The strongest soldier

Chapter 671 Shadow Attack

When night falls, the manor is brightly lit, and the canyon becomes quiet. Under the moonlight, the grapes exude an alluring scent, and the green leaves are dancing like elves dancing under the moonlight. A breeze blows by, rolling up a leaf. It floated down carelessly, and finally landed next to a stone. Behind the stone, a man stood up slowly, straightened his wrinkled clothes, and looked at the moonlight high in the sky. His eyes became sharp. It was the shadow.

Darkness is Shadow's favorite time to fight. Shadow said through the headset: "Sniper, report the situation."

"Everything is normal." Lan Xue's voice sounded in the headset, and everyone could hear it clearly.

Shadow took a deep breath, did a chest expansion exercise, and whispered: "Get ready to fight." After saying that, he came to the dirt road and took out all the grenades that had been planted before. The grenades were to prevent someone from evacuating the manor by car. No one inside has left, the grenades have not been used, and there will be a more brutal battle next, so naturally it cannot be wasted.

After a few seconds, Shadow took out the grenade and threw it into his backpack. Shadow held a pistol in his hand. After loading the bullet, he glanced at the bright moonlight again and said, "Brothers, killing people under this charming moonlight is very interesting. Everyone is interested." Are you ready? Snow leopards and mountain eagles, follow me in a triangle attack formation."

"Understood." Snow Leopard and Mountain Eagle agreed, not daring to compete with Shadow for the arrow position of the triangular attack formation. In the face of absolute strength, they had to give in. Shadow hunched over and quickly rushed into the vineyard, as if walking in the dark night. The shadow is very fast and moves very lightly, as if it is floating past.

The snow leopards and mountain eagles did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly hunched their waists to catch up, running away and running away, fearing that they would be left behind. They were like cheetahs hunting for prey, fierce and fast. Although they were not as fast as Shadow's speed, they were not slow either. He got into the vineyard and followed the shadow forward.

Soon, the three of them arrived at the edge of the vineyard. In front of them was a flat grassland, an open space of about a thousand square meters, covered with low weeds. Beyond that was a slope, and above the slope was the parking lot and the large manor. Many people were patrolling, the grass below was clearly visible, and the bodyguards were not worried due to their condescending location.

The manor is built on a hillside. The hillside is like a slightly raised bun on the ground. The terrain on the back and both sides is similar to the front. No matter where you choose to attack, you will face the same result. Therefore, Shadow simply chooses the front and rushes across the grass in front. Easy, but this time is enough to expose everyone's actions. When they rush down the slope, they will face a fierce attack from the bodyguards.

Shadow observed for a while and whispered: "The grass in front is about a hundred meters wide. If we attack at full speed, our whereabouts will definitely be exposed in less than ten seconds. The snipers must provide fire cover in time to discover our whereabouts." The enemy was killed."

"Understood." Lan Xue and Shan Diao responded calmly and softly.

The sound reached everyone's ears through the headset. Shadow observed the terrain again and continued: "It's easy to rush over, but it will be very troublesome to rush over. The enemy will use the car to cover and counterattack, so when we rush down the slope, don't rush to shoot. , use grenades immediately, throw them all out, don’t save, I’ll go first, and I’ll act according to the situation.”

"Okay." Snow leopard and mountain eagle did not object, they agreed firmly and were ready.

"Run." Shadow suddenly whispered, kicked his feet hard, and ran forward like a cannonball, pulling out a shadow under the moonlight. He was indeed Shadow, and he lived up to his name.

When the snow leopard and mountain eagle saw this scene, they immediately realized that they had underestimated Shadow's ability. They quickly followed up, locked on the enemy on the hillside in front, and were ready to shoot at any time.

"Boom!" Two sniper bullets suddenly roared out and flew over everyone's heads, making a buzzing sonic boom and killing the two bodyguards who were aware of it on the hillside in front. One shot shot to the head, and the red and white thing appeared in the air. Under the moonlight, it was strange and terrifying. The body was knocked several meters away and landed on the ground, startling all the bodyguards around it.

Shadow and others saw the sniper looking at the gun, knowing that the enemy was aware of it, and immediately gritted their teeth and accelerated. Six seconds later, Shadow took the lead and fell down the slope. He used the safety of the grenade and threw it towards the hillside. Eight seconds later, Shadow and the others saw the sniper looking at the gun. Later, Guishou and Snow Leopard also rushed over. When they heard the explosion of the grenade, they did not hide. Instead, they quickly opened the safety of the grenade that had been prepared and threw it towards the hillside with all their strength.

"Boom!" There were two huge explosions. One grenade blew up a small car, and the other grenade landed just at the feet of the two people. They immediately flew into the air and let out a scream. The body parts were flying everywhere, and soon the body fell to the ground, completely dead.

Hoo ho ho! Several more grenades were thrown up, passing through the void under the moonlight, like a reminder. One of them landed just at the gate of the manor. Several people in the manor happened to rush out to check the situation, and were blown up by the grenades on the spot. Drive away, no one is spared.

The constant sound of explosions broke the silence under the moonlit night, attracting all the bodyguards. Seeing grenades being thrown up from the hillside, they all found a place to hide. After Shadow threw the grenades in one breath, he picked up his pistol and shouted: "Sniper." Hands, cover, rush forward with me."

"Yes." Everyone shouted. Lan Xue and Mountain Eagle kept killing the targets exposed to the gun. Snow Leopard and Mountain Eagle followed closely behind Shadow. The three of them hunched over and quickly rushed up the hillside and hid in a small car. Behind me, I saw many people hiding around, and they were firing at them. The bullets were hitting the surroundings with a ping-ping-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong sound, and the probe was destined to die.

Shadow gave the mountain eagle and snow leopard not far away a sign of fire cover. He took the car to cover, carefully touched the front of the car, observed the surrounding situation for a while, raised his hand and shot out the light bulb at the door. Suddenly it became dark. Shadow kicked his feet hard, and his body rushed forward like an offline arrow. He was so fast that he could only see a black shadow.

By the time the surrounding bodyguards realized something was wrong, Shadow had already rushed to the gate, hid behind a pillar, and quickly shot and killed the bodyguards who were exposed. Snow Leopard and Ghost Hands felt the pressure lighten and rushed over. The two bodyguards rushed out of the bunker and were about to shoot Guishou. Lan Xue targeted him. Two snipers targeted the two bodyguards and shot the two bodyguards in the head. Guishou, who charged hard, was spared. One difficulty.

The three of them hid behind the three Roman columns at the gate. The surrounding bodyguards were basically cleared. Someone opened fire inside the gate, blocking everyone's way forward. The firepower was very fierce. If you charge rashly, you will die. Shadow's face turned cold and he shouted: "Are there any grenades?"

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