The strongest soldier

Chapter 696 Sniping in the Dark

"What's going on? Why don't you see anyone?" Luo Zheng was startled, and he suddenly woke up completely. He lay on the ground, raised his telescope and continued to observe the enemy camp in front of him. He asked eagerly, inside the telescope, outside the enemy camp. No one was seen, the military flags were flying on the training ground, and it was unusually quiet. I couldn't help but become curious.

"Everyone has already eaten in the canteen." Lan Xue whispered: "An armed transport plane arrived half an hour ago. He is a colonel. It is very impressive to have a colonel in a place like this. He should be the biggest official here. He is It’s a big fish, I’m worried he’ll run away after eating, what’s your plan?”

"Just run away. It's just a colonel. We'll talk about it later in the evening. Everyone, please prepare. There is an infrared detection position in front of you. You can't move forward rashly. I will use the telescope to observe after dark. Don't forget that the telescope in my hand can be used at night. We can see the infrared rays, let’s talk about it later.” Luo Zheng refused, saying he is just a colonel, it doesn’t matter whether he kills him or not, and the major general is another matter.

Luo Zheng took out the compressed biscuits and swallowed them with a little water. After resting for a while, night gradually fell. The armed transport plane had no intention of leaving. However, many people walked out of the barracks and came to the training ground. The training shouts The sound of killing quickly rang out, shaking the night sky.

After waiting for another two hours or so, the camp in front gradually became quiet. Suddenly, a team hurried over. Luo Zheng raised his binoculars in surprise and saw that the team was carrying many wounded people and carrying corpses, all with gloomy faces. , with a murderous aura, Luo Zheng thought that the team that rushed to the rescue came back and brought back the comrades who were killed and injured by the bombing.

"What's going on?" Lan Xue's voice sounded in the headset, full of surprise.

Luo Zheng explained his guess, and then everyone realized that the trap he had laid had actually exerted such great power. He was in a good mood, and the depression of lying in wait all day was gone. Luo Zheng saw many people rushing out of the enemy camp, Welcoming the group back to the camp, the camp became lively and the lights brightened.

"Reconnaissance and cover." Luo Zheng saw the opportunity to attack from the noisy camp, shouted through the headset, jumped out of the boulder, hunched over and rushed forward, like a ghost wandering under the night, quietly approaching the target .

A few minutes later, Luo Zheng rushed down the mountainside and came to the valley below. He continued to walk forward for a while, found a place to stop and hide, raised his telescope, and soon saw the crisscrossing infrared rays on the grass in front of him, almost Covered all the way ahead.

After observing for a while, Luo Zheng found no other threats and rushed forward. Soon he came to an infrared ray. Luo Zheng tiptoed over. This kind of infrared ray was fine as long as he didn't hit it. With the help of the telescope, Luo Zheng continued to cross the infrared monitoring positions that were intertwined like a spider web in front, and soon broke through about a thousand meters. He lurked behind a hillside about one meter above the ground, raised his telescope and looked forward. .

"How's it going?" Lan Xue's voice sounded in the headset.

"We have passed through the infrared monitoring position and are about two thousand meters away from the enemy camp. I need to penetrate another thousand meters. Everyone continues to stand by and wait for me to come back." Luo Zheng said in a low voice. He observed for a while and made sure that there was no infrared light ahead. After monitoring, he put down his binoculars, put on his night vision goggles, hunched his waist, jumped out of the hillside like a civet cat, and quickly moved towards the front, moving very quickly.

Night was the best cover. Everyone in the enemy camp went to visit their dead and wounded comrades. In addition, there was an infrared monitoring position for defense. No one thought that someone would infiltrate. Luo Zheng sneaked all the way, very fast, without alerting anyone. Unknowingly, I came to a position about a thousand meters away from the enemy camp, hid in a low-lying pit, and continued to observe with the telescope.

People were coming and going in the enemy camp in a hurry, and the training ground was empty. There was no one. Luo Zheng was thinking about whether to lurk directly to the training ground. Suddenly, he found a bright light reflecting on the roof of the camp. He was startled and quickly lowered his head to hide. He got up and waited for a while, but when there was no movement, Luo Zheng quietly changed his position, slowly poked his head out of the pit, and raised his telescope to observe.

Soon, Luo Zheng discovered that there was a sniper ambushing the roof. The sniper's hiding position was too tricky. He actually hid behind a low wall. There was a small hole as big as the mouth of a bowl in the low wall, and the barrel of the gun protruded from the small hole. Little by little, you can't see behind the low wall from the outside, but the sniper behind the low wall can see the situation in front. If you weren't in a good position and could just see the reflection of the sniper scope, you wouldn't be able to detect the sniper at all.

It was common practice to ambush hidden sentries in the camp. Luo Zheng estimated that the opponent had just come up, otherwise he would have been exposed earlier. He breathed a secret sigh of relief and was very grateful. He immediately lowered his voice through the headset and said: "There are snipers on the roof of the enemy camp. Others The secret sentry is unknown, everyone is hiding and waiting, don’t move.”

"Yes." Everyone replied in a low voice.

Luo Zheng observed vigilantly, shrank down, and waited patiently. The surroundings were quiet, with only the wind blowing slowly. Luo Zheng used the family breathing method to integrate himself with the surrounding environment. After a while, There was the sound of insects chirping all around, and he smiled.

The secret whistle is a sniper. Snipers are extremely sensitive to changes in the surrounding environment, such as the buzzing of insects. If they are not heard for a long time, it means that someone has invaded and scared the insects. As a sniper, Luo Zheng knows the psychology of snipers very well. The buzzing of insects around them Once the sound is heard, enemy snipers will not pay attention to your side, and you will be safe.

After waiting for a while, Luo Zheng suddenly heard the commotion. He couldn't help but look around in surprise. Through the telescope, he saw a large group of people coming out of the enemy camp. The armed transport plane had started. Luo Zheng was surprised and immediately overjoyed. At this time, there was a sound in the headset. He received Lan Xue's reminder: "The other party is leaving, and the opportunity is rare."

"I saw it." Luo Zheng responded softly and calmly. He set up his sniper rifle, loaded an armor-piercing bullet into the sniper rifle, loaded the gun, and quickly aimed at the position of the fuel tank of the armed transport aircraft that had been activated. There was a guard plate at this position. Luo Zheng Seeing that the guard plate was somewhat thickened, I was worried that ordinary sniper bullets would not be able to penetrate it, so I directly used armor-piercing bullets.

Taking a deep breath, concentrating, and calming down, Luo Zheng's sharp eyes became cold, and gradually closed slightly into a needle-like shape, restraining the murderous aura in his heart. His whole body seemed like a volcano about to erupt, ready to go. Come here for a while, Luo Zheng found a colonel boarding an armed transport plane, and several accompanying people were also boarding the plane.

"This is a rare opportunity." Luo Zheng was overjoyed, his slightly closed eyes suddenly exploded, and a fierce murderous aura shot into the sky.

"Boom!" The sniper bullet screamed away, tearing through the thick darkness with a devastating sonic boom. It was especially weird in the dark night. The bullet hole popped out and made a crisp sound, as if in advance. With victory.

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