The strongest soldier

Chapter 624 Lots of doubts

"This group of people is very professional. They should have received special training. They are not ordinary kidnappers. They must have used equipment to block the surrounding signals. They colluded with each other internally and externally. Don't worry, what should I do?" Lan Xue said in a low voice.

"Let's take a look first and then talk." Luo Zheng put away the phone and said, looking sharply at the person rushing towards him, while looking at Song Yan who was also not moving. Song Yan seemed very cooperative and didn't even resist. Many of the bodyguards behind Yan were equipped with guns, but there was no resistance at all. This seemed strange.

The tourists in the capital were quickly controlled and squatted on the spot and were not allowed to look around. At this time, someone came up with a sackcloth bag, and two men with guns stood behind them. The man with the sackcloth bag walked into the crowd and signaled everyone to stop. After taking out the money, who dares to resist when facing the black hole of a gun?

In peacetime, peace has lasted for too long. Everyone has stayed away from war and has an inexplicable fear of guns. If we put aside the years after liberation, no one would be afraid if someone threatened someone with a gun.

There were people holding guns all around, all with their faces covered, their cold eyes filled with cold murderous intent, as if they were wild beasts that had no regard for life. Everyone did not dare to speak for fear of being stared at, and the guns in the dark holes were After that, everyone honestly took out all their money, and all the cash on the table was also taken away.

In half an hour, all the money in the two big bags was taken away. From the beginning to the end, no one dared to resist. Luo Zheng wanted to see what these people wanted to do. It was impossible to use so many people and build such a big battle just for this. A little money, how much is two sacks? In addition, the other party did not act excessively, so he did not resist and threw the cash he had on him to the other party. The debt will be settled later with them later. A man can bend and stretch.

"Everyone, thank you for your cooperation. Brothers are here just for money and don't want to kill people. But I don't have to say this. It's up to you to decide. Now, listen to me. Each of you will pay 200,000 for your life. Money, pay to live, die without money, you decide whether to live or die." A middle-aged man in the lead jumped on the high platform and shouted loudly, his cold triangular eyes exuding a trembling cold light, like a head of hair Wild wolf.

"Huh?" Everyone was shocked. They didn't expect that these people were so cruel. They took what they had and still wanted it. It was too much. Everyone's psychology had undergone subtle changes and they were no longer so submissive. .

"This group of people is indeed very professional. They don't want much. Each of them can basically afford 200,000 yuan. Even if they go back alive, they won't cause more trouble because of the 200,000 yuan reported to the police. What should I do? Lan Xue lowered her voice and said in Luo Zheng's ear, holding the gun tightly in her hand.

Luo Zheng also discovered this detail. If this group of people wants too much, such as one million, or even half a million, and they can't come up with it, even if they come up with it, they won't give up afterward. They will definitely report the case and pursue the case. , and also showed a posture of seeking wealth rather than life. This shows that this group of people planned very carefully and did not want to complete things.

Everyone has a sense of luck. No one moved, and no one wanted to be the first. The robber leader looked at this scene coldly, as if he had known all this for a long time. He was not in a hurry, but waited for three days. About a minute later, he glanced at one of his subordinates. The subordinate nodded knowingly and strode toward the hostages.

After a while, the man pointed at someone, and the people around him dispersed, revealing Young Master Huahua inside. Young Master Huahua looked panicked, but he was still dragged out, with a cold face and said nothing. Look at these robbers.

Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng always felt that it was a bit fake and couldn't help but wonder, is there really such a coincidence in the world? It seemed that this group of robbers might really be related to Song Yan, so he paid close attention and observed carefully, telling Lan Xue to be calm and see what tricks these guys were playing.

"Mr., unfortunately, you won the lottery. Let's start with you. I hope you won't disappoint me. Whether it's life or death, please tell me and don't waste everyone's precious time." The robber leader jumped down from the high platform. He said coldly.

Young Huahua suddenly moved his body and bumped into the robber leader. The robber leader took two steps back. One of the robbers rushed up, stopped Young Huahua and threw him to the ground. Young Young Huahua struggled desperately, but could not escape. Of?

This scene shocked everyone around them. They didn't expect Young Master Huahua to dare to resist and be so bloody. Even Luo Zheng didn't expect it. They couldn't help but wonder, what is this, acting? The people around were also looking at the robber leader nervously. The fate of Huahua Dashao would determine everyone's mentality: give money or not?

The leader of the robbers, Lao Sha, was furious. He pulled out his pistol, looked at all the hostages in the room like a knife, and said coldly: "It seems that I have to kill, but it doesn't matter, I will help you." As he stood, his cold eyes swept over everyone in the room, and fell on Luo Zheng. He pointed at Luo Zheng and shouted: "You, come out."

Suddenly, more than a dozen guns were pointed at Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng was suspicious and keenly felt that there was something weird in this. There could be no such coincidence in the world. Lan Xue also felt that things were weird and didn't want Luo Zheng to be involved in danger. He was anxious. He looked at Luo Zheng, his eyes full of questioning, as if to say: Are you going to fight?

Luo Zheng patted Lan Xue's shoulder and signaled Lan Xue to calm down. Since Song Yan wanted to play, let's have fun. He quickly put away the pistol, stood up slowly, and calmly faced the aim of more than a dozen guns. , walked up and sneered: "I'm here, I'll play whatever you want, I'll stay with you till the end."

The leader of the robbers did not expect Luo Zheng to be so arrogant, and his cold eyes became more murderous. He took out a gun, handed it to Luo Zheng and shouted: "Kill him and I will let you go, otherwise, just die. "As he said this, he pointed at Young Master Huahua who was being controlled by someone on the ground.

Luo Zheng looked at the other party in surprise, what kind of script is this? Is it really necessary to exchange Young Master Huahua's life for his own life? Once Young Master Huahua dies, he will definitely not be able to escape the charge of shooting innocent citizens. Thinking of the scene where Young Master Huahua was arrogantly looking for trouble just now, Luo Zheng suddenly understood. Deliberately looking for trouble is to make everyone realize that there is a conflict between the two. If Luo Zheng shoots and kills Young Master Huahua, even if he is forced to shoot by the robbers, it can be said that he is taking the opportunity to retaliate. At least it is suspected. , then I’m afraid it won’t be as simple as breaking away from the National Blade Special Warfare Brigade, one link after another, step by step, such a ruthless layout, such a sophisticated calculation.

"Hurry up, if you don't do it, you two will switch over." The robber leader shouted coldly, and hit Luo Zheng on the shoulder with a rifle butt. After Luo Zheng figured out the key, he did not hide, but continued to think of a counterattack. Come up with a plan.

At this time, the robber's gun was handed to him. Luo Zheng took it and suddenly felt that there was something wrong with the gun.

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