The strongest soldier

Chapter 688 Advanced Tasks

The next day, Luo Zheng said goodbye to his family and flew back to the base with his team members. Captain Wujin held a small reception party and then left Luo Zheng to military doctor Wu Miao. Luo Zheng knew that his physical condition was not very good. , more than three months of dark prison life, poor nutrition, and hidden diseases that have not been eradicated. They really need treatment. They are very cooperative, which surprised military doctor Wu Miao.

A careful examination revealed that in addition to malnutrition, the ribs were not completely healed, and the internal organs were also affected to a certain extent and needed to be recuperated. Military doctor Wu Miao originally thought that Luo Zheng would run to train regardless of life and death, but he did not expect to lie quietly in the hospital bed. He didn't go anywhere, and he was treated with peace of mind. The only thing he did was to hold the chrysanthemum Japanese sword and dragon tooth with a strong ancient flavor.

Luo Zheng could feel that this sword was very old and must be unusual. After holding it and observing it for a week, he vaguely felt that the sword was full of spirituality. It was a wonderful feeling. He felt it carefully but found nothing. A week later , Luo Zheng followed the madman to practice invisible sword skills.

After fighting against many elite warriors and above, Luo Zheng found that his close combat ability was very weak, especially with cold weapons. The invisible sword technique could just make up for his shortcomings. It was a rare opportunity. Luo Zheng practiced very hard, and Lan Xue brought Ghost Hand, Snow Leopard and Mountain Eagle also joined in the training. Everyone had a Japanese sword, all of which were captured, and they were not very good at using it. With the madman here, everyone practiced very hard with the sword.

The more skills you have, the more chances you have to survive on the battlefield.

Time passed unknowingly while training. On this morning, Captain Wu Jin asked the guards to come, called Luo Zheng and Lan Xue to his office, turned on the projector, and a picture appeared in front of everyone, a vast forest. There is a building in the valley, that's all, nothing else can be seen.

Luo Zheng and Lan Xue looked at Wu Jin in surprise. Wu Jin explained: "This is a base training camp for terrorist organizations, a place dedicated to training dead soldiers. Thirty years ago, King Tiger attacked the Japanese palace and was injured and was captured. He was secretly imprisoned in this place. , it is unknown whether it is still there today thirty years later.”

"Japanese pirates? Terrorist organization base training camp?" Luo Zheng was keenly aware of these two keywords. After pondering for a moment, he asked: "What is the relationship between this terrorist organization base and Japanese pirates?"

Wu Jin nodded appreciatively and said with a smile: "We can be considered a family. The terrorist organization secretly supported by the Japanese pirates frequently attacks our borders. According to unconfirmed news, the East Turkestan Islamic Movement is related to this terrorist organization. The details are unknown. This base The people they train are very powerful, so be careful."

"How powerful?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"The world's fifth-ranked killer organization, Death. Every member is trained by this base. Death is just a name for the outside world. The number of people is unknown. The Reincarnation Killer Organization is only ranked eighth. What do you think?" Wu Jin looked solemn and serious. explained.

"Hiss?" Luo Zheng has fought against the Samsara Killer Organization. It is indeed very powerful and difficult to deal with. The gap between the eighth and fifth place is not as big as usual. In this case, the Death Killer Organization is probably about the elite soldier king level. With such strength, this kind of organization is difficult to deal with. His face became solemn, he thought for a while and said: "It is not terrible for soldiers to die on the battlefield, but I am afraid that they will not be able to complete the task. Can our team alone do it?"

"To be honest, your team's strength is not enough to take on such a difficult mission. Missions of this level were usually carried out by drunkards, shadows or snow foxes. Mr. Li naturally trusts you when he entrusts it to you. Besides, , you have challenged difficult tasks more than once, I believe in you, remember, your task is not to eliminate them, but to find the target and bring the target back." Wu Jin looked serious and said seriously.

At this time, Wu Jin switched the screen, and a recent photo of a person appeared on the projector. He had a hooked nose, triangular eyes, and a bald head. He was about forty years old and looked tall and strong. Wu Jin continued: "This person's name is Levsky." , is a member of the Snow Bear Special Operations Brigade of the Polar Bear Country. He defected and left. He is now the third mission of this terrorist organization base and is responsible for training soldiers. Snow Fox has fought against him and is slightly better. He is a master, so don’t be careless."

"From the Snow Bear Special Warfare Brigade of the Polar Bear Country?" Luo Zheng was surprised. You must know that the Snow Bear Special Warfare Brigade of the Polar Bear Country is equivalent to the National Blade Special Warfare Brigade. It is also the most powerful military force in the country and is responsible for foreign expeditions. From the Snow Bear The people from the special operations brigade even defeated Xue Hu. You must know that Xue Hu is an elite soldier. How can such a person be easily dealt with?

At this time, the screen switched again, and a cold middle-aged man appeared. He had a beard, a samurai braid, and a kimono. He looked like an ancient Japanese pirate. He was obviously a Japanese pirate. Wu Jin continued to explain: "Ishii, Chrysanthemum A high-level ninja who was expelled from the country twenty years ago and disappeared without a trace. He is the second-ranking figure in the terrorist organization base and is responsible for investigation, assassination and training. He is very powerful."

"Captain, these two are far more powerful than us. Are you really confident that we can entrust such an important task to our team?" Lan Xue said with a solemn expression.

"It will definitely not work if you are asked to clear the target. You just need to find people. You rely on strategy. The ghost tactics are super strong and the combat thinking is unconstrained. From this point on, you can give it a try." Captain Wu Jin analyzed with a thoughtful face, as if Fighting for Lan Xue seemed to be cheering for himself. Mr. Li personally ordered the generals. Wu Jin was worried and had no choice but to bite the bullet.

"Try it." Luo Zheng patted Lan Xue on the shoulder and said, his eyes becoming firm.

"Okay, let's give it a try." Seeing that Luo Zheng had no objection, Lan Xue naturally didn't say anything else and agreed casually. Soldiers take obedience to orders as their bounden duty. They will fight if they can win, and they will fight if they can't. They are fearless. , as for whether the Tiger King can be found and brought back smoothly, at least he will die, and then he will be replaced again. Thinking of this, Lan Xue's face became firm.

"There is currently no information about the number one figure in the terrorist organization's base training camp. I don't know if he is a boy or a girl. In addition, there are more than 500 people in the entire terrorist organization's training camp. They are well-equipped and powerful. It is also the home of the Death Killer Organization. Death kills people. , do everything possible, without any moral restraint, you must be careful." Captain Wu Jin warned with a serious face, deeply hiding his inner worries. The expedition was about to begin, and Wu Jin did not want to affect everyone's emotions and thoughts.

"Captain, this is just information about the terrorist organization's training camp. I need detailed information on the entire terrorist organization, not just the subordinate training camps, but also, does this terrorist organization only have one training camp?" Luo Zheng asked with a solemn face. His clear eyes were beating with fighting spirit.

"This is detailed information, take it and study it." Wu Jin handed a document bag to Luo Zheng and continued: "We will act in a week. Are there any problems?"

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