The strongest soldier

Chapter 666 No Hope

Standing on the same side, any time, any place, anything exists. If you stand on the wrong side, you will be doomed. If you stand on the right side, everything will go well. Everyone is not stupid. Facing the cold gun, the choice is easy, plus what Jeff said It makes sense, why not? Everyone stood on the left side, looking at Luo Zheng enthusiastically, waiting for Luo Zheng to make a decision and lead everyone to escape.

Luo Zheng glanced at Jeff. This guy was very discerning and knew how to choose. He stood up slowly and looked at the distant sky. The waves were rolling and the white clouds were lingering. Everything was so peaceful and peaceful. Luo Zheng was agitated. His heart slowly calmed down, and after sorting out what happened, he said: "Everyone, thank you for your trust. Everyone is in the same mood. At this time, we should stay calm and unite."

Everyone looked at Luo Zheng quietly, waiting for the next step. The sea breeze was blowing with a chill, but everyone's hearts became hot, full of desire, eager to escape, and the eyes looking at Luo Zheng also changed. Gotta get eager.

"Everyone, what happened here must have spread. The police in the prison are not stupid. If I guessed correctly, the police will definitely send armed helicopters to suppress it. Who can tell me which country this prison is from?" Luo Zheng Force yourself to calm down and shout loudly.

"I know, it's from Sam Country." Someone shouted loudly.

"Sam Country?" Luo Zheng looked at the other party in surprise. He was already very old and had gray hair. He couldn't help but be startled. The prison police uniforms had the logo of Sam Country, but Luo Zheng always felt that this matter was a bit strange and couldn't help but look at the other party. He asked: "How can you see it?"

The other party's expression darkened, as if he had thought of something painful, and suddenly his expression changed, as if he had made some important decision, and said: "Because I designed and renovated this place, and the country has detained me here for 35 years in order to keep it secret." years."

"Great." Luo Zheng was overjoyed when he heard this. With the designers here, the rest of the matter would be much easier to handle. He looked at the others and continued: "In order to keep it secret, the Sam Country will definitely send troops to suppress it. If you stay here, Death is inevitable on the platform, so we need to do two things."

"What two things?" Jeff asked.

"First, we must spread the word about the situation here. It will definitely be difficult to capture the prison and seize the police's communication equipment. It will cost a heavy price. Everyone finally gained freedom. I don't want to see any more deaths, so there is only one way. That Just take out everything that can be burned in the prison, let's make black smoke, everyone knows the international signal for help, right?" Luo Zheng's face darkened and he said seriously.

Everyone's eyes lit up and they nodded. Some people couldn't wait to ask: "What is the second item?"

"The second thing is to protect ourselves. I need to discuss this with the designer before deciding. Before that, we must send out the rescue signal as soon as possible. Therefore, I need you to take action immediately. Do you have any questions? ?" Luo Zheng asked with a serious face.

"No." Everyone responded in unison.

"Then take action, Jeff, you will organize everyone's specific actions. The sooner the better, be sure to be prepared for police counterattack." Luo Zheng warned seriously.

"Yes." Jeff responded loudly, turned to look at the others, and continued: "Those with guns guard the large iron gate at the entrance and exit of the stairs, in groups of two, while the others go down to look for flammable objects. Everyone, pay attention, on the left side of the stairs, Down right, avoid congestion, move.”

"Act." Everyone responded and acted quickly. It was a matter of life and death for everyone. No one would be lazy, and no one was unconvinced by Luo Zheng's arrangement.

The madman didn't move. Seeing that Luo Zheng had controlled the situation so quickly and proposed the correct countermeasures, he couldn't help but smile after coming out of the annoyance and disappointment just now. He motioned to the old designer to come over. Without waiting for Luo Zheng to ask, he came first. Said: "There are ten floors here, right? The five floors below are the prison, and the five floors above are the police's accommodation and offices. I would like to know, on which floors are the weapons depot and kitchen located?"

"The weapons depot is on the top floor to prevent someone from escaping. It will take some time to rush up from below. This time is enough for the police to seal the weapons depot. It must have been closed by now. Only the monitoring center can open it." The designer thought for a while and replied , seeing Luo Zheng and Madman's faces full of contemplation, he continued: "The arsenal is a blast-proof door with a combination lock that can only be opened by the warden's handprint. It is recommended to give up."

"The warden must be in the monitoring center at this moment. Are the monitoring center and the command center the same place? Is there any way to break in?" Luo Zheng asked with a solemn face.

The designer pondered for a while and said: "It's difficult. Anyway, I can't think of a way. There are doors inside the monitoring center and command center. You can only go in through the big iron door. It is also an explosion-proof door and a password lock. The warden can open it alone. I believe it." The warden must be inside and can't be attacked."

"Then the only way is to kidnap other police officers and staff. This place is not small and there are many staff. We must have hostages in hand, otherwise we will have no bargaining chips." The madman suggested thoughtfully.

"With all due respect, the five floors above are all police areas. The explosion-proof iron door at the stairway is accessible. As long as the inside is locked, the outside cannot get in. They have food and drink inside. They can ignore us and wait for rescue. Design I had already considered this issue when I was working on it." The designer said with some embarrassment.

"You have designed a good prison. According to you, can I understand that there are only three areas we can control, the five floors of the prison below, the stairs and the platform above?" Luo Zheng asked seriously, Seeing the designer's awkward nod, Sen Leng's eyes became solemn. Judging from this, everyone was not safe at all. Once the enemy arrived, there would be no place to hide.

"In other words, if you want us, we can only conquer the upper five floors occupied by the police, and the upper five floors can only be exited through the explosion-proof iron door at the stairway. If we don't break through the large iron door, there is no chance of winning?" The madman looked coldly. asked the designer. After seeing the designer nod, the madman began to think deeply.

The sea breeze blew loudly in his ears, but it could not take away Luo Zheng's annoyance and worry. After a while, Luo Zheng's face turned cold and he said helplessly: "There are no weapons, no communications, nothing. It seems that , there is no difference between us escaping here and staying in prison, brother, what should we do?"

"It's really difficult." The madman looked at the designer, his face became gloomy. After a while, he looked up at the scorching sun in the sky, his eyes were slightly closed, and he said distressedly: "I finally escaped, I thought it was hope, but I didn't expect it to be despair. It seems that we have to fight hard."

"Do you have any idea?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise with a flash of light in his solemn eyes.

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