The strongest soldier

Chapter 546: Divide Troops and Escort

Although escorting the wounded back was sacred and arduous, everyone was more willing to stay and fight. Luo Zheng took the weapons of a sacrificed soldier, the Type 88 sniper rifle, which was just right, and then took the few ammunition he had on him. The scholar's embarrassed expression made him realize that it would be better for him, an outsider, to say some things.

Luo Zheng thought for a while, walked up to the scholar, patted the scholar's shoulder, looked at everyone and said seriously: "If you join the special forces for the shortest time, you must leave some kind of fire for the army. You can leave voluntarily, and you are not considered a deserter." , I can tell you with certainty that the next battle will definitely be tragic, with a near-death experience. I hope everyone is mentally prepared. If you have anything to say, ask your brothers to take it back. Make a decision quickly, the enemy will come after you at any time. "

"Have you all heard this?" The scholar smiled gratefully. With Luo Zheng's proposal, it would be much easier for him, a villain, to do this. This arrangement is also reasonable and reasonable. The veterans will stay and the new recruits will go first. This way, the firepower can be preserved and the combat effectiveness will be reduced. How much will be reduced? The combat capabilities and experience of veterans are not comparable to that of recruits.

When everyone heard this selection method, no one expressed any objection. There are always people leaving, and letting the new recruits leave is undoubtedly the most appropriate choice. Although the new recruits are unwilling, they can't compete with the veterans. There is a dispute over the number of candidates. The three heroes The body needs to be carried, which requires six people. When the seventh place was reached, the candidate was unwilling and insisted on staying and fighting side by side with everyone. The wounded also said that they did not need anyone to take care of them.

Luo Zheng understood everyone's mood, thought about it, and decided on one more person to be responsible for exploring the road. It would be impossible for the team to move forward without someone to be the vanguard to explore the road. The scholar determined the personnel based on this situation, and everyone started cutting down branches to make stretchers. , and soon, seven personnel left with the bodies of three heroes and five wounded.

Half of the thirty people left, and the remaining half were mixed into two teams by Luo Zheng. The snipers formed a separate team, and the other personnel formed a team. The scholar took the headset of a sacrificed brother and handed it to Luo Zheng. In this way, Luo Zheng Zheng can talk to everyone directly and give orders without going through the scholar.

Everyone took the time to eat and hold on to weapons and equipment. Luo Zheng planned to wait for the pursuers to come up before retreating, so as to prevent the pursuers from discovering the separated teams. While waiting, Luo Zheng carefully observed the surroundings and suddenly noticed a strange figure not far away. I walked over to the small hill and saw that it was an ant nest, three meters high and as big as a house.

"How many ants are there here?" Luo Zheng thought, and saw yellow ants nearby with such big chopstick heads. He couldn't help but be surprised and suddenly ecstatic. Luo Zheng didn't know the name of these ants, but he knew them very well. When he was a child Someone in Houcun Village went hunting in the mountains and was bitten by one of these yellow ants. It was just a bite from one ant, and he died two or three hours later.

"What's wrong?" The scholar came over in surprise, looked at Luo Zheng and asked.

Luo Zheng saw a few ants coming over, but the scholar was unmoved. He quickly pulled the scholar away, trampled the ants to death, and said with lingering fear: "Do you know these yellow ants?"

"I don't know. Isn't it just an ant? What's wrong?" The scholar looked at it carefully and asked in surprise.

Luo Zheng didn't explain much. He pulled the scholar away a little while thinking about countermeasures. At this time, someone sent a message through the headset that the pursuers were coming. Luo Zheng was startled and suddenly had an idea. He immediately said through the headset: " Everyone took cover two hundred meters behind me."

Everyone didn't know why, but they all followed Luo Zheng's order without hesitation and hid behind a big tree not far behind. Luo Zheng came behind a big tree, but without hiding, he whispered through the headset: "Everyone Pay attention, you are not allowed to shoot without my order."

The scholar accompanied Luo Zheng. Hearing Luo Zheng's strange order, he looked at the ant pile and somewhat understood it, but he was not sure and even more unimaginable. Seeing that Luo Zheng's face was gloomy and he had no intention of explaining, he didn't ask any more questions. At this time, a large number of pursuing soldiers were faintly visible, and Luo Zheng suddenly said: "Hide immediately, do you have any grenades?"

"No more." The scholar said helplessly.

"I have another one here," a soldier shouted through the headset.

"Bring it here quickly," Luo Zheng said.

After a while, a soldier hurried over and handed the grenade to the scholar, then withdrew and continued to hide. Luo Zheng looked at the pursuing soldiers getting closer and said to the scholar: "Find a place to hide and follow my orders. , throw the grenade into that ant pile, is there any problem?"

"No problem." The scholar glanced at Luo Zheng with some confusion, not understanding why he did this, but he agreed without hesitation and quickly found a place to hide.

At this time, the pursuers were getting closer, and Luo Zheng suddenly shouted: "Come on, I'm here."

The sound immediately attracted the attention of the pursuers. They all found Luo Zheng alone and ran over screaming. Seeing that Luo Zheng had not fired, neither of them fired. They slowed down a hundred meters away and even more Many people came, including Tulu.

Tulu saw Luo Zheng alone, and the others were hiding somewhere. Tulu, who was completely blinded by hatred, did not think much, but ordered his subordinates to rush forward, shouting and preparing to capture those alive. Luo Zheng had already done so. I was preparing to dodge bullets, but when I saw that this group of people didn't even shoot and wanted to catch someone alive, I immediately laughed and shouted: "Tulu, I have been waiting for you here for a long time. I have the guts to challenge you."

Of course Tulu would not challenge him to a duel, but he was so angry at Luo Zheng's words that he urged his troops to charge forward. These militants hated Luo Zheng. Seeing Luo Zheng alone, they howled and charged, eager to be the first. The first person who caught Luo Zheng was promoted to the third level and received a bonus of 100,000 yuan. No one paid attention to the ant pile between a few big trees.

When the militants rushed to the ant pile, Luo Zheng's determined face showed a cold look, and he shouted in a low voice: "Scholar, do it."

"Hoo!" A grenade was thrown out, drawing a beautiful arc in the void.

The militants were startled. When they saw that the grenade was not aimed at them at all, they thought they had missed the throw. They all laughed. They aimed their guns at Luo Zheng and prepared to fire, but found that Luo Zheng had already dodged behind a big tree.

"Boom!" There was an explosion. Tulu looked at the explosion site with some doubts and couldn't figure out why the grenade was thrown wrong, but without thinking much, he quickly ordered the team to open fire.

"Click, click, click!" The dense bullets suddenly sounded, hitting the big tree where Luo Zheng was hiding, making a sound, sawdust flying everywhere, and the situation was worrying.

The militants rushed forward even more fiercely, eager to be the first to catch Luo Zheng. No one noticed that someone screamed and fell to the ground. Tulu heard it, but thought he was shot by his opponent, so he didn't care and urged. The team continued to charge.

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