The strongest soldier

Chapter 586 Blow up the power supply

An hour later, the team split up. Luo Zheng came to the edge of the woods alone. In front of him was Kuntai's camp. There was a fence separating the woods from the camp. Beyond the fence were rows of wooden houses. Under the dark night, the wooden houses seemed silent. The monster looked at the approaching Luo Zheng calmly. It was quiet inside the wooden house, and there was no light in sight. If you want to enter, you must first climb over the fence and then pass through the wooden house.

The wooden houses functioned as a wall to a certain extent. They were lined up in rows. It was so long that there was no way to go around it. Only by passing through the wooden houses could one enter the core of the camp. However, there were five rows of wooden houses. Luo Zheng glanced at the wooden houses not far away. , where it had been hit by my own car and was not completely repaired. Electric lights were installed, and searchlights were shining through from time to time. The risk of penetrating through that gap was too high.

After observing for a while, Luo Zheng decided to pass through the wooden house. After climbing over the fence, Luo Zheng rushed to a row of wooden houses and hid in the dark. After the searchlight passed, he gently pushed the door. The door is closed, which is different from the previous visit.

Luo Zheng pulled out his tiger-tooth saber and gently reached into the crack of the door to fiddle with it. He felt that the door was bolted inside and it would take some time to pry it open. However, the time was exactly what he couldn't afford. Luo Zheng pulled out his Japanese saber and went deep into the door. Using all the strength in the crack, the wooden bolt was cut off. Luo Zheng gently pushed the door open and ducked into the house.

The room was dark, and the windows were closed. This was different from before. Luo Zheng glanced at the four people sleeping soundly on the bunk bed, and tiptoed to the window. He pushed it gently, but the window didn't move. He pushed a little harder. Still not moving, he became angry, got up and down, walked to the bedside, and cut the neck of an armed man.

"Stab!" After Luo Zheng killed another militant on the lower bunk, he stood on the edge of the bed and killed the two militants on the upper bunk. Then he took out his lighter and went to the window to check. It turned out that The interior was bolted shut, there was a secret pin, a rope was tied to the window, and a glass was tied to the other end of the rope. If it was pushed open by force, the glass would fall and break, waking everyone up.

It was a very delicate arrangement. Luo Zheng was secretly glad that he had not pushed too hard just now, otherwise he would have been in trouble. He had long heard the pangolin say to be on guard, and it turned out that he was on guard like this. With the confidence in his heart, Luo Zheng quickly opened the secret pin and opened it. After observing the window for a while to make sure there was no one around, he jumped out of the window and landed silently. He listened carefully, his cold eyes emitting a cold light in the night, as if guarding against ghosts.

There was no one around. Luo Zheng quickly rushed towards the row of wooden houses in front. He rushed to the door before the searchlight came over. He leaned against the wooden wall. After the searchlight passed, he checked the door and found that it was the same as before. Luo Zheng He directly cut off the wooden bolt by lying down. He ducked into the house, picked up the Japanese sword and chopped. With a few puffs, he directly chopped off the heads of several militants sleeping on the bed. Blood spattered and Luo Zheng didn't even look. After taking a look, he quickly took out his lighter and checked the window. It was also locked inside, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Pushing aside the pins and pushing open the window, Luo Zheng listened for a while, and after making sure there was no movement around him, he flew out. After landing, he heard the slight sound of the window closing. Luo Zheng did not move, but quickly checked around to make sure there was no movement. After alerting anyone, he rushed to the row of wooden houses in front again and randomly chose the door of a room to hide.

Luo Zheng followed suit and passed through five rows of wooden houses without realizing it. The front suddenly opened up. It was the open area between the wooden houses and the highest mountain. It was the place where Luo Zheng had been before. After the searchlight passed, Luo Zheng quickly rushed into the woods. , taking advantage of the cover of the woods, rushed forward.

After a while, Luo Zheng came to hide under the bushes in the woods next to the main road. He looked around and saw the fifth checkpoint in front of him. To the east of the checkpoint was Kuntai's new residence. A little past it should be the power plant, right? Luo Zheng looked at his watch. The appointed time was very close. The power supply must be destroyed as soon as possible, otherwise everyone would be in danger if they penetrated in. Luo Zheng did not dare to delay. After the searchlight passed, he kicked his feet hard and the ghost rushed over. , cross the main road and hide in the woods on the opposite side.

Luo Zheng found that the people at the fifth checkpoint were talking and laughing about something, without much vigilance. Some people looked back, but no one was found. They quickly went off to chat and joke with everyone, smoking cigarettes and looking very energetic. It should be the sentry who just came up from the shift.

At this time, the searchlight came over, and he moved away from the checkpoint position and walked along the flat ground in the direction he came from. Luo Zheng was overjoyed and quickly moved forward under the cover of the sparse trees. Several rabbits rushed forward more than 20 meters, faintly I heard a roar, like the sound of a motor.

Luo Zheng was overjoyed and looked around cautiously. It was quiet and there was nothing suspicious. After Luo Zheng waited for the searchlight to pass, he quickly rushed towards the open area. The open area was very flat, with a wide and unobstructed view.

"Da da da!" Suddenly there was a burst of intensive gunshots, and the bullets almost followed Luo Zheng's footsteps. Luo Zheng was so frightened that he sped up and was horrified. He didn't expect to be discovered. It seemed that the enemy had increased the number of hidden whistles here. Running in an open area, it is easy to be spotted by a hidden whistle.

"What a pity." Luo Zheng thought angrily. Once discovered, he would not be able to attack suddenly. It is hard to say what the situation would be. But Luo Zheng also knew that the power source must be known, otherwise no one would be able to escape. , Luo Zheng came to a wooden house with a flying shovel, and passed with a shuttle backhand.

Now that it has been exposed, there is no need to shrink back. The bullets screamed, and with Luo Zheng's anger and regret, he quickly blew up a searchlight. Without the searchlight illumination, the bullets that just attacked could not find the target and started shooting randomly.

"Woooo!" Suddenly the siren sounded loudly, floating in the night sky, causing people to panic.

Luo Zheng knew that he had completely lost his chance. He stood up angrily and heard the roar of motors nearby. He couldn't help but be overjoyed. He followed the sound and rushed over, but the bullets were fired. When he came to a wooden house, he saw another window. Luo Zheng quickly opened the window and looked inside. It was dark inside, but the roar of the motor came from inside.

"It should be right here." Luo Zheng was pleasantly surprised. He suddenly felt a bullet coming from him and quickly lay down. The bullet whizzed away almost close to Luo Zheng's head and hit the wooden house. The bullet head was embedded in the wood and did not form a jump. Bullet, the threat to Luo Zheng is very small.

The bullets fired randomly whizzed away. Luo Zheng's eyes froze. He quickly took out the grenade, opened the safety, threw it in from the window, turned around and ran wildly. After guessing that the grenade was going to explode, he fell to the ground with both hands. Hold your head.

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