The strongest soldier

Chapter 713 Fighter Bombing

The sky was getting a little gloomy, the wind was howling across the mountains, a few free birds were frightened, and hurriedly flew into the grass on the mountains, disappearing, leaving only some dead grass curling in the air, a bleak scene, dark clouds At the top of the mountain, rain was about to come. The low air pressure suppressed the breathing of Luo Zheng and others who were marching in a hurry. They climbed over a mountain. There were still mountains in front of them, as if they were endless. The only difference was that the size and shape of the mountains were different. This It leaves everyone with a heavy heart.

"It's going to rain." Lan Xue raised her eyebrows and glanced at the sky. She held the steel gun in her hand a little tighter, and her face covered with oil paint became more relaxed. If there is really a heavy rain, it will finally It will rain until dark, and if the wind gets stronger, everyone will be safer. The storm is not conducive to helicopter combat.

However, as soon as this expectation arose, there was a roaring sound in the ears. The sound was a bit strange, with a low buzzing sound, not like a helicopter. Everyone's expressions changed drastically. What was in their minds, their whole bodies tensed up. Getting nervous, Luo Zheng turned around quickly. He couldn't see anything, but the terrifying sound was clearly audible, and he said in horror: "Fighter?"

Everyone has escaped a fighter jet attack, and they are well aware of the power of fighter jets. With an unobstructed view of the mountains, who can escape the bombardment of fighter jets? Everyone's heart skipped a beat and sank into their hearts. There was a hint of despair on their faces. They instinctively looked at Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng had no better way. When he saw a cliff in front of him, his face turned cold and he shouted: "Quick, jump off the cliff." ."

The cliff was more like a crack in the ground. The gentle mountain suddenly split open, forming a crack in the ground. The cliff was steep and it was unknown how deep it was. Everyone did not think too much and rushed forward. When they reached the cliff, Before they had time to look further, the fighter jets were already roaring towards them. When everyone looked back, they saw a missile roaring towards them with a fierce tail flame, as fierce as a devil grinning.

Everyone's expressions changed greatly. Luo Zheng suddenly pulled out the Japanese sword dragon tooth and shouted loudly: "Jump down and find a way to fix it in the middle of the cliff." After saying that, he jumped towards the bottom of the cliff. The Japanese sword dragon tooth did not hesitate. Stabbing into the cliff, the force of the dragon's teeth tore open the cliff soil, and Luo Zheng's body descended rapidly.

Others reacted and jumped down one after another. They twisted their bodies in mid-air and pierced the Japanese sword into the cliff. Under the strong inertia of the fall, the sharp Japanese sword cut through the cliff soil. The force of everyone's body falling was slowed down and they fell. It stopped after a few meters and hung in mid-air.

Before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, a scream passed over the top of the cliff, with a huge sonic boom that shocked everyone's brains and stung their eardrums. Then, everyone heard a loud bang, and the missile was in the distance. There was an explosion on the edge of the cliff diagonally opposite us two to five hundred meters away. The powerful energy shock spread out in all directions. Red clouds rolled and smoke filled the air. It carried an all-devouring momentum and made people collapse. Countless soil near the explosion point collapsed, making a roar. There was a crashing sound, which was dozens of meters long, revealing a huge gap.

Fortunately, the missile exploded about 500 meters away from everyone. The energy shock wave was not strong against the attacks below, but there was still a hot energy shock wave coming over, as if it was going to tear everyone's bodies apart, and the hot temperature made everyone breathe. For a moment, it was better to be protected by tight clothes, but his face seemed to be scorched, and he instinctively lowered his head to avoid the heat. Suddenly, his hands relaxed and his body fell down.

The energy shock wave also shook the cliff where the Japanese sword was pierced. The Japanese sword was not affected by the force, and the person who caught the Japanese sword naturally fell down. Fortunately, it was not deep below, only about ten meters. As it fell, everyone hurriedly opened their eyes. With big eyes, after seeing the ground clearly, they all breathed a sigh of relief. After landing, their feet loosened and they rolled up to release the momentum.

"Run." Luo Zheng's voice rang in the headset. Everyone did not hesitate or check to see if they were injured. They followed Luo Zheng and rushed over. The cliff about 20 meters deep was in danger of high-altitude drones and fighter jets. Yan said that the visibility was very poor and he couldn't see clearly what was going on below. The fighter jet turned around and flew over. It didn't find the target under the cliff and hovered in the air.

The unmanned reconnaissance plane flew over and searched along the cliff. Luo Zheng was leading the way. When he saw the unmanned reconnaissance plane coming, his expression changed drastically. He immediately stopped and lay down on the ground. Others also lay down and did not move. Under the camouflage of the ghillie suit, it blended in with the surroundings. The unmanned reconnaissance drone did not see the suspicious target, passed over everyone's heads, and flew quickly to the other side.

"Run." When Luo Zheng saw the unmanned reconnaissance plane flying over, his nervousness eased a bit, and he quickly shouted, throwing away his stride and rushing forward. There was a cliff for cover. As long as he was not discovered, everyone would be in danger. It's not big. Fortunately, the polar bear country's ground troops are far away and won't be able to reach them for a while, so don't worry.

The cliff is steep, and the uncanny workmanship of nature has cut it neatly. The bottom is full of sand and gravel, like a dry river bed. It can be seen that this place used to be a river, but it has dried up over time. Luo Zheng and others used the cliff as cover. , while running, suddenly heard a roar coming from behind. Knowing that the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft had not found the target, they turned around to investigate and fell down one after another.

The unmanned reconnaissance plane passed over everyone's heads, and everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief. They were about to continue running forward, but they heard Luo Zheng suddenly shouting: "Go back, go back."

"Ah?" Everyone looked at Luo Zheng in surprise, a little confused, but found that Luo Zheng's face was ashen and he was not in the mood to explain. He turned around and ran away. Thinking of Luo Zheng's ability to sense danger on the battlefield, everyone did not ask any more questions. They all turned around and started running wildly after Luo Zheng.

Not long after, everyone came to a stop at the foot of the cliff that had been attacked by missiles. Without waiting for any further questions, they saw a missile roaring away, fiercely rushing towards the area where everyone had been lying down before, and making an earth-shattering explosion. The entire ground seemed to be shaking, and the soil on both sides of the cliff collapsed, filling the cliff with a length of more than a hundred meters.

"Hiss" Everyone looked at the collapsed soil in front of them, and their expressions changed greatly. If they continued to run forward, even if they were not killed by the explosion, they would probably survive the collapse of the soil. They were secretly grateful.

Luo Zheng looked at the curve ahead. The collapsed soil stopped at the curve, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If this curve hadn't blocked part of the missile shock wave, everyone would be in big trouble. Looking next to him, the first round of The cliff that the missile exploded collapsed, and there were still many mud landslides rolling down. Luo Zheng was very lucky. Fortunately, this place had been bombed once and the cliff had collapsed. Otherwise, he would have been buried alive.

Everyone looked at Luo Zheng with pale faces, questioning eyes, cold sweat on their foreheads, and extremely nervous. No one could remain calm in the face of such a fierce explosion.

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