The strongest soldier

Chapter 629 Robbers abscond

"Xue'er, what can I do?" Luo Zheng fired accurately and asked loudly. There were many robbers coming. Although they could be temporarily suppressed, it was not a long-term solution. They had to find a solution as soon as possible. Suddenly, there was a loud sound. The explosion sounded, and the entire cruise ship seemed to be shaking. Luo Zheng was shocked, thinking that maybe Ghost Hands and the others or the Samsara Killer Organization were fighting back.

"Da da da!" The gunshots outside became more intensive, and Luo Zheng and Lan Xue had to take a few steps back. Fortunately, there was a two-meter-long curve from the aisle to the cockpit, making it difficult for bullets to hit from the side. The robbers were also afraid of the guns and accurate shooting of the two men and did not dare to rush.

The two sides faced off with firepower for a while, and neither could do anything to the other. Suddenly, the attack outside stopped. Luo Zheng and Lan Xue exchanged a look of surprise, and suddenly saw something being thrown in, rolling on the ground, making a thump. sound.

"No, grenade." Lan Xue was shocked. Instead of retreating, he advanced forward. He kicked the grenade away and then dodged and retreated. The grenade exploded in the air with a loud bang and shrapnel flew away. Go and pierce the surrounding iron baffles, making a "duh" sound, which is terrifying.

Luo Zheng didn't expect that Lan Xue actually rushed out and kicked the grenade away. He couldn't help but was horrified and rushed forward. Just as Lan Xue burst back, the two collided with each other. Luo Zheng took advantage of the situation and threw Lan Xue to the ground and pinned him down. , protecting Lan Xue's head with both hands, feeling anxious inside.

The explosion passed quickly. Before Luo Zheng and Lan Xue could get up, they heard the sound of two grenades falling to the ground again. Lan Xue hugged Luo Zheng tightly, put force on her feet, and rolled Luo Zheng towards the cab quickly, shrapnel flying everywhere. , hitting the surrounding baffles, making a crisp impact sound, which was devastating.

Fortunately, there was a curve in the way, and the shrapnel did not fly into the cab. A few more grenades were thrown in, and the aisle was blown up beyond recognition. It was a mess. The aisle did not look like an aisle, but like a gaping hole.

Lan Xue and Luo Zheng exchanged a look, and saw the surprise and anger in each other's eyes. They quickly opened fire towards the outside of the corridor to prevent the robbers from taking the opportunity to rush in. There were also loud gunshots outside, and they continued to fire. One is for survival, the other is for profit, and the battle becomes fierce.

During the battle, Luo Zheng found that the cab was well sealed, and there was only one way out. There was no second way out. It seemed that he could only fight hard. Lan Xue also had a solemn look on his face, and kept shooting outside. As for The drivers had already taken shelter on both sides.

The robbers outside continued to attack fiercely, and the situation became more and more serious. The corridor was greatly bombed. As long as a few more rounds of grenades came over, the corridor would be flattened. By then, there would be no cover, and death would be certain.

Luo Zheng looked at another grenade thrown at him, his eyes glaring, and his eyes were so angry that they were about to burst into flames. These robbers were so arrogant. They raised their hands in anger and fired. It was uncertain whether they could hit him. , you should give it a try.

There was a loud "Boom!" and the grenade exploded outside the corridor. Shrapnel flew everywhere, mixed with several screams. It was obvious that he was hit by shrapnel.

Luo Zheng was startled and immediately overjoyed. He did not expect that the blind cat had encountered a dead mouse. He was refreshed and calmed down. He did not dare to be careless and continued to stare at the front. He held his gun levelly and was ready to fire immediately. After a while, except for a random gunshot, no grenades were seen. After a while, the gunshots became less and less. Luo Zheng observed curiously for a while and looked at Lan Xue.

Soon, there was suddenly no gunfire outside. The two of them did not dare to go out, worried that it was a trick of the robbers. However, there were faint gunshots and explosions in the distance. After waiting for a while, it was still quiet outside. Lan Xue He picked up a piece of iron and threw it outside. There was a clang, but there was no shot as expected. He couldn't help but look at Luo Zheng in confusion.

Luo Zheng also felt that there was no one outside, so he couldn't help but gestured to Lan Xue, asking Lan Xue to calm down, and he tentatively moved forward. Lan Xue was worried that Luo Zheng was in danger, so she also stepped out and followed closely behind. I was ready for rescue at any time, and my gun moved from left to right, and I was highly vigilant, but unfortunately I didn't find any target.

When the two of them came to the corridor, they didn't see a single robber. There were many corpses of robbers lying on the ground. They couldn't help but be suspicious. Lan Xue came to the gate and saw many people starting to commotion on the deck outside, and many of them ran into the cabin. The robbers disappeared.

"Run away?" Luo Zheng was shocked, and immediately became furious and shouted: "Xue'er, chase her."

"Okay." Lan Xue was unambiguous. The two of them rushed towards the deck. When the tourists saw the two men holding guns in their hands and looking fierce, they dispersed to make way for them and looked at them in surprise. Two people.

Luo Zheng ignored these passengers and came to the deck. He saw three speedboats running a few hundred meters away. The robbers were sitting on them. The last speedboat had also started and was rushing forward. Luo Zheng In a hurry, he suddenly saw a large bundle of cables next to him. He grabbed one end and said to Lan Xue, "Xue'er, I'll leave the other end to you."

"Understood." Lan Xue said.

Luo Zheng didn't think much, grabbed the cable and rushed forward. When he reached the edge, he put force on his feet and shouted loudly. Like a big bird, he soared from the deck and flew down to the sea. Xue quickly tied the other end to the iron pillar, looked over, and saw that Luo Zheng had landed firmly behind the robbers' speedboat. A large number of robbers aimed their guns at them, their expressions changed drastically, and they jumped directly into the sea. .

"Drink." On the speedboat, Luo Zheng looked coldly at the robbers who turned their guns, and roared angrily. Like a tiger, he grabbed the cable and used it as a whip and whipped it, knocking down the robbers who were close to him. Rushing forward at high speed, swaying from side to side, the people on the boat were unsteady and unable to attack Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng used this gap to quickly tie the cable to a strong-looking iron pillar.

The cable was straightened, and Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly he felt a strong wind coming, and instinctively rolled to one side to avoid it. In a panic, Luo Zheng saw that it was a robber who was making a sneak attack, and was about to fight back, killing him. , suddenly, the cable stretched straight, and the huge tension caused the robber who was close to the cable to fly away, letting out a scream.

"Boom!" The handrail was pulled directly off, making a huge noise, and the tail of the speedboat also fell apart. The strong back pull made the speedboat fly into the air, reaching a height of five or six meters, and fell heavily to the sea, causing a huge explosion. The waves were spinning, setting off huge waves, and he almost rolled over. Luo Zheng clung to the handrail beside him, his body was like a willow leaf in the wind, swaying everywhere, and there was a possibility of being thrown away at any time.

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