The strongest soldier

Chapter 663 Prepare for Action

"Senior Tiger King?" Luo Zheng was shocked. He calculated that the most powerful soldier king in recent times was only Tiger King. He was a legendary figure. There were not many records about Tiger King in the honor room. He didn't know why. After thinking about it, Luo Zheng asked Lan Xue specifically in private, but Lan Xue didn't know. Even Captain Wu kept the Tiger King secret, as if mentioning this name was a sign of disrespect.

Luo Zheng didn't know that the Tiger King had an invisible sword technique, but knowing that such a person existed, he couldn't help but look at the madman in surprise. The madman also looked at Luo Zheng in surprise and asked, "Do you know his existence?"

"My understanding is very limited. The base has relevant instructions about him. It is said that the senior Tiger King went deep into the Japanese country alone and almost assassinated the emperor. Faced with the siege of five chrysanthemum-level ninjas, he fought proudly and the five people he fought were unable to fight back. , and finally an ascetic came, and it is said that he injured the Tiger King with one move. The whereabouts of the Tiger King are unknown, and he does not know whether it is true or not." Luo Zheng lowered his voice and said, getting excited, the brilliant achievements of the older generation made Luo Zheng spend countless days and nights I can't sleep, I wish I could fight like them.

"The sword-drawing technique, the Japanese pirate's sword-drawing technique." The madman said with a bitter look on his face. Seeing Luo Zheng's curious face, he explained: "That ascetic is the best master in the royal family and the best master in the entire Japanese country. He has practiced since childhood. , I only practiced one move, drew my sword to kill people, it was incredibly fast, and at that mysterious moment, no one could stop me. I knew I was no match, so I flew the plane into their palace."

"Ah?" Luo Zheng didn't expect that there was something behind the madman's plane crashing into the palace. He immediately realized that the madman had a close relationship with the Tiger King. The madman seemed to see through Luo Zheng's mind and continued: "The Tiger King is my guide. People are both teachers and friends. They are the people I respect the most. After the defeat of the Japanese country, King Tiger's whereabouts were unknown. Later, I found out that King Tiger was captured by the Japanese pirates and imprisoned in the base of a terrorist organization. I wanted King Tiger to teach the terrorist organization sword skills. , so he chased and rescued him, but it backfired and he failed to save him. He was injured and was caught here. If you have the chance to go out, I hope you can go to the terrorist organization's base and rescue King Tiger."

"Ah?" Luo Zheng was shocked again. He didn't expect that the two crazy feats of the madman were related to the Tiger King. Thinking that the Tiger King might fall into the base of a terrorist organization, his face suddenly became solemn and he said seriously: "Don't worry, I swear, If you are destined to go out, you must find the Tiger King and bring him home."

"Go home?" The madman was startled, and his pale face became more longing and excited. He looked at Luo Zheng blankly, suddenly smiled, and said: "I didn't expect that I would have a chance to go home after being detained here for thirty years. , It’s great to go home. The base has changed a lot, right? I really hope I can go back alive to see it." As he said that, a line of hot tears rolled down his cloudy eyes, and his pale face became a little more rosy.

"Yes, I will." Luo Zheng said with a firm face. A hero who had been imprisoned for thirty years must be rescued no matter what, Luo Zheng vowed secretly.

After chatting for a while about the base, Luo Zheng was mainly asking questions. Luo Zheng said that he was tired. The madman said that he was talking about invisible sword skills. Luo Zheng listened carefully and interjected with questions from time to time. Both of them were energetic and tireless. One is serious about studying, and the other is teaching attentively, and no one will bother them.

There was no sun or moon in the prison. They didn't know how long they had been chatting, and no one came to check on them. The policemen guarded the entrance and exit, for fear that someone would rush out, and they didn't even care. Time passed unknowingly, and it was time to serve food. The old man enthusiastically delivered the food to the two of them, so they didn't have to worry about it at all.

After eating and drinking, the two continued to chat. The madman was worried that the sword skills would be lost, so he seized the opportunity to continuously instill his inner skills and experience into Luo Zheng. The two occasionally got up, rolled up the book and used it as a knife to make a few gestures, and then Continue to sit and teach, tirelessly.

I don’t know how long it took, but the madman passed all his sword skills to Luo Zheng. Seeing that Luo Zheng had a very strong comprehension ability and actually understood 30% of the skills, he couldn’t help but be overjoyed and secretly lamented that if he had a successor, he would be worthy of the Tiger King even if he died.

On this day, Luo Zheng had enough to eat and drink, rested for a while, and found Jeff. These days, Jeff followed Luo Zheng's orders, made connections everywhere, mingled with people upstairs and downstairs, and got to know many people. Jeff saw that When Luo Zheng knew that the last moment had arrived, he couldn't help but be overjoyed and said eagerly: "What do you need me to do?"

"You secretly give the order, dismantle the bed, take out the steel pipes inside and set them aside. The team is divided into three. One group is responsible for beating the police at the entrance with steel pipes, one group is responsible for preventing fires and creating short circuits, and the other group is using steel pipes to block the entrances and exits. The iron door was pried open, everyone upstairs and downstairs acted in unison, remember to cut off the power first, then light the fire, and use the thick smoke to cover the door and knock on the door." Luo Zheng explained seriously.

Jeff's eyes lit up, he smiled, and said with firm eyes: "No problem, I know what to do. The brothers are all impatient. They will definitely cooperate vigorously. If it breaks, no one can see this damn place. Who is it? The police will definitely use flashlights when the time comes, and we will just hit them with steel pipes. It will be easier for them, but can the door be pried open?"

"It's hard to say. Let's give it a try. If it doesn't work, there is nothing we can do." Luo Zheng explained seriously. Seeing a trace of unwillingness and anger flash across Jeff's face, he knew what Jeff was thinking and explained: "You think, as long as this place is burned, When it gets up, the smoke is billowing, the outside must know, and people will definitely come back to investigate when the time comes, there is always a chance."

Jeff's eyes lit up and he was overjoyed. As long as someone came over, Jeff would have the opportunity to spread the news that he was here. Then his country would definitely send people to rescue him. Thinking of this, Jeff's eyes became firm and he immediately said : "I understand. In the past few days, I have found that many people are like me. As long as the outside world knows that we are here, we will definitely be able to get out. Don't worry."

Luo Zheng nodded. Although Jeff didn't say the specific reason, Luo Zheng could guess that everyone was either an agent, a retired soldier, or a political prisoner. I'm afraid the outside world wouldn't know if they were being held here. Once the news got out, all forces would A rescue will definitely be organized. It is for these reasons that Luo Zheng will tell Jeff the plan without any scruples. I believe everyone will spare no effort to support this plan.

"When will we start taking action?" Jeff asked eagerly.

"Tell everyone, make secret preparations and act after the next meal. Only when you are full can you work." Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"Understood, I'll inform you right away." Jeff responded decisively. He suddenly stopped when he reached the door. Jeff looked at Luo Zheng seriously and said, "No matter which country you are from, from now on, we will be friends. I This is Jeff, the captain of the special operations team of the Italian Strategic Operations Division. If you have the opportunity to come to Italy, I will buy you a drink."

"Okay." Luo Zheng said with a smile, without revealing his identity. Jeff didn't ask any more questions, turned around and left, his firm steps adding a bit of joy.

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