The strongest soldier

Chapter 715 Extremely Provocative

The heavy rain fell tirelessly with no intention of stopping. Everyone slowed down and walked forward with difficulty. Facing such a heavy storm, everyone walked very hard. Fortunately, there were no enemy planes chasing after them, so our mood improved a lot. They joke with each other from time to time to relieve their tense nerves.

Three hours later, the sky became darker and the storm subsided a bit. However, everyone did not dare to stop and rest. They ate dry food while walking and gritted their teeth and kept on going. If they were ordinary soldiers, their bodies would not be able to withstand such high-intensity marching. , too many life and death experiences and extreme training have created everyone's strong character and extraordinary physique. In the face of the storm, everyone gritted their teeth and persisted without being defeated.

It was getting dark and the storm was much lighter. Everyone put on their night vision goggles and continued on their way. No one stopped, and no one complained about being tired. Although they were so tired that they wanted to fall down on the ground and sleep beautifully, everyone knew that this was polar bear territory. , the enemy will come at any time, and the only chance is to use the cover of night to escape from the polar bear territory. Only by entering the triangle zone and leaving the area alone, everyone will have a better chance of survival.

The team rushed all night, and their pace became slower and heavier. Although they were well-trained and in excellent physical condition, they were still human beings. After several days of fighting and rapid marching, their nerves were always in a state of tension. No one could persist for a long time. Stay, everyone supports each other on the way and cheers each other up.

Unconsciously, the sky brightened and we marched all night. Everyone's physical strength reached the limit. Luo Zheng knew that he could not go any further, otherwise he would be exhausted without being chased by the enemy. Once he got sick, there was a lack of medical treatment and medicine, and he would not die in a place like this. It was difficult. Luo Zheng had to stop in a canyon. Everyone found a rock cliff to hide, fell to the ground and fell asleep. They were too tired.

The heavy rain covered everyone's whereabouts, and all traces were washed away. It was impossible for the enemy's ground troops to follow them. Everyone was hiding under the stone cliff. Even if an unmanned reconnaissance plane came over, it would be difficult to find everyone's whereabouts. They were safe for the time being. Luo Zheng saw everyone. He was so tired that he couldn't even hold the gun steady. His eyelids were as heavy as mountains. He closed them when he fell to the ground and fell asleep. Even the powerful Lan Xue couldn't hold on any longer and did not stop him. He let everyone fall asleep and took charge of sentry duty. task, looking at the rain falling on the mountainside of the canyon, I felt particularly heavy.

Luo Zheng had a breathing method passed down from his family, and he continued to use breathing methods to restore his physical strength along the way. His condition was much better than everyone else, but he was also very tired. He sat cross-legged and meditated, and soon entered an ethereal state. In this state, Luo Zheng It feels like the sounds around you are clear and changeable, as if you can vividly remember them. It's a wonderful feeling.

I don’t know how long it took, but suddenly, there was a roar. Luo Zheng suddenly opened his eyes and saw an unmanned reconnaissance plane passing overhead. Everyone woke up and looked at the passing unmanned reconnaissance plane. With a serious look on his face, Luo Zheng pretended to be relaxed and said: "Everyone, eat some dry food to replenish your strength and continue to rest. If you are not in good health, you will die if you go out. We will make a decision based on the situation in the afternoon."

Everyone nodded in agreement, took out the little dry food they had, and swallowed it with water. The water was rainwater. When we were rushing on a rainy night, Luo Zheng asked everyone to open the lid of the kettle and fill it up to the sky. In this land that is short of water, In the mountains, water is very precious, so if you have the opportunity, you should naturally save some.

After eating and drinking, everyone continued to sleep. Luo Zheng waited for about an hour, but did not see the polar bear's aerial troops coming. The ground troops were not that fast. Guessing that everyone's whereabouts were not exposed, Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief and stayed on duty for two hours. After changing his guard to keep watch, he also fell asleep.

When he woke up, it was already around two o'clock in the afternoon. Luo Zheng looked at the time, ate some dry food, and said to everyone: "It seems that we were hiding here without being discovered, otherwise the enemy would have attacked us for most of the day. , I suggest that we simply wait until dark before leaving, and everyone can continue to recharge their batteries."

"Okay." Lan Xue pondered for a moment and said in agreement. Guishou and others saw that the captain and deputy had made their decision, so they had no objection. Everyone slept all morning and their physical condition recovered a little, but it was not enough. After eating and drinking enough, they continued to take turns to sleep to restore their physical strength and energy.

After dark, Luo Zheng woke up. He felt much better and his physical strength had recovered a lot. He looked around. The moon was in the sky and the earth was gray. The visibility was about ten meters. It was suitable for traveling. The wind was blowing slowly across the mountains. Breathing in the refreshing air, Luo Zheng cheered up and said with a smile: "Brothers, it's time to go out. It is estimated that satellites all over the world are staring at us. Once we go out, we will be exposed. Let's go out , let’s shock the whole world.”

"It is entirely due to this possibility that such a big noise was caused. Polar bears were both fighter jets and helicopters, and large forces were mobilized. Satellites from various countries must have discovered this situation and are paying close attention to this place. We hid for a day. I believe many people thought We were bombed to death, right? Why don't we scare a lot of people when we go out?" Guishou said with a smile.

"I guess the country is also worried, right? Let's go out to reassure the country. However, if we go out, we will definitely be exposed. The polar bear will become angry and will definitely arrange to hunt down. Everyone, be careful." Lan Xue reminded him with a cold expression, while seriously Check the equipment and perform maintenance on the gun in hand.

"Everyone, check the weapons and leave in ten minutes." Luo Zheng looked solemn and said seriously. He must go out no matter what. As for the danger, there is no safe place anywhere on the battlefield, so he can only improvise.

Ten minutes later, everyone was ready, walked out from under the stone cliff, climbed up the mountainside, and continued walking along the ridge. Half an hour later, an unmanned reconnaissance plane roared over, and Luo Zheng, the leader in front, signaled everyone. He stopped, looked at the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft coldly, raised his middle finger disdainfully, and then continued on his way, unaware that this action was captured by the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, causing an uproar among relevant departments around the world.

The information technicians at the command center of the National Blade base became excited when they saw Luo Zheng's provocative action. Luo Zheng and others were lost during the rainy night, and no one was seen throughout the day. The National Blade mobilized all the mobilizable satellites in the country. After monitoring, the whereabouts of Luo Zheng and others were still not found. They thought they were killed by the bomb. Everyone felt heavy. This provocative action made everyone excited and applauded.

Wu Jin watched Luo Zheng's provocative actions freeze on the big screen, and his mood, which had been worried for a whole day and night, suddenly improved, and he cursed angrily: "When did you learn how to show off? I guess the polar bear is going crazy, right? The Snow Bear Special Warfare Brigade will probably be dispatched, so you have to stand up to me."

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