The strongest soldier

Chapter 722: Lost in vain

Under the moonlight, the Snow Bear Special Forces stepped on sleds and whizzed forward at very fast speeds. Especially when going downhill, they seemed to be flying. After landing steadily, they continued to slide forward, navigating various terrains. The snow-capped mountains are as flat as walking on the ground. Under the cover of night, each one looks like a giant bear attacking, fierce, decisive and swift.

In the middle of the night, the people of the Snow Bear Special Forces had to carry their sleds on their backs. Because they were climbing all the way, the sleds could go downhill but could not climb uphill. As a result, everyone's bodies bore a lot more weight and walking was very difficult. Some people I simply put the things on the sled and tied them up, made a zip line and put it on my shoulders, and dragged the equipment with me.

The colonel looked at the towering snow-capped mountains and gritted his teeth with hatred. It would be better to walk through the canyon, but he chose to go to the mountains. These bastards walked slowly all the way. They were in an extremely bad mood. They wished they could catch the target immediately and trample them under their feet. After ravaging, the hillside became steeper and steeper, and the sled could not be dragged along, so it had to be carried on its back. As a result, the heavy supplies made it difficult for everyone to move, but in this desolate mountain snowfield, it was easy to throw away the supplies they carried. It means death, and there is no choice but to grit one's teeth and persevere.

A few hours later, everyone climbed up the snow-capped mountain, only to find that the flat mountain ridge in front of them was actually a high mountain. They couldn't help but get angry and started to curse. Why did these bastards go to the top of the mountain instead of leaving a good canyon? Why don't you freeze to death? The scolding is full of resentment, and negative emotions corrode the brain, which invisibly consumes physical strength faster.

At dawn, everyone came to the canyon according to the coordinates and hid one after another. The colonel quickly found the location of the snow cave according to the coordinates provided by the headquarters. It had been snowing all night and no traces of excavation could be seen outside, but the entrance to the cave was still there and filled with snow. , could still be vaguely distinguished, and the colonel immediately signaled the team to disperse and take cover.

Soon, the colonel found that he was two thousand meters away from the snow cave. This distance was okay under good shooting conditions, but there was no way to effectively snipe in this canyon. Not to mention the howling and sweeping wind, the white snow reflected the sun, which easily made it easy for him to snipe. It causes visual illusion and makes it difficult to aim at the target.

The colonel observed the surrounding terrain for a while. The snow cave is on the opposite hillside with a canyon in the middle. It turns a corner and cannot be attacked from the front. It is possible to go around from the side, but it will take an hour to get around. Anything can happen in this hour. His face was solemn, and he couldn't help but admire the target. He was able to choose this kind of terrain to hide, and he was considered a master of snow combat. However, the colonel did not give up and immediately made a gesture.

Several soldiers detoured from both sides. The colonel waited patiently while eating some food to replenish his strength. An hour later, the soldiers who detoured from both sides took their positions. The colonel asked everyone to block the snow cave with firepower and not to rush to shoot. He took the remaining few people down the cliff to the canyon, and then climbed up the hillside.

Half an hour later, the senior colonel arrived near the snow cave, his face full of confusion. An hour and a half had passed, and there was no movement in the snow cave. Could it be that everyone froze to death in it? Well, there is a possibility that it would be difficult to survive a night in a freezing world of ice and snow, even if you hide in a snow cave.

Thinking of this, the colonel sneered and immediately motioned for one person to touch and check. Others took aim and provided fire cover at any time. The soldier cautiously touched the area around the snow cave and squatted down to check. Based on his own experience, he felt that there was no one in the snow cave. , but he couldn't say it directly, so he came to the entrance of the snow cave and carefully shouted inside. When he saw no movement, he strengthened his judgment and went straight into the snow cave.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, snowflakes flew wildly, mixed with a scream, a figure fell from the flying snowflakes, covered with blood, and the broken limbs and flesh were all over the ground, dyeing the white snowflakes red. Extremely weird.

"Ah?" The colonel was startled, and immediately realized that he had been tricked. He wasted an hour and a half in vain, not only delaying the best pursuit time, but also lost a brother. Now the footprints on the snow were covered by the fluttering snowflakes. , I can’t find any traces, how can I pursue it?

"Communications soldier." The colonel looked at the communication soldier with a livid face and shouted, his heart full of guilt and regret. He valued this group of people and was able to hide the grenade layout from his subordinates. This method is indeed very clever and worthy of him. Taking it seriously, at this moment, the colonel finally realized that he had indeed underestimated the enemy.

"Fortunately, it's not too late." The colonel vowed secretly that he would arrest all these people. After the communications troops arrived, the colonel contacted the headquarters. The headquarters did not know how the target left, and asked everyone to wait and investigate immediately.

After waiting for another ten minutes, the Polar Bear Country monitored Luo Zheng's whereabouts through satellites and told the senior colonel the coordinates. After the senior colonel took out the GPS to confirm the coordinates and route, he called everyone together and said with a cold face: "Brother We, we underestimated the enemy, and none of us who were able to place the grenades found out, it is very clever, so I hope everyone will be serious and take this enemy seriously."

"Yes." Everyone shouted in unison, their faces serious.

"According to the coordinates, the target is heading west along the mountain ridge. Let's go, we must catch up with that damn gangster as soon as possible. I must skin him and set off." The colonel's face turned cold and he shouted coldly.

The team acted quickly. Everyone climbed to the top of the mountain and walked along the mountain ridge. The mountain ridge was ups and downs. The ground was flat but very narrow. There were steep peaks on both sides. Once you fell, you would be in trouble. Dare to use the sled, but in this case, the sled that could have been used as a substitute for transportation became a drag, affecting everyone's speed.

The colonel really wanted to give an order for everyone to give up their sleds and march lightly, but he was worried that they would need it later, so he decided to take it with them. As a result, everyone's speed was much slower, and they could only contact the headquarters. Continue the pursuit after obtaining new bearing coordinates.

Luo Zheng thought that polar bears would use sleds to travel, otherwise they would not endure the pain of the cold wind and walk on the mountain ridge. He had already chosen a mountainside sheltered from the wind. After leaving the snow cave, everyone marched in a hurry. Luo Zheng looked up at the sky from time to time. With the satellite here, it's impossible for everyone to absolutely avoid the pursuers. We just need to find ways to buy some time.

"It looks like it's going to snow." Lan Xue looked at the gray clouds in the sky. The clouds were very thick and there were signs of snow. Her face became ugly. The weather was already bad enough. If it snowed, how could everyone survive? ? He couldn't help but look at Luo Zheng and asked, "Do you have any new ideas?"

"The enemy must be behind us. We must find a way to fight back and beat them all." Luo Zheng said loudly, his voice covering the whistling wind and clearly transmitted into everyone's headsets.

When everyone heard this, their eyes lit up.

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