The strongest soldier

Chapter 572 Exploding the cave

"Ta-ta-ta!" A heavy machine gun fired over. The bullets were like rhinos that were not afraid of death. They hit the jeep hard and made the jeep bumpy. The glass in the car suddenly shattered all over the ground. The sound of bullets was even more frightening. Fortunately, the jeep had already started and rushed forward. If it had been ten seconds at night, Luo Zheng in the car would have been dead.

The valley suddenly became brightly lit and noisy. Luo Zheng knew that the enemy had been alerted, so he pressed the accelerator to the bottom, not caring about being exposed to the searchlight. His body shrank, his eyes were like torches, and he stared straight ahead. The people who were alerted came to fight back. It would take some time. Luo Zheng knew very well that he must take the opportunity to run away, otherwise he would not be entangled.

The jeep was full of horsepower, roaring, and rushed forward. Moreover, when the sentries on the fourth line of defense on the main road arrived, they had already opened up a long distance. They could only chase and shoot from behind. Bullets had no effect on the jeep. The threat, the searchlight is about to be thrown away.

Soon, a row of wooden houses appeared in front of him, blocking the way. Luo Zheng kept accelerating, his eyes widened, and he stared straight ahead. He roared, controlled the steering wheel and rushed over. The situation was critical. Any hesitation could lead to death. Jeep As if feeling Luo Zheng's anger, he roared away.

"Boom!" The wooden house was directly smashed, and the jeep continued to move forward. Luo Zheng only felt that the front was dark, and many things fell down, blocking the windshield in front, blocking his sight. He continued to move forward without reducing the accelerator, The jeep bumped a few times, as if it had hit something.

At the critical moment, Luo Zheng was too lazy to go down to check and continued to drive forward. Soon, something fell off the windshield, and several panicked armed men appeared in front of him. They were disheveled and had weapons in their hands. Luo Zheng's face turned cold. Continue to rush forward without losing speed.

"Boom!" The jeep hit a wooden house again, causing a big hole in the wooden house. The jeep continued to rush past and rushed out again from the other end. Luo Zheng felt that he had hit someone, but he didn't bother to take a closer look. He kept his foot on the accelerator and rushed forward at a fast pace, with no trace of emotion on his resolute face.

"Da da da!" Someone fired a gun at the parking lot, and the bullet hit the parking space. Luo Zheng's steering wheel remained unchanged, and his body shrank down a little. His cold eyes were full of fighting spirit, and he stared at the wooden house in front of him without hesitation. He hit it again, made a big hole, and rushed out from the other end.

The jeep continued to move forward, and after crashing through two more wooden houses, there were woods in front of it. Luo Zheng drove the jeep into the woods, stopped, and quickly got out of the car. He saw a huge crowd behind him, and a large number of armed men were chasing after him. When the light came over, his eyes flashed, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth. As long as he rushed out of the camp and entered the woods, Luo Zheng was confident that he could escape the pursuit of these people.

"Da da da!" Someone fired, and the bullets were particularly weird in the night. Luo Zheng quickly took out the night vision device from his backpack and put it on, turned around and ran away. Several rabbits got up and falconed into the depths of the woods, heading towards a Rushing up the hillside, it is the darkness before dawn and the deepest night. Without lighting, there is no way to run in the tropical forest.

After a while, a large number of armed men rushed to the jeep. Seeing that Luo Zheng had run away, someone immediately reported it to their superiors, and more people organized and prepared to pursue him.

"Boom!" Suddenly there was an earth-shattering explosion, and the whole ground was shaking, which made people panic. Everyone was shocked and looked in the direction of the explosion. Their expressions suddenly changed, and they saw the tall mountain peaks in the distance starting to go down. Shrinking, lights flashing on the mountain peaks, black smoke billowing, and people shouting.

"Hiss?" When everyone saw this scene, their faces showed shock. Was there an earthquake? But he quickly rejected this idea. How could an earthquake only shake a mountain? Under the strict orders of the leader, the team continued to pursue Luo Zheng and some of them ran back to the mountain to inquire about the situation.

While running, Luo Zheng was also shocked by the huge explosion just now. He stopped to check and found out that it was the highest peak. He couldn't help but show a stern smile. Although he couldn't see clearly, the power of the explosion was still there. How big is it, but the interest is collected, happily. I heard a few noisy chases in the woods below, and quickly continued on my way forward.

With the night vision goggles, Luo Zheng ran at a slow speed and quickly opened up the distance between the pursuers. However, these pursuers were not bad either. They bit their tails and refused to let go. They had very strong tracking ability. Luo Zheng did not dare to He stopped and continued to rush forward. Unknowingly, the sky became brighter. Luo Zheng took off his night vision goggles and continued on his way. Although the tail behind him was getting further and further away, it was not completely shaken off and was difficult to deal with.

After running for some distance, a river appeared in front of him. Luo Zheng was about to cross the river when he suddenly felt movement on one side. He quickly hid himself in a bush and pricked up his ears. After a while, Luo Zheng heard a faint sound. came, mixed with the barking of wolves and dogs.

"There are wolves and dogs?" Luo Zheng was startled, and he immediately understood. No wonder this group of pursuers could not let go, but why were they chasing from here? Could it be that they were dividing their forces to outflank them? Luo Zheng looked at the river in front of him. The river was not wide and he could rush across it. Only by rushing over could he avoid the wolf dog's pursuit.

The sound of wolves and dogs was getting closer and closer. Luo Zheng quickly emerged from the bushes and rushed forward. He jumped into the river without hesitation, paddled desperately with both hands, and swam forward quickly. The width of the river was about ten meters. It would take some time to row across. Luo Zheng knew that the enemy might find him at any time, so he did not dare to pause at all.

Just as he was about to reach the river bank, there was a lot of gunfire behind him. Luo Zheng was shocked and was about to rush ashore. Suddenly, Luo Zheng keenly noticed that gunfire rang out from the bushes in front of him. He couldn't help being shocked. There was someone in front of him. What should I do if there are troops chasing me?

However, Luo Zheng found that no bullet had hit him. He couldn't help but be suspicious. He didn't have time to think too much and rushed to the river bank with all his strength. He rolled and hid in a bush. Next to the bush was a slope. People in front could not see it. In the midst of his busy schedule, Luo Zheng looked back and saw that the pursuers behind him were suppressed by bullets, and the bullets came from in front of him.

"Eh? Could it be that those in front of us are our own people? Where did our own people come from in this primeval forest?" Luo Zheng was surprised. He slowly looked forward and found that gunshots were constantly ringing in the woods in front of him, shooting at the pursuers on the other side of the river. Hearing the sound of gunfire, there were Type 88 sniper rifles and Type 95 assault rifles. These are the standard equipment of the Chinese special forces. Luo Zheng couldn't help but be overjoyed and shouted in Chinese Mandarin: "Who is it?"

"Captain, it's me, Gangzi." A voice shouted in surprise.

"Gangzi?" Luo Zheng was startled and suddenly realized that there was a man named Zhou Gang in the first team of the special operations brigade of his previous army. He was considered his subordinate. He couldn't help shouting and asked: "Zhou Gang?"

"It's me, captain, come here quickly." The voice just now continued to shout.

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