much warmer. , pick up the opponent's weapons and ammunition, and climb up the hillside.

On the top of the mountain, Luo Zheng stared coldly at the two suspicious locations below. One was where Guishou's enemy was sneak-attacked. After three shots, there was no movement. He didn't know whether the opponent was alive or dead. The other was where he was sneak-attacking when he rushed to the top of the mountain. The location was also quiet, and there was nothing suspicious about it.

"We killed seven, and there are three more. Everyone, cheer up and deal with it carefully." Luo Zheng didn't know that the first snow cave trap killed a snow bear. He endured the cold and said. After staying on the top of the mountain for a long time, his body was frozen. I became a little numb and even trembled when I spoke, but I had to persist. The top of the mountain is the highest point around and we must hold on.

"I took off the enemy's cotton-padded jacket. It's so warm. Brothers, I'm coming up." Guishou said excitedly. He survived the catastrophe and got a big cotton-padded jacket on the boat again. Guishou's spirit was high and his fighting spirit was high.

"I have one, too. Hey, captain, deputy, mountain eagle brothers, I have wronged you." The snow leopard hid in the snow cave and smiled proudly. After sneak attack on a snow bear, the snow leopard also discovered the big cotton-padded jacket on the other person. Naturally, he would not You're welcome, in this ice and snow, a big cotton-padded jacket is a life-saving thing.

"Be careful and observe, there are still three enemies." Lan Xue reminded coldly.

"Yes." Everyone agreed quickly. Thinking of the enemy's endurance and marksmanship, Guishou and Snow Leopard did not dare to be careless and continued to observe.

The wind was blowing, snowflakes were curling up, and flying in the air. The surroundings were quiet, and time was slowly passing by. No one on the two sides noticed the other. They continued to face off, ambushing the enemy continuously, and the results were good. Luo Zheng and others were in great spirits. Zhen, in a good mood, not in a hurry, just uncomfortable with the cold.

Although the remaining Snow Bear members were well-dressed and not worried about the cold, they became agitated. The continuous deaths made the survivors gradually become more and more irritable. No one could remain calm after their companions died one after another. It was good to be able to restrain themselves until now. Unless it's cold-blooded, unless the deceased has nothing to do with him.

The Snow Bears are a collective, and everyone has deep feelings. Their comrades died in this icy and snowy wasteland, but they were helpless. This made the surviving Snow Bear members very angry, eager for revenge, and eager to vent. The senior colonel was also filled with anger when he learned that there was a After his men died, he felt terrible. Fortunately, his reason prevailed and he did not rush out. After getting in touch with the headquarters through the headset, he said: "Headquarters, the locations of the four enemies are very clear, but there is still one person who has not been exposed. Have you found anything suspicious? Location?"

The one who was not exposed was Lan Xue. Lan Xue was like a sword hanging over the head of the senior colonel. It was full of intimidation and forced the senior colonel not to dare to move. Originally, the senior colonel let his brothers and opponents play slowly, but after someone from the opponent rushed to the top of the mountain, , the situation immediately reversed, the companions on the slope were sniped, and another person was also attacked by a sneak attack. Two people on his side died at once, and he was completely passive. It seemed that he still underestimated his opponent.

"Where did we lose?" The colonel thought with a livid face, eager to find his own flaws and reverse the situation. He kept recalling the whole incident in his mind. Snow cave trap? The first time I was careless, but the second time I thought about it carefully, I still underestimated the enemy, ignored the opponent's cunning, and placed the trap on the outside.

"So, what happened next?" The colonel couldn't help but think of the comrades who were killed by snipers. One of them went to collect the remains of his comrades. At that time, everyone thought that the opponent had evacuated the scene just like before, leaving only a trap. This kind of mistake is unacceptable. Avoided, can be forgiven, but what about the second companion? It was obvious that someone else had made a roundabout way back to the hillside, but he was still being sniped and killed in a snow cave. What does this mean?

Was it that one of our own was not cautious enough and exposed his position, or was the enemy smarter and chose to ambush in the face of the wind? Maybe both, but what about the sneak attack later? Did you make a mistake in your command? But the opponent was ambushing two kilometers away and was not afraid of being counterattacked after being exposed. This courage was admirable. What would have been the result if I had not hesitated to lead the people to retreat instead of facing the attack head-on in a hurry for revenge?

At this moment, the senior colonel suddenly realized that he had been plotted from the beginning. His eagerness for revenge was firmly grasped by his opponent, and he set up an encirclement and continued sneak attacks, making one wrong step and another wrong step.

"No matter what, there are still two people who can still give it a try." The colonel's face gradually became firmer, and there was a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

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