The strongest soldier

Chapter 725: Trap shows off its power

The pale ice and snow world was completely silent. The wind blew slowly, picking up a few smiling snowflakes and dancing. They quickly fell down again and lay quietly. A ray of sunshine rushed out of the horizon and tore through the gray. The sky adds a bit of life to this ice and snow world. On the high hills, a group of people are scattered, walking slowly forward. The leader is loaded with ammunition and wearing a white camouflage. His appearance cannot be seen clearly, and he keeps an appointment with the people behind him. About 100 meters.

This man walked a few steps and suddenly stopped, calmly observing his surroundings. After a while, a person behind him hurried past, passed this man, walked about a hundred meters forward, stopped, half-crouched on the ground, and raised his arms Gun, constantly moving the sniper scope on the gun to search the surroundings, not missing a single detail.

The sniper rifle was wrapped with a thick layer of white cloth, which not only protected the gun, but also acted as a camouflage. These were valuable experiences in fighting in the snow. The two of them took turns to cover and move forward, while the person behind them hung on the A hundred meters away, he walked forward slowly, looking very cautious.

Twenty minutes later, the person who opened the road in front arrived about a thousand meters away from the hillside and hid on the spot. The white camouflage on his body blended the person and the surrounding snow into one, as if the person disappeared out of thin air and could not be found at all. Luo Zheng, who was calmly observing all this in the snow cave, became more solemn and said in a lowered voice: "Here we come, exploratory investigation. Everyone must hold on and don't shoot."

Everyone tapped the earphones, and Luo Zheng heard a rustling sound. He took a deep breath and let the cold air flow into his trachea and lungs, stimulating his nerves. His brain sobered up a little. He shook his head vigorously and moved his body. , changed into a more comfortable position and continued to observe.

Not long after, one person tentatively moved forward and stopped about 800 meters away from everyone's original snow cave. Everyone behind them also lay down and did not move. Luo Zheng quickly moved the sniper scope to search for the enemies in the distance. No one was missing. Luo Zheng was shocked and took out the infrared thermal imaging scope. Only then did he find the target lurking on the ground. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief and lowered his voice and said: "Change the infrared thermal imaging scope."

Luo Zheng believed that the enemy also had infrared thermal imaging scopes, but everyone was hiding in the snow cave. The snow had a good concealing effect and was not easy to thermal imaging. He continued to huddle in the snow cave and observe. Not long after, Luo Zheng saw an enemy. He rushed over from behind, passed the people in front, and quickly ran towards the snow cave.

"What a pity." Luo Zheng saw that the other party only sent one person to check the snow cave. Even if he encountered a trap, he could only kill one person. He couldn't help but sigh, but he was not discouraged. His opponent was a snow bear, and it was not easy to kill one. , continued to search for the enemy in front, and restrained his aura to prevent his murderous aura from leaking and alerting his opponent.

"The enemy has passed, do you want to follow?" Guishou's voice sounded in the headset.

"Don't move yet." Luo Zheng said in a low voice.

After waiting for a while, Luo Zheng found that the person who rushed up stopped at a position of 20 meters in the snow cave. Immediately afterwards, two more people rushed up from behind. They took cover at a distance of 800 meters and set up a sniper rifle. , the person in front fired at the snow cave.

"Bang bang!" Two gunshots rang out. The bullets broke the silence of the ice and snow world and shot into the snow cave. There was no sound, no screams, and no one rushed out. This man vigilantly provided fire cover for his companions behind him. With the gesture, he continued to walk forward, reached a position of about ten meters, took out a grenade, and quickly threw it over.

The grenade fell on the snow cave, and with a "boom", the surrounding snow splashed and the smoke filled the air. Seeing that there was still no movement in the snow cave, the man walked forward.

Luo Zheng saw this scene and sneered. This group of people had learned a lot. He asked one person to check. Two snipers were hiding at 800 meters to cover the fire. If there was anyone in the snow cave, they would be killed by the snipers. Kill, a very good tactical arrangement. Seeing the opponent crawling forward warily, Luo Zheng sneered.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and in the sniper scope, Luo Zheng found that the man was blown into the air, and his body was instantly dismembered. The remaining limbs and pieces of meat flew everywhere, falling to the ground, dyeing the white snow on the ground red, and the internal organs were even more. It was scattered all over the ground, looking particularly eerie on the pale snow.

All this happened so suddenly. The two snipers stared at this scene, stunned. This was the best time to snipe. Lan Xue asked in a low voice: "Kill them two snipers first?"

"Don't be in a hurry, just wait." Luo Zheng said in a low voice. He was very excited. He finally collected some interest. He let out a bad breath, put down the gun, and raised the telescope to observe. The opponent was very cautious and fired a test shot. The grenade After the bombing, I found that no one was in the snow cave, and my vigilance dropped sharply. Apparently I did not expect that there was a trap five meters away from the snow cave.

People always have inertial thinking. The first time they encounter a snow cave, there is no one inside, and the trap is inside. After the second encounter, no one is inside, and they think that even if there is a trap, it is in or near the snow cave. Who would have thought of the trap? The trap was placed five meters away and was surrounded by snow, so it was well concealed and the trap was successful.

Luo Zheng saw that the two snipers had changed their hiding positions and hid behind the slope. He was unable to carry out the sniper attack and missed the opportunity. However, Luo Zheng did not regret it and chose to continue waiting. In this situation , it is the enemy who is anxious, not oneself. If you want to hunt ferocious prey, you have to be more patient than the prey.

On the battlefield, whoever loses his cool will die first. It is cruel and realistic. Luo Zheng stared coldly ahead. At this time, the sun had risen, and thousands of golden lights penetrated the gray clouds and fell on the snow-capped mountains, giving this piece of ice Adding a bit of warmth and vitality to the cold world.

The ice and snow refracted the sunlight, which created illusions and was not conducive to aiming. Luo Zheng was not in a hurry and waited patiently. After waiting for about ten minutes, another opponent rushed towards the snow cave and stopped ten meters away, carefully checking the ground. , slowly climbed forward, obviously going to collect the remains of his comrades.

After a while, the man picked up a grenade from the ground and found that the grenade was made in China. His face became extremely ugly. He carefully untied the string on the pull ring and found another grenade along the string. The headset reported the situation, and after waiting for a while, the man continued to crawl forward.

Luo Zheng observed this scene calmly. When he saw the other party starting to collect the remains, it was obvious that he had a deep love for his comrades. Even if he died, he did not want his comrades to abandon their bodies in the wilderness. He couldn't help but have an idea and came up with a plan. He lowered his voice and said: "Mountain Eagle, you sniper Kill the enemy in the snow cave. Remember, don’t kill him, just wound him. I want to use it to fish. Xueer, join me to deal with the two snipers on the slope."

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