The strongest soldier

Chapter 633 Landing on the Island

"Ta-ta-ta!" A round of bullets whizzed away and hit the sea, causing countless splashes. The bullets made a whooshing sound as they entered the water. Under the moonlight, they were like deadly death stickers. They quickly hit a large group of people rushing towards them with great momentum. The black shadow blocked the momentum. The black shadow suddenly dived to the bottom of the sea. Its huge tail was raised high and slapped hard on the sea surface, causing a large group of waves to splash.

"What is it?" Luo Zheng exclaimed, his face as solemn as iron, and he locked on the area where the black shadow left, not daring to be careless. Facing the mysterious and terrifying sea creatures, even if Luo Zheng was so bold, he couldn't bear it. I felt a little flustered, unsteady on the ground, and feeling guilty.

Human beings are better at surviving on land. When they reach the sea, even if they have great magical powers, how can they not use unfamiliar fighting methods? Lan Xue also became a little panicked, with a cold and evil look on his face, and said: "I didn't see clearly. I moved too fast just now. You must leave here as soon as possible. Go faster." The latter words were shouted to Guishou and others.

Guishou and others were also frightened by the inexplicable creature and paddled desperately.

"Boom!" Suddenly there was a muffled sound, and the speedboat was hit by something from below. Fortunately, it was faster just now. If it had been slower, it would have been hit right in the center, and it would not be able to turn over unless it was knocked over. This collision, hit the back Luo Zheng and Lan Xue were unable to stand upright, so they hurriedly supported each other and crouched slightly, but the speedboat was still shaking so badly that they had to hold on to the edge of the speedboat to stabilize themselves.

"It's a tiger-headed shark." In panic, Lan Xue saw a huge black figure sticking its head out from the sea, opening its bloody mouth under the moonlight, revealing its white teeth, exuding a suffocating and terrifying aura. , couldn't help shouting: "This thing is ferocious, hit it in the mouth." As he said that, he quickly started shooting.

Luo Zheng didn't know enough about sharks. Hearing what Lan Xue said, he didn't care much. He quickly aimed and fired. He just fired two shots, but the bullets in the gun were empty. The sound of the gun going empty in Lan Xue's hand could be heard in his ears. , and there were no bullets, and the tiger shark rushed over ferociously, opened its mouth and tried to swallow the speedboat.

The speedboat is not small and has an iron structure. We are not worried about being bitten and rotted, but we are afraid of impact. Once the speedboat is knocked over, everyone will become the tiger shark's snack. Luo Zheng was so angry at the thought of becoming the shark's snack. He swung the AK47 rifle in his hand and smashed it into the shark's open mouth, trying to break off a few of his teeth.

"Whoosh!" The AK47 rifle was thrown out by Luo Zheng with hatred. A black light flashed under the moonlight. The speed was very fast. The tiger-headed shark felt something was wrong and quickly closed its mouth. But it was already too late. The AK47 rifle got into the tiger's head. The shark's large mouth is stuck in the throat, unable to move up or down, which is extremely uncomfortable.

The animal's instinct made the tiger-headed shark realize that something was wrong. It dived into the sea with its head, causing a wave of waves, and suddenly disappeared. All this was done in a flash of lightning. Lan Xue watched in surprise as the tiger-headed shark dived into the seabed and caused The whirlpool looked at Luo Zheng again, somewhat unable to believe what he saw.

Luo Zheng couldn't believe all this. A big guy weighing several tons actually ran away? But no matter what, this is a good thing. The top priority is to leave here as soon as possible. When I look back, I see that I am very close to the island. I can't help but be overjoyed. I pick up a board and start paddling in the water. Lan Xue also paddles quickly.

Everyone knew that the moment of life and death had come, and did not dare to stop. They used all their strength and watched the surroundings vigilantly. After the tiger shark left, the surrounding sea area was quiet, as if nothing had been discovered, but everyone felt In the silence before death, I paddled desperately.

Soon, the speedboat got closer to the coast. When I heard the noise coming from the island behind me, I knew everyone was landing. I secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The sea was still calm and no scary creatures appeared. Everyone still did not dare to be careless. Knowing that the speedboat was completely docked, I was relieved.

Everyone jumped off the speedboat. Luo Zheng saw hundreds of people nearby, all wet and shivering. The sea water in winter is very cold, and it gets even colder after leaving the sea water. There is a lack of medical treatment and medicine. Once you catch a cold or a fever, it will be very troublesome. He can't help but raise his head. Looking ahead, there is a mountain peak in front of it, which is more than a few hundred meters high. There are trees growing on the mountain peak. The sky is gray and only a rough outline can be seen.

"We must light a fire, otherwise a lot of people will get sick." Luo Zheng said worriedly.

"Yes, we also have to warm ourselves by the fire. If our clothes get soaked, we will get sick." Lan Xue said with a sad look on his face.

"There is also the problem of food. The cruise ship sank. Everyone was focused on escaping and brought nothing. It is a miracle that they can survive until now. There is no medicine, no food, and no clean clothes to change. For us, this is nothing. What a big problem, but for them, it is only a fatal problem, especially the elderly and children. It seems that our task is still very heavy." Luo Zheng said with a sigh, as a soldier, Luo Zheng knows that he must Go face all this and help everyone, otherwise your life will be uneasy.

"Let's put aside the issue of eating for now. The most important thing is to warm up by the fire. Let's split up and organize them to work together to collect flammable weeds and branches. I am a woman. I will be more convenient and responsible for appeasing their emotions." Lan Xue frowned. He said with a frown.

At this time, everyone escaped from the sea of ​​suffering and landed on the island. Their hearts slowly relaxed, but they also became scared, especially some family members who had lost their loved ones. The cruise ship sank, and not everyone escaped. The robbers attacked At that time, many people were killed, and many people cried and looked sad.

Luo Zheng looked at the grieving people and knew that at this time, everyone needed a backbone to stand up and lead everyone through the difficulties. Otherwise, they would be scattered and the chance of survival would be even smaller. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng took a few steps forward and looked at everyone and shouted loudly: "Everyone Listen to me, our difficulties are not over yet, we must unite to overcome them, all listen to my orders."

Everyone looked at Luo Zheng seriously, not knowing what to do. Luo Zheng continued: "Everyone, take action and collect all the burning things around you and pile them together. We need fire to survive."

When everyone heard that it made sense, someone shouted: "But we have been soaked in sea water for so long. Even if we have a lighter, we can't use it. How can we light a fire?"

"Can't you live without a lighter?" Luo Zheng shouted dissatisfied and glared at the other party. Seeing that the other party was not deliberately looking for trouble, he lowered his head and didn't bother to argue. He continued shouting: "Looking for flammable materials can make the body move. Get up, generate heat, and you won't get sick for the time being. Leave the ignition problem to me. Let's get moving and put the things over there." As he said that, Luo Zheng pointed to a low-lying open space not far away.

Everyone knew that Luo Zheng was right. Exercise can help resist the cold. Without fire, the chance of survival was very small. They all took action, but there was a sense of twilight that there was no hope in sight.

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