The strongest soldier

Chapter 610: Fierce pursuit

The killer jumped out of the window and escaped using a hang glider. This made Luo Zheng very angry. He hated himself for not thinking before. After everyone went downstairs with a gloomy face, they rushed to the side of the hotel and saw a foreigner lying on the ground, dead. Tou, there were people watching around, Luo Zheng stepped forward to check, thinking that he must have been beaten to death, and felt a little comforted in his heart, but when he thought that the other person was still absconding, he suddenly became angry, with sharp eyes. A cold light flashed through Tou'er and he looked at Shi Feng.

Shi Feng immediately used the walkie-talkie to contact his men and got the exact news that the other person had escaped. Everyone turned around and ran away. After getting in the car, Guishou started the car and roared out of the hotel parking lot, rushing towards the absconding suspect. Luo Zheng With a cold expression on her face, she was thinking about something. Lan Xue wanted to say something, but held back.

In order to facilitate timely communication, Shi Feng sat in everyone's car, constantly using the walkie-talkie to communicate with his subordinates, and grasping the suspect's escape route. There was a hang glider, and the suspect overcontrolled the hang glider and kept changing directions. This made Luo Zheng very angry. Shi Feng's men are not bad at getting things done, and they stick to the direction.

It was already around nine o'clock in the evening, and there was less traffic on the street. Guishou drove the car very fast and chased it for about two kilometers. When he saw a black shadow flying across the sky in the distance, he quickly turned the steering wheel and chased after it. He went up, turned several streets in succession, and saw that the opponent was descending. The ghost hand became angry and slammed the accelerator.

Soon, Luo Zheng saw the other party landing in a small park. After Guishou parked the car, Luo Zheng quickly jumped out of the car and chased after him quickly, like an angry cheetah.

In the middle of the night, you can occasionally see a few homeless people in the park. The street lights illuminate the road. Everyone ignores this and spreads out to surround them. They go straight to the location where the murderer landed. Soon they find a black shadow rushing forward at a very fast speed. , Luo Zheng gritted his teeth, burst out his speed again, and chased after him.

Rushing out of the park in the blink of an eye, Luo Zheng saw the murderer rushing towards the road. A car happened to be driving next to him. The car was going very fast. Just when Luo Zheng thought that the murderer would be hit by the car, he found that the murderer actually flew into the air. He stood up, tapped the roof of the speeding car with his toes, rolled his body in the air, landed firmly, and took advantage of the momentum to rush forward.

"Huh?" Luo Zheng didn't expect this guy to be so well-coordinated and fast. Knowing that he was a master, he kept his feet on the ground and chased after him. Just as a minivan was speeding by, Luo Zheng imitated the murderer's movements and jumped up high. , the person turned somersaults in the air, and continued to rush forward without losing speed after landing.

After crossing the two-way road, Luo Zheng found that the other party rushed onto the pedestrian bridge not far away, and rushed up. However, he found that after the other party crossed the pedestrian bridge, he did not get down the steps of the pedestrian bridge at all, but jumped directly to the nearby star. Landscape tree, grab the branches, land nimbly and then continue to rush wildly, at an extremely fast speed.

"This bastard is very agile, let's outflank him." Seeing Lan Xue and others chasing after him, Luo Zheng roared angrily and jumped off the overpass. He exerted force on his feet and his speed increased sharply, shortening his breath in a few breaths. distance.

At this time, the murderer turned around and entered a building, rushed up the fire escape, and quickly speeded up. The other party did not expect Luo Zheng to be so fast, and he actually followed him. He couldn't help but become anxious, gritted his teeth, and exerted force on his feet. He rushed to the top of the building in twos and twos.

Luo Zheng also rushed up. When he saw that the other party was standing on the edge of the house, he stopped only five meters away from the other party and said coldly: "Fly, you should fly for me."

The opponent's flying wing backpack was thrown in the park after landing. It was impossible to fly. He looked at Luo Zheng calmly. He did not panic, but slowly retreated to the corner of the roof. Suddenly, a teasing smile appeared on his face. He put force on his feet and his body suddenly After jumping down, Luo Zheng was shocked and rushed over quickly, only to find that the other party had actually hooked the high-voltage wire with something and slid forward along the wire while waving mockingly at him.

"Asshole." Luo Zheng was so angry that he saw a broom with a wooden handle next to him. Luo Zheng had an idea, grabbed the broom, and stepped on the lower part of the broom, leaving only the wooden handle, and then he jumped down. , pressed the wooden handle against the wire, twisted his body with the force, quickly grabbed the other end with his other hand, and slid it along.

"You bastard, you can't run away." Luo Zheng shouted angrily, twisting his body and accelerating his gliding speed.

The murderer didn't expect Luo Zheng to have such a hand, and his expression changed drastically. However, he was more than ten meters below and did not dare to jump. Seeing Luo Zheng chasing after him, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes. When he reached the telephone pole, he quickly hugged the pole tightly and slipped away. After falling down, he was about to run away when he suddenly felt a strong wind blowing from behind. He was shocked and instinctively rolled to the side. He didn't have time to stand up. When he saw a kick flying towards him, he quickly blocked it with his palm and kicked it. A huge force came back, and the body flew several meters uncontrollably.

After Luo Zheng succeeded, he rushed forward and shouted angrily: "Run, are you running?" After chasing him all the way, Luo Zheng was very tired and very angry.

"Don't run away. I didn't expect you to be so fast. It's not unfair to fall into your hands." The murderer slowly got up, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, pointed the gun at Luo Zheng, and said forcefully: "Here I have a way to survive, otherwise the fish will die and the net will be broken." He used fluent Chinese.

Luo Zheng could tell that this guy was not good at fighting, but his physical strength was good, his body coordination was strong, his movements were very flexible, and his speed was very fast. He could compete with some of the world's top cool runners. He looked at him coldly. , not caring about the gun in his opponent's hand, he shouted coldly: "Tell me, who sent you here?"

"No one sent me." The murderer said coldly, with a cold light flashing in his eyes.

Luo Zheng saw the opponent's shoulder move slightly, which was a sign that he was about to pull the trigger. He swayed his body and pounced on him like lightning. The murderer's eyes only felt blurry, and then his arm went numb, and the gun was out of hand. When he looked again, he saw that He found that the gun was in Luo Zheng's hand, and Luo Zheng was looking at him with a sneer. He was horrified, his face was ashen, and he gave up resistance. For a person who can shoot faster than himself, resistance is just a joke.

"Can we talk now?" Luo Zheng said coldly.

"I'm just a killer. I use people's money to eliminate disasters for others. As for who the employer is, I'm sorry, I really don't know. Killers have killer rules. Killers only kill people. As for the employer, only the middlemen know about it. It won't matter if you kill me. Use it." The murderer said calmly, not caring about death at all.

Every killer knows his destiny very well. There is only one result for a killer, and that is to be killed. No one can have a perfect ending. The difference lies in dying late, dying early, or dying in different ways.

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