The strongest soldier

Chapter 68 Sneak attack behind enemy lines

Under the moonlight, in the dense forest, human figures flashed, adding a bit of eerieness to the silent forest. The gunshots that sounded from time to time were even more terrifying. The frightened birds screamed strangely and fled into the distance. Not long after, Luo Zheng found a dark shadow in front of him running through the jungle quickly. It was as if he could see the road clearly in the dark night. Every time he landed, his feet were steady and his movements were extremely fast. Luo Zheng was stunned when he saw it. One word flashed in his mind: Master .

Soon, Luo Zheng discovered that this man was just avoiding the shots from behind. He did not fight back at all, nor did he stop anywhere. He suddenly ran in another direction and rushed towards a mountain peak. In the dark night, Luo Zheng discovered this man under the moonlight. The figure of the person was somewhat familiar, and he couldn't help but be startled. He opened his eyes and observed carefully. In the blink of an eye, he saw that the other person had already ran two hundred meters away. The distance was even further. It was too dark to see clearly.

Luo Zheng was surprised. How could a familiar figure appear here? He quickly chased after him. No matter who he was, he was definitely not an enemy. Not long after, Luo Zheng came to hide behind a big tree. When he saw a large number of armed men swarming into the jungle about 200 meters ahead, Luo Zheng suddenly discovered Two men in ghillie suits held sniper rifles in their hands. They exuded a beast-like aura and moved as fast as a cheetah. A few rabbits and falcons passed the others and rushed forward.

"Master." Luo Zheng was shocked. He quickly restrained his breath and blended himself into the forest as much as possible to avoid being discovered by this group of people. His eyes were slightly closed like needles, and he coldly observed the people running over. From the appearance of their clothes, Look, this group is similarly armed to the drug traffickers who were chasing him before. Who are those two snipers? Could he be from the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group?

Thinking of this, a beautiful figure suddenly flashed in Luo Zheng's mind. It was Lan Xue. The familiar figure just now must be Lan Xue. She came to find him. Luo Zheng was overjoyed and worried about Lan Xue's safety, so he chased after her without hesitation. Going up, the pursuers moved forward blindly, not paying attention to the people behind them. Luo Zheng jumped up and pushed a pursuer who fell behind him to the ground. He cut the throat of the Type 65 Army dagger without hesitation.

A bloody arrow shot out. The militant's mouth was covered and he could not make a sound. A large amount of air entered the body through the severed trachea. His brain was severely deprived of oxygen, his nerves began to numb, and his consciousness began to fade. Soon he knew nothing. Luo Zheng dumped the body in the jungle and confiscated the opponent's weapons, an AK17, some bullets and a grenade.

The Ak17 is easy to operate, fast to shoot, has a long range, is highly lethal, durable, and has a simple structure. The only difference is its average accuracy. It once became the favorite weapon of soldiers from all over the world, and it was also deeply loved by drug dealers. Luo Zheng Not a big fan of this weapon, but in this case, there's no choice.

After running with the group for more than ten meters, Luo Zheng found another lone militant. Without hesitation, he attacked from behind and killed him with a single blow. After taking away the opponent's bullets, Luo Zheng locked onto a lone militant again. Although the sneak attack was successful, it also alerted an armed man running in front. Thinking of the pressure Lan Xue was facing, Luo Zheng kept on shooting at the armed men in front.

"Click, click, click!" Luo Zheng made full use of the AK47's theoretical rate of fire of 600 rounds per minute. 30 bullets were fired in the blink of an eye. A dozen people who were unprepared in front were knocked down on the spot. Luo Zheng knew that this place was not safe. After staying for a long time, he quickly collected a few magazines, turned around and ran away.

The sudden change stunned the pursuers. Soon, the pursuers were divided into two. Dozens of people chased them under the leadership of an officer. Luo Zheng heard the intensive gunshots behind him and did not look back. , running calmly while observing the surrounding terrain, relying on the hunter's intuition to determine where there are trees blocking the way and where there are shrubs that cannot be walked, and find a suitable evacuation route.

The pursuers behind did not have Luo Zheng's intuition and often took detours. The distance was virtually increased and the speed also slowed down a lot. Luo Zheng ran calmly under the moonlight, which could attract some of the pursuers to come over and reduce the pressure. Luo Zheng was very satisfied with Xue's pressure. He believed that the remaining pursuers wouldn't be able to stop Lan Xue, right?

A slope of more than 30 degrees appeared in front of him. There was a mound on top. Luo Zheng rushed up quickly and hid behind a big tree on the mound. He set up his gun and saw dozens of armed men chasing him. It's not far away. I looked around again and saw that there was a slope behind me, so I could retreat smoothly. There were many trees in front of me, making it difficult to shoot. It was an ideal blocking position.

After escaping from death, he saw the pursuers chasing Lan Xue again. Luo Zheng was holding back his anger and planned to fight beforehand. Seeing the pursuers coming up, Luo Zheng adjusted the gun in his hand to single-shot mode, shooting at 610 meters per second. The rate of fire does not need to be considered at all. The effective range is 400 meters. The enemy is only 300 meters away from him, which is the ideal shooting range. Luo Zheng quickly aimed at a pursuer and fired decisively.

The bullets roared out and directly penetrated the opponent's eyebrows, crushing the opponent's head. The militant fell to the ground before he could even grunt. Seeing Luo Zheng's precise shooting, the other pursuers took cover on the spot and did not dare to mess around. Chasing, it was hard to see clearly in the dark forest, and everyone was fighting randomly.

What Luo Zheng wanted was this effect. The sound of the gun could conceal his shooting. Luo Zheng aimed at a militant again. After thinking about it, he pressed the muzzle of the gun down and calmly pulled the trigger. The bullet whizzed out and hit the opponent directly. Thigh, the militant screamed and rolled on the ground in pain. The shrill cry for help spread far and wide in the dark night, which was heart-stopping.

This group of militants was quite ruthless. After the officer determined where Luo Zheng was hiding, he ordered the troops to surround them on both sides, leaving a group of people to provide fire cover. Luo Zheng couldn't help but think highly of this team, but he remained calm. He didn't move. It's not easy to find such a good sniper position. He focused on hitting the opponent's legs. After knocking down five militants again, the enemies coming up from both sides were only two hundred meters away. If he didn't run away, he would be in trouble.

Luo Zheng evacuated decisively and ran down the slope. He ran more than two hundred meters in one breath and found a place to hide. Looking back, he saw a large number of pursuers also starting to rush down the slope. Luo Zheng took aim and shot, and the bullet hit him. One person's lower abdomen, the screams made the pursuers fall down one after another, and they did not dare to pursue too closely.

The pursuers didn't move, and neither did Luo Zheng. They continued to search. After vaguely distinguishing the hiding place of an armed militant, they decisively attacked. Gunshots and another scream tore through the night sky, spreading far away, and they continued to snipe. This group of pursuers was shocked and angry. The leading officer gave an order and the pursuers dispersed and pursued them from different angles.

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