The strongest soldier

Chapter 612 Venomous Snake Assassination

The next day at around five o'clock in the afternoon, the cruise port.

The afterglow of the setting sun gradually dispersed and the sky became gray, but the port was extremely bustling. There were all kinds of people traveling and seeing off people. The parking lot of the port was full of all kinds of cars. A small black car came down and approached the young men and women. The man was masculine. There is a hint of danger on the face, short hair, and she looks very energetic. The woman has long flowing hair, and a calm face has a touch of coldness. It is exactly the opposite of the man. Both of them are wearing couple's casual clothes.

This couple is Luo Zheng and Lan Xue. In front of outsiders, Lan Xue still maintains her original image of an icy beauty, with an expression of keeping away from strangers. Her gentle smile only blooms for Luo Zheng alone. Lan Xue holds Luo Zheng's hand. arms, snuggling together affectionately. Although it was a secret honeymoon without any status, Lan Xue still regarded this vacation as a honeymoon. As a soldier, Lan Xue didn't know when he would die. Cherish every day and every moment spent with Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng is no exception. He uses his honeymoon to lure away the Samsara Killer Organization. Firstly, he can ensure that his family is safe, and secondly, he can enjoy the world of two people. As for life and death, as a true warrior, Luo Zheng does not think too much about killing. Reincarnation Killer, if you are killed by Reincarnation Killer, it is better to let nature take its course, and you cannot force it.

After boarding the cruise ship with the ticket, Luo Zheng paid attention to the tourists around him for a while. The men were well-dressed and looked like successful people, and the women were flamboyant and showing off their most beautiful sides. There were also some security personnel mixed in. Among them, he was watching everywhere vigilantly.

Luo Zheng and Lan Xue wandered around for a while, and found Gui Shou, Mountain Eagle and Snow Leopard mixed in the crowd, looking like tourists, especially Gui Shou, who was worthy of being a former playboy in the capital. He was chatting passionately with a beautiful woman. Lan Xue wouldn't care about this kind of thing that could hide his identity, but he didn't see any suspicious people.

This cruise vacation lasted seven days. Of course, the killer would not appear immediately. He must be hiding in an inconspicuous place and observing something. Luo Zheng and Lan Xue continued to get familiar with the terrain. The yacht has five floors, and there is a golf putting practice on the top floor. Field, swimming pool, running track, open-air bar, etc. The fourth floor is the restaurant, the third and second floors are guest rooms, the first floor is the casino, and the bottom is the living area and material storage area for the staff.

The second floor is a first-class cabin. The room has a bed, bathroom, TV, computer and other facilities. It is very clean and has complete daily toiletries. It is just like a star-rated hotel. After looking at the room, Luo Zheng felt that this yacht is pretty good. , looked at the time, it was still early for dinner, so he and Lan Xue were on the deck blowing the sea breeze, exposing themselves to the public, chatting softly with Lan Xue, but their hearts were tense and vigilant. Pay attention to your surroundings.

Ten minutes later, nothing unusual was found. The two looked at the time. It was seven o'clock in the evening, the restaurant's opening time. The two walked towards the restaurant. Along the way, they saw many couples, flirting and looking very happy. Lan Xue hugged Luo Zheng's hand tightly, feeling depressed. Others were enjoying their honeymoon, and they didn't have to worry about anything. She went on her own honeymoon. Although it was mostly fake, it was still a honeymoon, but she had to be wary of the killer. Hey .

Luo Zheng seemed to sense Lan Xue's depressed mood, and gently patted Lan Xue's arm holding his own, and said affectionately: "This honeymoon is just a rehearsal, and we will catch up again when we have time."

"Yes," Lan Xue's depressed mood disappeared after hearing this.

The cruise ship took into account the eating habits of different tourists and arranged a buffet, both Chinese and Western, as well as various wines and beverages. They all took their own food. The two of them took some food and sat down to eat slowly while watching everyone who came in. What Luo Zheng didn't expect was that after waiting for about an hour, they still didn't see any suspicious person appear, and they couldn't help but become curious.

"I asked the travel agency to place an order with a public identity. With the intelligence capabilities of the Samsara Killer Organization, I will definitely be able to grasp the situation in time. The top eight Samsara Killer Organizations in the world have very powerful intelligence capabilities. Gu Jiugui said that there are several computer hackers Master, with hackers here, we can't hide our vacation." Lan Xue whispered, frowning slightly, thinking secretly.

"Well, I guess the terrain of the cruise ship is unfamiliar, and the killer will not attack easily. Let's take a look first before talking." Luo Zheng whispered, pretending to look around casually, but his heart was tense, and he was always ready to take action. This time he boarded the cruise ship as an ordinary person and did not carry mission weapons. However, for Luo Zheng, he dare not say that anything is a deadly weapon, but it is still very easy to find weapons, especially in restaurants.

After eating and drinking, the two stood up and left. Luo Zheng quietly put a knife into his sleeve and left hand in hand with Lan Xue. It was still early and they couldn't sleep. The two walked around and took in the surrounding terrain again. After memorizing it, they had something to hide in their hearts and had no intention of playing around. The two of them returned to the room to rest.

Two or three hours later, no suspicious person was found, and sleepiness swept over her. Lan Xue got up and went to the next door. They were not married yet. They both maintained restraint, neither mentioned any inappropriate thoughts, and respected each other.

Luo Zheng took a bath and lay on the bed in a daze, thinking about something. Suddenly his brows jumped, and the discomfort of being targeted by a poisonous snake came to his mind. The strong uneasiness made Luo Zheng quickly open his eyes. The whole person suddenly woke up, there was nothing around, it was dark, and the outside was filled with the sound of water and motors.

Luo Zheng calmly and calmly felt his surroundings carefully. Suddenly, Luo Zheng felt as if there was a venomous snake hidden in the darkness. It was observing him coldly, as if it would show its fangs at any time, and quickly jumped out of the darkness. I got up from the bed, put the pillow under the quilt, pretended to be sleeping on the bed, and nimbly huddled in the corner of the window, holding a knife in my hand.

The lights couldn't be turned on. Fortunately, there was light leaking in from the crack of the door in the cruise ship's aisle, and he could vaguely see things in the room. Luo Zheng held his breath and was on guard. His whole body tensed up, like a beast that was ready to attack. Suddenly, there was an undetectable sound. A sound suddenly came from the window.

Whispering - as if something was crawling, Luo Zheng clenched his knife and prepared to attack.

After a while, Luo Zheng saw a golden venomous snake crawling in slowly. Its body was as big as an egg, and it glowed golden under the moonlight. It was particularly weird. The venomous snake's head poked in from the open window, and it kept spitting out bloody snakes. He was standing while twisting his triangular head, as if observing something, very humane.

A poisonous snake appeared on the cruise ship and took the initiative to attack. Luo Zheng didn't need to think about it to know that it was the killer. He just couldn't understand how these killers brought the poisonous snake on board, and he couldn't think too much. His cold eyes were fixed on the poisonous snake. About to take action, I suddenly heard a slight sliding sound, as if there was someone outside, and I couldn't help but be shocked.

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