The strongest soldier

Chapter 649 Three portions of food

There was no sun or moon in the prison, so he didn't know what was going on outside. Luo Zheng didn't know how long he had been sitting quietly. He felt that the pain in his chest was much better. When he got up, he saw two bowls placed at the door. He felt a little hungry and left. I looked over and saw that there was food in the bowl, the same as before, but there was an extra apple. I guess it was because I was worried that the prisoner would not be able to keep up with nutrition and die of illness in prison, right?

Luo Zheng was not polite. He picked up the food and forced himself to swallow it. After eating and drinking, he moved his bones in the prison. When he moved a little, the joints all over his body crackled. This was a sign of not exercising for a long time. If he did this again If he went down, he would probably be crippled. Luo Zheng used military fists in the narrow space. Since there was not enough space, he shortened his movements as much as possible and made his jumps as small as possible.

Gradually, Luo Zheng felt that his body was sweating. He continued to practice and hit it ten times. He felt that his whole body was getting warm. After his muscles and bones were fully activated, Luo Zheng stood upside down on the wall, with his hands on the ground and his feet against the wall. On the steel-cast wall, keep squatting and getting up to exercise the strength of your arms.

Not long after, a radio rang in the prison, just like last time, asking everyone to come out for a break. Luo Zheng got up and walked to the door, only to find that his cell door was not open, and the horizontally bolted steel pillars were not moving at all. The prisoners all came out and looked at Luo Zheng's prison in surprise. No one could figure out what was going on.

Luo Zheng's eyes flashed with doubts, and he looked outside cautiously. No one was coming. After waiting for a while, nothing unusual happened. Only the old man pushing the book trolley came over. Luo Zheng asked him to stop. , glanced at Luo Zheng with some fear, took a few steps back, and asked Luo Zheng to check the books placed on the car.

Nothing happened. Luo Zheng guessed that the prison would not let him leave this hut again. Apart from training, he could only read books to pass the boring time. Otherwise, he really didn’t know how to live. Luo Zheng was too lazy to read ordinary books, military books. No, I spotted a psychology book from the corner of my eye, a book by Freud, and asked for it.

The old man didn't hesitate at all and carefully handed the book to Luo Zheng. After seeing Luo Zheng take it, he quickly stopped his hand, fearing that Luo Zheng would hit him. Seeing that Luo Zheng didn't show any hostility, he went to open the book. , secretly heaving a sigh of relief, pushing the cart and hurried forward.

Freud was a leading figure in psychology. Luo Zheng had heard of this man a long time ago. He threw the book on the bed and continued to train himself. He did push-ups regardless of the specific number until he no longer had the strength to do the position. After resting, he continued to lie on his back. Do sit-ups, pull-ups, squat jumps, etc., do everything until you have no strength, and then continue the following training after resting.

After all the basic training was completed, Luo Zheng practiced fists and kicks in the air and performed imaginary enemy strikes. He imagined that the enemy was in front and would use those attacks. How should he defend himself? It was a bit like fighting each other. This kind of solo training The method is of great help in combat tactics training. When the last bit of strength in the body is squeezed out, it's time to deliver food again.

The strong amount of training consumes the most physical strength, and a bowl of food is not enough to eat. When Luo Zheng saw the food delivery person coming, he rushed forward, grabbed the iron pillar of the crossbar, looked at the food delivery person coldly and shouted: " Tell the prison that the food is too little and I need three portions, otherwise, don’t blame me for being rude."

The old man who delivered the food looked at Luo Zheng in panic and agreed. He was afraid that Luo Zheng would rush out and kill him. Luo Zheng beat the bald man and the strong man, and threw the two killers into the courtyard. Everyone saw what happened. Prison They actually ignored him, and at most they didn't let Luo Zheng come out. This kind of punishment made everyone realize that the prison was convenient and they didn't want Luo Zheng to die. It was better not to offend such a terrifying existence, otherwise there would be no reason to deal with him if he was killed.

The old man delivering the food was about to push the cart away when Luo Zheng shouted: "Wait a minute, bring two more portions."

"This?" The food was limited, and the old man didn't dare to give it, and he was afraid that Luo Zheng would hurt himself in a rage, but he didn't expect that Luo Zheng today was like a tiger in a cage, with only sharp claws, and he couldn't do anything. Injuring others, the old man was so frightened when he saw Luo Zheng's fierce murderous intent that he quickly took off two portions of the food and placed them carefully on the ground, not daring to push them in for fear of being grabbed by Luo Zheng. After throwing away two pieces of fruit, He pushed the cart away in a hurry.

Luo Zheng didn't know what would happen if he gave two portions of food privately, so he didn't bother to worry about it. He swallowed all the unpalatable food and three fruits into his stomach. Only then did he feel that his physical strength had recovered a lot. After taking a rest, go to the squatting pit and rinse your body with cold water. The cold water stimulates the muscles and brain nerves, and the person suddenly wakes up a lot and feels much better.

After washing off the greasiness on his body, Luo Zheng turned off the water, wiped his body with a towel, lay down on the bed to rest, opened the psychology book, and practiced the breathing method passed down from his family to heal his injuries. Time passed by inadvertently.

A few hours later, someone came over with a cart. Luo Zheng saw that the other person was also wearing a prison uniform and had a change of clothes on the cart, so he threw his own prison uniform to the other person. The other person took it cleanly and took a clean set. He gave it to Luo Zheng, and then hurriedly left with the cart, not daring to look at him, with a panicked look on his face.

Luo Zheng looked at the people leaving in a hurry in surprise, a little dumbfounded, but then he thought, this is good, at least no one dares to mess with him. Not long after, someone came to deliver food again, but it was not the original one. Without waiting for Luo Zheng to speak, he explained in a panic: "The higher ups won't give you more food, otherwise they will kill me. The one before was already beaten to death. I don't want to die. Can you spare me?"

"Huh?" Luo Zheng didn't expect that his behavior caused the person who delivered the food last time to be beaten to death. He didn't know if it was true. Seeing that the other party was pitiful, he didn't want to embarrass him. He nodded, and the other party quickly took the food from the gap below. Pushed in, pushed the cart and left in a hurry.

After Luo Zheng swallowed the food, he sat down to rest and pondered. Why didn't the prison give him more food? Was it because he was worried about his own strength? With the door closed, it's useless even if your strength is as high as the sky? You have to get food, otherwise your body will collapse.

After thinking for a while, Luo Zheng found that he could hardly fight against the prison. For so long, the police had not appeared once. The prisoners were the ones delivering food, books, and clothes. How to fight? Luo Zheng was angry. A circle hit the wall with a thud, and he couldn't help but get an idea.

After a while, Luo Zheng tore off the sheets and tied them to his fists. When it was time to turn off the lights and go to bed, he hit the steel wall, making a thump-dong-dong sound that was particularly clear in the quiet prison. , the sound startled everyone, and they all came to the door to observe. When they found out it was Luo Zheng, they swallowed the curses that came to their mouths.

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