The strongest soldier

Chapter 576 Waiting for reinforcements

There is no such word as fear in the world of special forces. Everyone was excited by Luo Zheng and their blood boiled. They all looked at Luo Zheng and started gearing up. Shi Qingshan's face darkened and he said: "Chief, what you said is that we are soldiers. Soldiers are not even afraid of death, so what else do they have to be afraid of? There are fifty men in our squadron here, tell us how to fight, if you take a step back, you will kill us."

"That's right, captain, as long as you don't dislike us for holding us back, I didn't say anything. Although our team is small, we are not afraid of death. The captain said that reinforcements will arrive soon. Give us the order how to fight." Zhou Gang Ye said a little angrily, and reminded Luo Zheng about the reinforcements.

Luo Zheng looked at the fanatical soldiers, and his heart warmed, and he said: "I need to save someone. This person may be at Kuntai's base, or he may not be there. This operation is very dangerous. I hope everyone can be mentally prepared. Be prepared, if anyone quits, you can mention it first, I don’t blame him.”

"Stop talking and give the order." Shi Qingshan said dissatisfied.

"That's right, give the order." Zhou Gang also expressed his position.

Luo Zheng thought for a while and said: "The situation is unclear and there are no specific tactics yet. Gangzi, please contact your family immediately to see where the reinforcements are."

"Yes." Zhou Gang agreed wholeheartedly, took out the military satellite phone from his backpack and started dialing. After waiting for the connection, he said a few words, handed the phone to Luo Zheng, and said: "Here, the captain wants to talk to you. "

Luo Zheng knew that the captain Zhou Gang was talking about was Lan Xue's cousin. Captain Li of the special operations brigade of the military region where he was previously took good care of him. He immediately picked up the phone and said, "Captain, it's me."

"Great, are you okay? I heard about Lan Xue. Don't worry, there is always a way. In addition, I have sent four teams there, all of them are your old subordinates. They are now capable. The army adopts your training method, and the strength of the brothers improves quickly. Those who have just left, I believe you have seen it, right? Liu Xun, Zhang Bin, Wu Yuan, Meng Zhu plus Zhou Gang, a total of five teams, fifty people , they are familiar with you and are easy to command, but their abilities are relatively weak and I will send more people immediately. If you need anything else, just ask." Captain Li said eagerly, with deep concern in his words.

"No, thank you, captain." Luo Zheng felt warm in his heart and said gratefully.

"Be polite to me and come back when you have time. No matter where you go, don't forget that we are your natal home." Captain Li shouted dissatisfied: "By the way, they should be arriving soon, let Zhou Gang and They keep in touch.”

"Yes." Luo Zheng responded and handed the phone to Zhou Gang. After listening to a few words, Zhou Gang hung up the phone. After taking out his GPS to confirm his coordinates, he dialed another number again and talked to the other party after he was connected. stand up.

Luo Zheng knew that Zhou Gang was exchanging positions with others, and he thought deeply. He had Shi Qingshan's fifty men, plus a group of old subordinates who came to help, and the available troops reached one hundred. They are carefully selected special forces. Even the rookie-level special forces are not comparable to the militants. With such a large force, it is time to think carefully about how to deal with the Kuntai Group.

Not long after, Zhou Gang came over to report that the others were not far away from everyone and were arriving. Luo Zheng thought that everyone was tired and really needed a rest, so he signaled Shi Qingshan to arrange a warning. Shi Qingshan agreed and arranged After the warning, others were asked to find dry firewood to prepare for the fire, and then arranged for people to go hunting. With so many people, all of them were big eaters. It would be too uncomfortable to eat compressed biscuits every day. If there was a chance, I would get some game to make things better.

Luo Zheng leaned against a tree quietly and quickly took countermeasures. The situation of Kuntai headquarters emerged in his mind. There were houses everywhere, patrols everywhere, and many checkpoints. It was very difficult to break in. A sneak attack is possible, but if there are not many people, it won't have much effect.

"We can't attack, and there's no point in sneak attacks. What should we do?" Luo Zheng analyzed it carefully. If he couldn't get in, he could only lure the enemies out. The problem is that there are too many enemies. Not only are they familiar with the terrain, but they are also familiar with jungle warfare. Drawing them out may not be enough to win the battle. Okay, we have to think of a comprehensive solution.

In a daze, Luo Zheng felt a little sleepy and fell asleep unconsciously. These days, he dared not sleep well at night alone. He was exhausted. Coupled with the battle and retreat just now, his physical exhaustion was very serious. It was really... They were too tired. When everyone saw Luo Zheng sleeping, they all whispered to avoid waking up Luo Zheng.

In his daze, Luo Zheng dreamed of Lan Xue, who was weak and covered in blood. He was motionless and unconscious. His life could be in danger at any time. He was shocked and woke up, startling everyone around him and everyone started shouting. Looking at Luo Zheng, his eyes were full of concern.

Luo Zheng stared intently at the bright moon in the sky, the dense stars, and the wind that made the trees rustle. He knew it was a nightmare, and his heart slowly calmed down. He took a long breath, spit out the discomfort in his heart, and woke up a little. , looking at everyone, the bonfire was jumping, and many people were taking a nap in the bonfire. There was barbecue on the shelf next to the bonfire, and the aroma was overflowing.

"Are you okay?" Shi Qingshan walked over and asked. Zhou Gang also walked over and looked at Luo Zheng with concern.

"How long have I slept?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise, raising his hand to look at his watch. Unexpectedly, he had slept for five full hours. The scent of barbecue was blown by the wind. Luo Zheng moved his index fingers and walked up. Picking up the meat and eating it, he looked at Zhou Gang who was following him, and continued: "Have the brothers eaten? By the way, have they arrived?"

"We just contacted him, it will take another two hours." Zhou Gang said quickly.

"Brothers, you've all finished eating. This is specially reserved for you. There's still a helmet and snake soup hot over there. I'll bring it to you." Shi Qingshan said and walked over, holding a helmet from the bonfire opposite. , Helmet, you are stewing snake meat soup, there are some wild vegetables in it, Luo Zheng took it, thanked you, and started eating.

Although the taste is very ordinary, it is already a luxury to have a hot meal in this primitive forest. Luo Zheng is not particular about what he eats. It doesn't matter if he eats it raw when necessary. After finally eating hot food, he feels appetizing. He opened his mouth wide and started eating like a gulp. Luo Zheng swallowed all the snake broth in his stomach in two or three gulps.

Luo Zheng put the leftover helmet aside, feeling much better. He continued to eat with the barbecue. High-intensity combat requires rich nutrition. Zhou Gang took the helmet aside, cut down some vines, and Whoever poured the contents into the helmet, cleaned it, wiped it with some branches, put it on the head, then walked to Luo Zheng and followed me, squatted down and whispered: "Captain, what should I do if I take it?"

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