The strongest soldier

Chapter 60 Meeting the Enemy Again

"It should be no problem, he was not slow and he disappeared in a blink of an eye." Golden Eagle recalled.

"That's good, Golden Eagle, you are fast and be alert a thousand meters away." Shanhu said, pointing in the direction where the pursuers left.

"Understood." Golden Eagle agreed and hurried away.

"This situation is unexpected. There are two things for sure. First, this is a trap, coming for us. Second, the intelligence personnel have either been used or betrayed us. No matter which point, we are very passive. Yes Stay and find out the truth, or call for support and withdraw? Everyone thinks about it, and when Zhengzi comes back, we will meet and make a decision." Shan Hu warned.

"There's nothing to think about. We must find out. Otherwise, we won't be able to live in peace when we go back. If you dare to mess with us, you must pay the price." Lei Gong said with a serious face.

"That's right." Shan Bao also agreed coldly. While taking out dry food to eat, he leaned against the big tree, looked up at the sky, and said with some worry: "Captain, I'm afraid it's going to rain today. It's going to rain." When it rains, it won't be easy for the pursuers to find us. We can use the rain to launch a counter-attack. We might as well grab a few pursuers and ask them to see what happened."

"Do you still remember what happened before the war started?" Shan Hu did not answer everyone's questions, but suddenly asked. Seeing everyone looking over in confusion, he continued: "Before the war started, Zhengzi reminded us that something was wrong. The situation at that time Due to the urgency and the fact that the arrow was on the string, we didn’t pay attention, and it turned out that Zhengzi was right.”

"Yes, it's incredible that a recruit who is on the battlefield for the first time has such a high level of vigilance and such a strong sixth sense." Lei Gong said thoughtfully, and everyone was also lost in thought.


Luo Zheng didn't know what everyone was talking about, and was running wildly. Unexpectedly, there were pursuers coming forward. He had to withdraw before the pursuers formed an encirclement. He didn't bother to shoot back and ran with all his strength. , the whistling wind sounded in my ears. If it weren’t for the breathing method passed down from my family to regulate my breathing, my heart and lungs would not be able to bear such a desperate run. Half an hour later, a river appeared in front of me. The river was about 20 meters wide, heading east. And go.

The river was gentle and the river bank was covered with bushes. Several wild birds flew out of the bushes and flew into the woods. They soon disappeared. Luo Zheng looked around, quickly took off his backpack, and put all the pistols and bullets into the backpack. , gritted his teeth and jumped into the river, held his weapon high, and swam forward through the water.

It took Luo Zheng a few minutes to cross the width of twenty meters. There was a faint sound of pursuing soldiers behind him. Luo Zheng became angry. He looked around and found a good position halfway up the mountain in front of him. He quickly rushed over. Seeing that the view here is wide, there are mountains to the back, dense forests to the left and right, and low plains and rivers in front. The flat land is about ten meters, and it is all bushes. In other words, there is an open area of ​​thirty meters. If the enemy wants to come, You have to rush through this open area to enter the woods.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng gritted his teeth and refused to leave. He used the breathing method passed down from his family to regain his strength. He just escaped from the intensive firepower of thousands of people. It took too much. If he continues running, he will die from exhaustion. He needs to rest. After a while, I felt my breathing became much easier, and I saw that the pursuers had arrived at the river, and several people were discussing something.

The people discussing were dressed the same as the others, but the others around them kept a certain distance from these people, and were vigilant around these people. Luo Zheng was sure that these people were the ringleaders, and was furious at being chased all the way. Completely surging up, he took the bullet out of his backpack, put it aside, and then hid his body behind a huge bluestone. The bluestone was covered with Tenman, which could not be seen from a distance. Luo Zheng only discovered it when he arrived at this position. , such a good sniping position must be taken advantage of.

Soon, Luo Zheng locked onto one of them and was about to shoot. Suddenly, he found that the person next to him turned around and turned his back to him. A strange picture appeared in the sniper scope. Luo Zheng was surprised and moved the sniper scope back. There was actually a tattoo on the other person's neck, a lifelike wolf head.

"Wild Wolf Mercenary Group?" Luo Zheng was shocked. He took a closer look and saw that it was the familiar logo. He became even more angry. He didn't expect that the people who were chasing him were from the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group. He immediately aimed at the opponent. Murderous intent burst out, and he was about to shoot, but found that the person in the sniper scope suddenly jumped to the side.

"What a strong sense of danger." Luo Zheng knew that the other person was alert and missed the opportunity to shoot. He decisively aimed at the other leader-looking person and shot him in the head.

"Ta-ta-ta!" The pursuers reacted quickly, aiming at Luo Zheng's position and firing. The dense bullets were so heavy that they couldn't raise their heads to fight back. The bullets hit the bluestone, sparks flew everywhere, stray bullets flew everywhere, and rubble fell everywhere. splash.

Luo Zheng held the gun and huddled under the bluestone. Part of the huge bluestone protruded, and the bottom was empty, just perfect for hiding people. He was not worried about being hit. After waiting for a while, the pursuers on the other side of the river might think they were the target. Leaving, the shooting slowly stopped, and someone began to cross the river.

"You're good to go." Luo Zheng lay down under the bluestone and searched through the sniper scope. He didn't find the man from the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group, and the man who looked like the leader was also missing. He had no choice but to lock his target across the river and decisively He pulled the trigger and fired a three-shot burst, killing three pursuers on the spot.

The sound of gunfire also attracted intensive shooting from the pursuers on the other side of the river. Luo Zheng did not dare to be careless and continued to huddle behind the bluestone and wait patiently. The shooting time this time was obviously much longer. Luo Zheng estimated that the people crossing the river had already come ashore and wanted to fight back. , but the enemy's fire blocked him so fiercely that he had no chance at all and had to endure it.

After waiting for a while, the fire blockade weakened. Luo Zheng took the opportunity to look out and saw that more than a dozen people had entered the dense forest and were not far away from him. Without thinking too much, he quickly evacuated with his backpack on his back and plunged into the dense forest, spreading his legs. Run wildly again.

"Boom!" A blast of thunder sounded.

Luo Zheng looked up and saw that the sky was covered with dark clouds and the wind started blowing. The wind blew the big trees rustling, and his soaked body felt a chill coming up. He quickly speeded up, if he couldn't find a place to stop. If you come down or find other brothers, it will be very troublesome if you have a fever or cold.

Soon, heavy raindrops fell. Luo Zheng did not dare to stop and continued running wildly, looping around the mountain ridge. There was no trace of his pursuers behind him. The rain became heavier and heavier. Luo Zheng thought about such bad weather. , the pursuers had no way to run away, so they slowed down a little, but did not dare to stop. If you stop moving under the heavy rain, your body temperature will lose quickly and you will easily get sick. Running can also generate heat.

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