The strongest soldier

Chapter 646: One punch to establish power

"Quack - after ten minutes of relaxation, everyone will come out of the door." A majestic voice shouted, floating in the prison, making it difficult for people to resist. Luo Zheng was startled, and immediately stood up and came to the door. Suddenly, The horizontal iron pillar at the door automatically retracted into the wall, revealing a door large enough for people to go out. Luo Zheng saw many people coming out of the prison opposite and stood at his door, looking around indifferently. No one was running around.

Luo Zheng thought for a while, then walked out and looked around. The zigzag-shaped prison was surrounded by places where prisoners were detained. There were two walking stairs in the patio that could lead to the downstairs. The patio was hollow. Luo Zheng looked up and saw that there were steel bars on it. The bars are so dense that the sun and stars cannot be seen. The prison is a completely enclosed place.

They were only allowed to move outside the door, so they couldn't understand the situation outside, so they didn't know where they were. It seemed like they weren't allowed to contact each other. Although there were no police patrolling, Luo Zheng could see that the prisoners around him seemed to be very afraid. Usually, the most they would do is look at each other a few times and not dare to speak.

If you are not allowed to go out, are not allowed to contact each other, and the scope of activities is limited to the prison and the door, then how can you escape? Thinking of this, Luo Zheng's eyes flashed, and his face became extremely solemn. He looked around and saw many people looking over curiously. There were people of all colors and races, but they were all indifferent.

What kind of prison is this? Luo Zheng became irritated. If he was limited to this every day, there was really no possibility of escaping. It seemed that he could only create opportunities by himself. As he was thinking about it, suddenly, Luo Zheng saw a commotion in the prison opposite downstairs. A calf The sturdy bald man roared and rushed over like a bull.

People around him tried to get out of the way. The strong man rushed forward for about ten meters and struggled with another man who also looked very strong. The two of them were like two cows, punching and kicking. Their movements were simple but powerful and very fast. At the sight of blood, the prisoners around him suddenly became excited, and each one of them seemed to smell the smell of blood, and started to cheer loudly.

"Bang bang!" Suddenly two gunshots rang out, and two bullets hit the two people with extremely precise accuracy. There was no unnecessary third shot. The two men's bodies went limp and fell to the ground.

Luo Zheng's keen observation point was that the bullet hit the two people's heads. There was no explosion and bleeding. It should be a rubber bullet, that is, the warhead is made of rubber with a certain hardness. The warhead has a buffering effect, which can make the ammunition fired at close range. , can only cause damage to the surface of the target without penetrating the target itself, so it has less lethality.

"Huh?" Luo Zheng looked at this scene in surprise and pondered. No wonder these people didn't dare to move. It turned out that there was a hidden gunman. There was no need for the police to intervene. He could kill people with direct shooting and rubber bullets. These people aimed directly. Aren't you afraid that the prisoner will be killed if you shoot him in the head? It seems that this is not a simple prison. You cannot make inferences based on common sense, and you have to be careful about everything.

The prisoners seemed to be used to it. The commotion in the prison corridor quickly subsided. No one cared about the life and death of the people on the ground. Everyone continued to look around indifferently and moved their bodies to make the blood flow better. Luo Zheng moved his body joints a little. , looking around calmly.

After a while, an older-looking old man pushed a cart over. There were various books on the cart. If you need it, take one. The old man on the cart checked in and moved on. There were also people. Taking out the finished book and handing it to the old man, Luo Zheng was surprised. Is there any spiritual culture here? However, Luo Zheng soon felt relieved. He was lying in prison every day. If he didn't find something to kill his time, he would be crazy. It seemed that the prison was not forcing everyone to die, but was just a high-pressure management.

Not long after, the cart came over. The old man glanced at Luo Zheng and said nothing. Luo Zheng glanced at the books on the cart. They were all in foreign languages. Luo Zheng was not in the mood to read and got out of the way. The old man pushed the cart. The car continued to move forward, as if it had not seen Luo Zheng.

"Boy, follow me from now on." The prisoner in the prison next to him suddenly looked at Luo Zheng coldly and said.

Luo Zheng glanced at the other party. He was about thirty-five years old. He had tendons and bulging muscles like steamed buns. He had a bare head and a scar on the top of his head. He had triangular eyes, a hooked nose, and thin lips. He looked ruthless at first glance. An unjust hero, this kind of person is very capable, but only thinks about himself and does not care about others.

"What are you looking at? You're looking for death." The bald head saw Luo Zheng's scrutinizing face without any panic. Feeling that his authority was being challenged, he immediately became angry and yelled, about to take action, but found Luo Zheng's disdainful sneer. This made the bald head even more angry. He was furious and shouted: "Brothers, beat him up."

Suddenly, several tall and strong men rushed over from both sides, shouting and rushing forward. Luo Zheng was startled, and quickly took a few steps back and entered the room, blocking the door. The door was narrow, and he only had to defend one side. However, even if there are many people outside, they can't get in.

At this time, a strong man rushed to the door first, with his head bare, his mouth open and roaring, his mouth exuding a foul smell, his cold eyes like a hungry wolf, he raised his thigh-thick arms and aimed at Luo Zheng fights, and the uppercut is very powerful.

Luo Zheng's eyes flashed, and he quickly crouched down and tilted his head to avoid the opponent's fierce blow. The strong man's punch missed, and his fierce fist hit the air. It was extremely uncomfortable. His body tilted forward involuntarily, exposing his body. After tapping the Zhangmen acupoint under his armpit, Luo Zheng saw these people fighting for their lives when they came up, and the unknown fire in his heart suddenly burst out. He roared, the knuckle of the middle finger of his clenched fist was slightly raised, and he struck hard at the opponent's Zhangmen acupoint.

"Pfft!" There was a heavy blow, and the protruding knuckle of his fist hit the strong man's Zhangmen point. Luo Zheng took action with hatred, but also had the intention to establish his power. This punch almost exploded with all the power of Luo Zheng, and the strong man I felt like my breathing was stagnant, and my whole body was like a river that had been cut off. I suddenly became silent, my eyes went dark, and I felt like I had fallen into an endless abyss of darkness, and my consciousness began to fade away.

"Get out of the way." Someone outside saw the strong man blocking the door and became angry. He came up to pull the strong man, but he used too much force. The strong man was pulled directly out of the door, fell backwards, and hit the guard wall. The strange situation startled everyone around them, and they all froze and forgot to attack.

"Hiss?" Everyone was shocked when they saw the eyes of the strong man lying on the ground wide open, like copper bells, without any color. He was obviously dead. They all turned to look at Luo Zheng, and their frantic hearts seemed to have been hit by a basin of cold water. The flames went out, and they all took a few steps back, not daring to move, and their angry eyes became alert.

Luo Zheng looked at the strong man on the ground coldly, without any mercy. To kill someone, you must have the consciousness of being killed. Then he looked at the other people's cautious retreat, sneered, and the effect of establishing authority was good, and then walked out, Sen. Leng's eyes locked on the bald man who gave orders before.

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