The strongest soldier

Chapter 707: Night Sniper

Deep in the dark woods, the moonlight was blocked by the dense canopy of trees. Only a few rays of light came through sparsely, unable to dilute the darkness on the forest floor. Countless unknown insects were chirping, adding to this dark world. Adding a bit of vitality, a slight sound of footsteps sounded. Behind a few big trees, a few pairs of black and white eyes suddenly flashed out. It was a bit scary in the dark night. After they saw clearly who the person was, they all shrank back. , continue to hide behind the big tree.

The visitor was Luo Zheng, who had returned from investigation. He stopped under a big tree near everyone, leaned against the tree, and whispered coldly through the headset: "Brothers, there are five in total, two of them are injured. One person acts as a secret sentinel, Levsky is still there, but Ishii is missing."

"Maybe I'm not here. What do you think?" Lan Xue's cold voice sounded in everyone's headsets. The voice was very weak, but they could be heard clearly.

"Get rid of them and capture Levsky for interrogation." Snow Leopard suggested. Compared to Guishou's alertness and Mountain Eagle's calmness, Snow Leopard is more fierce and likes to use the simplest and most direct way to achieve his goal. .

"What if he runs away? It might be difficult to follow him later." The mountain eagle said angrily.

"It is estimated that we are still about two days away from the border. The polar bear military may pursue us at any time. I suggest that we do not rush to take action and wait until we are beyond the border. As long as they are here, the polar bear military will not pay attention. Putting it on us will save us less trouble." Guishou said calmly in a low voice.

After the three people expressed their opinions, they all remained silent. Lan Xue didn't say anything. After waiting for a while, Luo Zheng suddenly said: "What everyone said is reasonable, but one thing cannot be ignored. The polar bear military will arrive at any time. If we kill or capture them all, we will have no clues, and it will be very difficult to evacuate then. Rather than doing this, it is better to do it tonight. We have night vision devices, but they don't, which is an advantage."

"I agree with this proposal. In this dark night, there is no way to walk without night vision goggles. Unless you use a big torch, you will die. Let's cover up on all sides and keep the distance until everyone is uniformed. Then we go up. There are experts on the other side. , Don't be careless." Lan Xue whispered.

"Agree." Luo Zheng looked at his watch. The atomic watch emitted blue cold light and the time display was very clear. Luo Zheng whispered: "To the north of me, to the east of Mountain Eagle, to the west of Xue'er, Guishou, Snow Leopard, you two To the south, be in position in ten minutes and wait for my order to act in unison."

"Yes." Everyone immediately took action and touched in their respective directions. With the night vision goggles, marching in the dark night was not a big problem. Luo Zheng followed the previous reconnaissance route and touched again. He was about two hundred meters away from the hidden sentry. He stopped at 300 meters and found a big tree to take cover. He squatted under the tree and raised his sniper rifle.

The Type 09 sniper rifle not only has a white light scope, but also an infrared thermal imaging scope designed for night use. Luo Zheng quickly changed the scope and checked the magazine. The Type 09 sniper rifle uses a 5-round double-row magazine. After supplying the ammunition, Luo Zheng finished filling the sniper ammunition, loaded it, and quickly searched for the hidden sentry.

In the infrared thermal imaging scope, Luo Zheng quickly found the target, hiding in a big tree that fell on the ground. The tree had rotted, and there was a hollow in the middle, which was enough to accommodate a person. If Luo Zheng hadn't been meticulous enough, I saw a bush being trampled down next to a tree, and I didn't notice the whistle at all.

He secretly hid in the hollow tree, but the angle at which the tree fell to the ground was four or five degrees from the angle where Luo Zheng was standing. Luo Zheng could just see the exposed shoes of the person hiding in the hollow. If he was facing directly, he would If you can't see the hollow position, you can't find the person inside.

The target was still there. Luo Zheng was not in a hurry and waited patiently. After a while, a report came from the headset that everyone was in position. The enemy was surrounded by everyone. Luo Zheng was refreshed and quickly aimed at the hollow tree to estimate the hidden position of the secret sentry. , whispered: "Remember, Levsky wants to live."

"Understood." Everyone said in a low voice.

Under the night, there was suddenly a hint of murderous intent in the dark woods. Several people around the campfire stood up alertly, raised their guns, and looked around for suspicious targets. Luo Zheng saw this scene and sneered. It was already too late. Maybe he could escape before the siege, but now? Luo Zheng took a deep breath, a gleam flashed in his eyes as he aimed at the target, and he pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"Whoosh!" The sniper bullet suddenly sounded in the dark night. The chirping insects around him suddenly silenced, leaving only the weird scream of the sniper bullet, as if the God of Death suddenly appeared in the woods, which was suffocating.

"Tuk!" The sniper bullet penetrated into the big tree that fell to the ground, making a muffled sound. Then, the surroundings fell into silence again. Even the insects that had been singing happily were too scared to come out. Only the leaves on the crown of the tree were left. The sound of rustling in the wind and the smell of death spread, which was devastating.

Beside the bonfire, several people looked around vigilantly, as if facing a formidable enemy. One of them said something, and another rushed to the side and hid behind a big tree. The other three immediately dispersed, guarding three of them. Form a circular formation for defense in different directions.

It has to be said that in the dark night in the woods, facing an unknown enemy, the best way is to defend in a circle instead of running around. Of course, unless you are wearing night vision goggles, Luo Zheng watched calmly. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but lower his voice and said: "The opponent is very adaptable. Be careful, don't shoot if you don't have a chance."

Everyone tapped the earphones and made a rustling sound, which was regarded as answering Luo Zheng's question. Luo Zheng rushed forward for a distance and saw a man lying in the hollow tree that fell on the ground. He was shot in the chest and his blood was stained red. With his clothes and life gone, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief and continued forward. He stopped about two hundred meters away from the bonfire and stared coldly ahead.

In the silent dark forest, there was no movement after the gunshot. An invisible pressure shrouded the four remaining people around the campfire. The four people did not dare to move. They watched the surroundings vigilantly by the light of the fire, and huddled as much as possible. , Reduce the attack surface, this calmness is admirable.

"Whoops!" A sniper gun sounded, breaking the silent night again, followed by a muffled groan, a man fell in a pool of blood, the bullet hit his waist, a large amount of blood gushes out like a spring, and the man screamed They were talking about something, and their voices were shrill and shrill, which was especially weird in the night. The remaining three people looked at each other with pity, their faces were ashen, but they did not dare to move. In the face of snipers, if they went out, they would die.

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