The strongest soldier

Chapter 574 Breaking out of the siege

"Click, click, click!" Intensive gunshots were fired from all directions, and bullets were flying all over the sky. Although the accuracy was not enough, they were too dense. The surrounding area was in a mess, branches were flying, and everyone was hunched over, holding their guns flat on their shoulders. They ran forward with sharp eyes, firing from time to time at the fire points in front. As for the enemies on both sides, everyone couldn't care about them. They had to kill them when the enemies were encircled.

Luo Zheng took the lead and became an attack arrow invisibly, leading everyone forward like a sharp blade, setting off an indomitable murderous aura. The continuous sound of gunshots killed each enemy who rushed out of the woods, and quickly opened a hole. Seeing how fierce Luo Zheng was, everyone immediately became energetic and followed him closely.

"Ta-ta-ta, bang-bang-bang!"

Intense gunshots rang out, and the pursuers on both sides were getting closer and closer. Although the enemies in front were caught off guard, they quickly organized and formed dense firepower, blocking the attack of Luo Zheng and others. Luo Zheng I had to hide behind a big tree to fight back, and glanced at both sides from time to time. The dense enemy sounds were getting closer and closer, and they would soon be surrounded. If we didn't rush out, everyone would definitely die.

"Gangzi, follow me and fight out." Luo Zheng's heart skipped a beat, he stood up suddenly, and rushed forward again. He couldn't die anyway. Instead of waiting to die, it would be better to die on the charge. There were more enemies than expected, and they were chasing him. They are also risking their lives, probably related to the bombed mountain peak. It seems that everyone has no choice but to fight to the death.

"Brothers, let's fight." Zhou Gang also saw that something was wrong, his face turned stern, and he roared, followed by Luo Zheng and rushed over with murderous intent. Although the other members have not experienced too many big scenes, they can be selected as special forces , even a rookie-level special forces soldier, whose combat effectiveness is not as good as Luo Zheng's, is still courageous. Seeing how brave Luo Zheng and Zhou Gang are, his blood immediately boils, and he rushes forward screaming.

Meeting on a narrow road, the brave prevails. Faced with a desperate situation, everyone burst out with great courage and fighting spirit. Seeing that Luo Zheng did not dodge the bullets, he fired calmly and quickly. After the gun shot to the head, everyone was even more courageous and couldn't help but move their feet. He was a few minutes faster and ran at his usual fastest speed.

The battlefield is the best whetstone and the best training ground. Under Luo Zheng's stimulation and guidance, everyone's combat effectiveness has increased invisibly. Following Luo Zheng, they formed a triangle formation and everyone kept shooting and killing. The visible target is like a pack of hungry wolves hunting for prey, calm, swift and sure to kill with one strike.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Luo Zheng, who was charging in front, saw the grenades being thrown over the sky. He was frightened. He flew to the ground and rolled behind a big tree. Before he could hide, he heard a series of grenades. When there was an explosion, they quickly huddled up to reduce their attack surface, while shouting for everyone to take cover.

The people behind were about ten meters away from Luo Zheng. When they ran over, they happened to see the second round of grenade attacks. When they heard Luo Zheng's shouts, they all hid on the spot. They could attack, but they still couldn't face countless grenades. To attack would be to risk death. It was a stupid act. Everyone lay tightly on the ground, not daring to move.

"Boom, boom, boom!" There was another series of explosions, a terrifying red light flashed, and shrapnel flew across, forming a death belt, completely blocking the road in front of everyone, and billowing black smoke filled the air, as if the devil was grinning.

Luo Zheng's face turned cold. He saw that the pursuers behind him were getting closer and closer. The road ahead was blocked. If this continued, everyone would definitely be doomed. They had to find a way to stand out as soon as possible. Luo Zheng stood up quickly, observed the terrain on both sides, and was about to shout Everyone followed them in a roundabout way, and suddenly heard strange gunfire from behind the enemy.

The weapons of armed personnel are basically AK47 rifles. Although this kind of gun is less accurate, it has strong firepower, fast rate of fire, relatively cheap price, and is easy to purchase internationally. It is most suitable for these weapons that do not require strict and systematic military training. Used by elements, the sound of this kind of gun is a continuous "click-click" shot, not a "bang-bang-bang" burst. Luo Zheng couldn't help being startled, and did not take action immediately. He pricked up his ears to listen.

At this time, Luo Zheng realized that the grenade had not been thrown forward anymore, and screams rang out from the woods ahead. He was startled, and immediately realized that someone was attacking from behind the enemy, but he didn't know who it was. No matter who it was, this When attacking the militants, he must be a friend rather than an enemy. After fighting, he immediately roared: "Brothers, charge at me."

"Kill!" Others also noticed the abnormality and got up from the ground one after another, yelling and rushing towards the front. Soon, everyone found that someone was actually attacking the militants in the woods. Everyone became energetic, roared and rushed over. , like a tiger descending from the mountain, the gun in his hand kept ringing, killing the panicked enemy.

Luo Zheng took the lead, constantly shooting at visible targets, and soon emptied a magazine. While running, Luo Zheng quickly changed the magazine, and soon found several people wearing ghillie suits in front of him, loaded with guns and ammunition. One of them looked familiar, and he couldn't help but be startled. He saw that the other person was gesturing towards him, indicating to follow him, and then turned around and ran away.

"Quickly, follow them and rush out." Luo Zheng suddenly thought of Shi Qingshan. Unexpectedly, this guy brought people over. He was overjoyed and roared, reminding Zhou Gang. Everyone screamed and rushed over. He rushed out through the gap opened by Shi Qingshan and others, and soon discovered that many people were hiding in the woods, blocking the enemies attacking from both sides, holding the gap and buying time for everyone to evacuate.

"Hurry up, fight out." Luo Zheng roared angrily, signaling Zhou Gang and others to retreat first. He stopped and cut off the rear. The enemy behind him was not far away. The situation was extremely dangerous. Zhou Gang knew Luo Zheng's character and was not polite. He led everyone through the gap quickly, broke out of the encirclement, and continued running forward.

"Quickly withdraw." Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Zhou Gang and others withdrawing. The team led by Zhou Gang were all rookie special forces and were weaker than Shi Qingshan's people. If they didn't withdraw first, they would be delayed.

After everyone heard Luo Zheng's order, they did not hesitate and took turns covering the retreat. Several soldiers quickly squatted down to set up trip mines. Luo Zheng fell behind and kept firing, calmly killing the enemies who came up with the AK47 in his hand. The rifle was used by Luo Zheng like a sniper rifle, which bites flesh.

After successive battles and stimulated by powerful dangers, Luo Zheng did not realize that his shooting skills had improved. He continued to squat and kill the enemies who were chasing him. The arm holding the gun remained motionless, his eyes were cold, sharp, and full of murderous intent. All the worry and anger towards Lan Xue were integrated into the bullet, killing the enemy.

Shi Qingshan led everyone to fight back. After seeing that the enemy's attack was blocked, he quickly issued a retreat order. Everyone immediately retreated. Luo Zheng was no exception. He ran for more than 20 meters. There was an explosion of grenades behind him, and everyone kept walking. , and continued to run forward.

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