The strongest soldier

Chapter 593 Setting up a trap

After the troops were divided, half of the team was evacuated. This was Luo Zheng's special request. The evacuated personnel were not pretentious, leaving half of the ammunition and hurried away. Luo Zheng originally wanted Shi Qingshan to lead the team to leave, but Shi Qingshan refused. Luo Zheng didn't want to force anything, so he asked Shi Qingshan to name a team leader and asked him to lead the team away. The pangolin also left, so as not to slow down everyone's speed by staying behind.

Luo Zheng gathered the other half who had stayed behind. The rest were iron-blooded soldiers with strong combat power and fast speed. Luo Zheng asked everyone to form a circle, sit on the ground, and said: "Brothers, staying means putting your life at risk." We have given our hope to others, but we are soldiers, this is our mission, and it is our honor. Now it is time to fight back against the pursuers. Do you have the confidence?"

"Yes." Everyone roared in unison. These days, everyone has seen Luo Zheng's ability and killed nearly 10,000 armed men from the camp. What else is there to worry about?

Luo Zheng looked at everyone's enthusiastic eyes and felt warm in his heart. They are all good soldiers of the country. These people must not be buried in a foreign land. They must be brought back properly. No one can be missing and no one can be lost. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng Zheng's face became firm, and his huge self-confidence reappeared. He looked at everyone excitedly and shouted: "If you have confidence, I will have confidence. There is a canyon below with dense woods. Let's go down."

"Yes!" Everyone roared in unison, with firm eyes. No one questioned Luo Zheng's order, and no one asked a question. Instead, they carried out the order without hesitation. Everyone packed up and walked along the mountainside towards the canyon below. Go, fast.

Soon, everyone came to the canyon. Luo Zheng looked at the dense woods in front, the lush leaves, and the bushes on the ground. He quickly pulled out the Japanese sword and said loudly: "Brothers, now, I will teach you how to set traps. Let's Use traps to hold off the pursuers."

Everyone was stunned, who wouldn’t know how to lay a trap? But they still agreed in unison, and saw that Luo Zheng chose to sharpen the tough mulberry wood, and then collected some thin vines to make a trigger bow. He hid it in the bushes. As long as someone tripped on the thin vines, the trigger would be triggered. The sharpened hardwood will fly out and kill the enemy.

This kind of trap is very simple. Everyone can understand it at a glance. Luo Zheng ordered twenty people to do it, and then asked the other twenty people to dig a hole near the trap, put wooden thorns underneath, and cover it with weeds. In this way, even if Even if you avoid the attack of the trigger bow, you can easily fall into the pit.

A trip mine is set up near the pit. Even if you are lucky enough to escape the pit, the trip mine will be triggered. Bullets are placed near the trip mine. Once they explode, the bullets will be blown around. The lethality is amazing. When setting up the trap, Luo Zheng unexpectedly He found a large nest of wasps. Although they were not killer bees, they were still scary. Luo Zheng hit a trip mine under the tree. Once it exploded, the trip mine would break the tree and the wasps on the tree would be frightened and fly around.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Zheng asked the last ten people to follow him to make trip wires. Once triggered, the trip rope would shrink and hang the person up. Arrows or gazes would be ejected from the surroundings and hit the hanging person. Luo Zheng I have been hunting since I was a child, and making traps is easy to do. It is simple and practical, and the instructions are easy to understand. Everyone uses ancient trap technology and combines ammunition to make the traps more powerful.

After everyone learned it, they got busy according to Luo Zheng's arrangements. There was no need for Luo Zheng to teach him where to lay traps. Everyone already had high common sense and combat experience. Luo Zheng went to the center of the trap area and found dry firewood to make a fire. When I heard that someone had disturbed a wild boar, I was immediately overjoyed and ordered someone to shoot and kill the wild boar and bring it over for barbecue. Anyway, I would attract the pursuers and I didn’t care about being exposed.

Half an hour later, everyone set up a lot of traps. The pursuers had not yet arrived. The wild boar was roasted, so they came over to share some and continued to set traps. The more traps, the greater our chances of winning. Another half hour Later, a soldier in charge of investigation sent a message and saw something suspicious, about two kilometers away.

Luo Zheng knew that the pursuers were coming, so he put the wet branches on the bonfire, and black smoke came out. He believed that the pursuers would speed up the pursuit when they saw this scene, and ran crazy to die. Everyone calmly looked at the rising black smoke. There was no panic or worry in the smoke. In this primitive forest, everyone had strong confidence in themselves.

"Everyone listened to my order and immediately retreated outside the trap area. They each found a place to ambush. The scouts showed me carefully. If there are too many enemies, we will give up the attack and evacuate immediately. There is a trap, which is enough to delay two people. It's time, if there aren't many enemies, we'll beat him up." Luo Zheng shouted coldly.

"Yes!" Everyone shouted in unison, with fighting spirit rising to the sky.

"Action." Luo Zheng shouted, and everyone quickly turned around and left. They all ran to the outside of the trap area to ambush, checked weapons and ammunition, and waited sternly. They looked ahead through the gaps between thick shrubs, as if they were wild animals lurking in the forest and taking advantage of the opportunity. Wolves, waiting for their prey to come.

After a while, a voice sounded in everyone's headsets: "Reporting to the leader, there are about 300 pursuers. Please tell me whether we should continue to observe?"

"Return to the team immediately." Luo Zheng's voice rang in everyone's headsets. They were using public channels. Everyone could hear each other's words, making it very convenient to command.

A few minutes later, a soldier rushed up from the top of the hillside, joined everyone, and found a place to hide. It was the sentry who was responsible for the observation. Luo Zheng glanced at the sentry and gave a thumbs up. The sentry smiled shyly. He stood up and felt extremely proud, as if being praised by Luo Zheng was a great honor.

Everyone waited patiently. No one moved. They just occasionally glanced at the direction where Luo Zheng was lurking. They couldn't figure out what Luo Zheng was planning. There were more than 300 pursuers and only fifty of us. How could they handle it? However, everyone had an inexplicable trust in Luo Zheng and no one raised any questions. Even Shi Qingshan calmly stared ahead without asking any more questions.

A faint murderous aura filled the canyon woods, and the billowing black smoke was still rising, like a deadly bait, attracting the pursuers. Luo Zheng clenched the gun in his hand and watched coldly as he appeared in front of him. The pursuers were indeed quite large in number. They were constantly flashing in the woods at very fast speeds. They were obviously very familiar with jungle warfare. They couldn't help but shudder and raised their guns to take aim. A strong murderous aura rolled in their eyes.

"Brothers, no one is allowed to shoot without my order." Luo Zheng said softly, and his voice reached everyone's ears through the earphones. Everyone agreed in a low voice, held their guns tightly, adjusted their breathing and emotions, and watched calmly. The pursuers who were getting closer and closer in front gradually lost their murderous intent.

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