The strongest soldier

Chapter 728 Defeat two enemies in a row

The Snow Bear Special Forces are good at fighting in the snow. Facts have proved that this statement is true. About ten people were ambushed and disappeared out of thin air. No one had a chance to shoot. If Luo Zheng hadn't been hiding in the wind, he would not have found it. Without the opponent's tactic of going behind the scenes, once this tactic succeeded, it was hard to say who would die. After the sneak attack was successful, Luo Zheng had no chance to attack and fell into passivity.

Lan Xue and Shan Diao finally found the fighter plane, but still had no chance to take action. This was enough to show that Snow Bear was powerful. However, Luo Zheng still saw the hope of victory, which was to take the initiative. If the enemy does not move, I will not move, and the enemy will not move. If there is a move, I will move first. Lan Xue and Shan Diao are both excellent snipers. As long as they are given a chance, they will definitely succeed. Even if there is no chance, the two of them can still create a large enough deterrent effect if they are hidden.

Silence returned to the ice and snow plateau again, as if nothing had happened just now. Luo Zheng looked up at the sun and smiled confidently, easily. No matter what, everyone had killed three targets. As long as Lan Xue When He Shandiao used his mobile phone, he could still kill two of them, one for each, so he would have someone to back him up in death.

One life for another, killing the powerful Snow Bear Special Forces team member, Luo Zheng felt that it was worth it, he felt relaxed, and his muscles all over the body relaxed. This relaxation also made Luo Zheng's brain relax, and his thinking became much quicker. Look Looking to the left and right, there is thick snow. Apart from this stone, there is no other place to hide around. It is not easy to fight back. What should I do?

Suddenly, Luo Zheng heard the sound of a sniper gun. He couldn't help but look stern and asked into the headset: "What's going on?"

No one answered immediately, and Luo Zheng became nervous. After a while, a breathless voice sounded in his ears, as if someone was telling him to run. It sounded like a mountain eagle. Luo Zheng was startled, and he immediately understood that the mountain eagle had taken action. , without asking, he carefully took off his bulletproof helmet and put it down on the corner of the boulder, and tested it to see if anyone had fired. After the helmet was extended, there was no unexpected gunshot. Luo Zheng quickly took it back and put it on, not daring to move. Enemies who can withstand temptation are definitely not easy to mess with.

"Kill one of them." The mountain eagle's voice sounded in the headset, extremely calm, without any trace of pride or excitement.

"Good job." Luo Zheng was overjoyed and said excitedly.

"Bang, bang, bang!" Suddenly a burst of three bursts rang out in the headset. Luo Zheng was shocked and asked, "What's going on?"

No one answered. Luo Zheng was surprised. He clenched his gun and wanted to go out to check, but he was afraid of enemy snipers and was extremely anxious. Suddenly, a snow leopard's voice came from the headset: "Find a mouse hole, kill one, I will." Now hiding in the snow cave, tsk tsk, these bastards are really good at digging holes."

"Great, Brother Snow Leopard, you did a great job. You are worthy of being a leopard in the snow. This snow mountain has good fighting ability. Tell me, what is your clever method?" Luo Zheng asked excitedly. Snow Leopard's identity was revealed with this shot, making him The enemy is aware of the danger behind him, but he will also create tension for the enemy. Maybe he will have a fighting chance. He is in a good mood and asked.

"The snow cave can be crawled by one person. The top layer is about a foot thick. You can get up at any time. A small opening is opened with a saber on the top for lighting and ventilation. I said that these rats dug such a long hole without being exposed. It turns out that they don't worry about the air problem at all. It’s really amazing, you can know the direction without even looking inside.” Snow Leopard sighed.

"Their snow caves are not connected, right? Be careful. It's best to find a place to hide, don't move, and wait for the fighter. If we don't move, the enemy will be even more nervous." Luo Zheng said in a low voice.

"Understood, Brother Guishou went to the slope location mentioned by the captain." Snow Leopard whispered.

"Where is the slope?" Luo Zheng was startled and immediately realized that there were two snipers hidden on the slope. Lan Xue never had a chance to attack. If the ghost hands came to help, they could drive out the hidden rats and create trouble for Lan Xue. Opportunity, but ghost hands can also be dangerous.

"Snow Leopard, this battle has been going on so far. One person has been killed by the explosion. Two mountain eagles have sneak attacked. Ghost has sneak attacked one. Now he has also sneak attacked one. There are five enemies left. Two snipers have been targeted by me. Ghost Hands Attack from behind and they won't be able to escape, so I guess the bastard will choose to retreat." Lan Xue's voice sounded in the headset.

"It makes sense, Brother Snow Leopard, be careful and don't show your face easily." Luo Zheng heard this and quickly warned.

"Bang bang bang!" Suddenly there was a burst of intensive gunshots.

"Where to shoot?" Luo Zheng was shocked and asked quickly.

"The enemy is conducting fire reconnaissance, don't move." Lan Xue shouted quickly.

The fire reconnaissance quickly disappeared. After all, fire will reveal one's position. The reconnaissance time cannot be too long, otherwise it will become a living target. Silence returned to the ice and snow wasteland again, and Lan Xue's voice sounded coldly in everyone's headsets: "These guys People are anxious after being beaten, so everyone persists and fights with them to see who can persist to the end."

"Five of the enemy have been killed, and there are still five left. They are anxious. The more anxious they are, the calmer we should be. Don't shoot if you don't have a chance. Brother Ghost Hand, stay hidden in place. I guess the slope sniper has already thought of you. There is, hide in the snow or under the slope, don't let the satellite monitor you." Luo Zheng lowered his voice and warned.

"Understood." Guishou agreed.

Not long after, Ghost Hand whispered happily: "Brother Ghost, thank you for reminding me that there is only one sniper behind the slope, and another person who has gone to who knows where. He must be hiding. I am hiding under a slope, above There is obstruction, so as long as you stay still, the satellite cannot detect it.”

"That's good, everyone, be careful. These bastards are more powerful than you think. The current situation is that the positions of the mountain eagle brothers and I have been exposed, and the location of the snow leopard has also been roughly known to the enemy. Guishou, has your position been exposed? OK, let’s continue to fight them, there’s still a fight to come.” Luo Zheng reminded in a serious voice.

At this stage of the battle, everyone gained the upper hand through sneak attacks. However, there were still many enemies, so they could not be careless or underestimate the enemy. Everyone responded with understanding, took cover and waited patiently. Luo Zheng was still hiding behind the boulder. He dared to move, and he was filled with admiration in his heart for facing this group of people. He could still remain calm even after half of them were beaten to death. This endurance was really terrifying. Comparing it with his own, if half of them died on his side, Luo Zheng didn't think he could still remain calm.

"Ghost, the enemy has satellite contact at any time. Your position has been exposed. I estimate that the enemy is moving towards you. Try to find a way to evacuate the bunker." Lan Xue reminded worriedly.

"Understood." Of course Luo Zheng knew that there were satellites monitoring his head, and the enemy in front could also contact his country at any time to obtain information. The polar bear country's information combat capabilities are not low. The problem is that it is possible for him to break out of the bunker. What should I do if I die?

Luo Zheng frowned and quickly checked the surrounding terrain, looking for a way to escape.

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