The strongest soldier

Chapter 541 Surrounded by Enemies

Our location is not too far away from Tulu's home base. We have been talking to Tulu for several hours now. Tulu can definitely arrange for someone to ambush in front. The pursuers should be the wave behind us. There was a trap, and there were pursuers behind him. Luo Zheng didn't bother to wipe the rain off his face. He stared straight ahead with cold eyes, beating with strong murderous intent, and his face was as determined as steel.

"What? Is there an ambush ahead?" the scholar asked in a surprised voice.

"The possibility is very high. I want to inform everyone to prepare for battle. We can't go forward. Let's go north." Luo Zheng pointed in one direction and said. To the north is the mountainside, down the mountainside is the canyon, and continuing to the north is the mountain peak. , the surrounding terrain is similar. The mountainside to the south is steeper, making it difficult to walk in the rain.

"No, there seems to be enemies in the south." A soldier suddenly shouted.

Luo Zheng turned around with a face full of shock. He saw that there were dense woods on the south slope and no one was seen. The rain was rolling down on the ground, and it was easy for people to fall when walking on it. This was why Luo Zheng did not choose the south. The reason is just that someone actually found the pursuers in this kind of terrain?

"No, there seems to be enemies in the north." Someone shouted again.

Luo Zheng turned his head in surprise and saw that the slope of the mountainside in the north was gentler. Although the trees were dense, the visibility was wider. Sure enough, he found a figure flashing. Luo Zheng's face turned cold. He suddenly realized a problem and said to the scholar eagerly: "We may be surrounded. There should be fresh troops on the north and south sides. There may be an ambush in front and pursuers behind. The situation is not good."

"Well, let's withdraw first." The scholar also realized this problem and said eagerly.

"Go back. The pursuers behind us must be from before. They have been with us all night. Their combat effectiveness is limited. There is a high possibility that there will be fresh troops on both sides." Luo Zheng analyzed calmly, wiped the rain off his face, and shook his hand. Turning around with the gun in hand, he hurried over without waiting for the scholar and others to agree.

The scholar pondered for a moment and felt that Luo Zheng's analysis was reasonable. He waved his hand and led the team to follow. Everyone rushed forward along the ridge. Luo Zheng took the lead and pushed the captured AK47 rifle bullets up. His eyes were cold. Staring ahead, hunched over and ran quickly.

Soon, Luo Zheng keenly noticed a figure flashing in the heavy rain ahead. He aimed and fired without hesitation, shouting: "Brothers, the brave one wins when we meet on a narrow road. Rush over and kill!"

Everyone also realized that they were surrounded. If they wanted to survive, they could only rush forward with bullets in hand. If they flinched a little, they wasted the chance to survive. When they heard Luo Zheng's cry, they also roared, "Kill!"

The fighting spirit was completely ignited by Luo Zheng's roar. Everyone ran forward, guns raised on their shoulders, looking coldly ahead, shooting whenever they found suspicious targets. While running, Luo Zheng found a large number of enemies in front of him. Up, on the mountainside, they are everywhere, scattered widely, in large numbers, and densely packed in the woods.

"Hiss?" Luo Zheng did not expect that there were so many enemies, but he did not hesitate or flinch. Instead, he continued to run and kept firing. In this case, any hesitation and flinching would affect the morale of the army. The only way to do that was to rush forward. Don't hesitate to rush over, even if you die, everyone will have a chance to survive.

"Kill——!" Luo Zheng roared, his voice vibrating in the woods, as if covering up the sound of the rainstorm.

"Kill!" The scholar and the others howled and launched a desperate charge. The momentum was like a rainbow. Everyone used Luo Zheng as an arrow to form a triangular attack formation, like a group of hungry wolves charging into the arms of their prey.

The enemy did not expect that Luo Zheng and others would counterattack, but they were not naive either. After a brief panic, under the strict orders of the leader, they all took cover and fought back. The dense bullets came towards everyone, and the power could not be ignored. Someone was immediately hit. When he fell to the ground, the people behind him immediately rushed up, helped him up, and continued to charge forward, not daring to stop at all. Only by rushing out could he survive.

When Luo Zheng heard someone shouting that he had been shot, he became completely angry. As he ran, he kept roaring, and the gun in his hand seemed to be alive. He kept firing at the targets in sight, tearing apart the enemy's defense line like a sharp knife. One shot killed the enemy who stood up and threw the grenade. The grenade fell to the ground and made a resounding sound. The body of the killed target was blown to pieces by the grenade, and the remaining limbs and pieces of meat flew away. It was especially weird in the heavy rain.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Da da da!"

The sound of gunshots, explosions, heavy rain, and the rustle of trees blown by the wind intertwined together to play a scene of human tragedy on this mountain ridge. As he ran, Luo Zheng's face was cold, his cold eyes were slightly closed, and he kept thinking. Searching for the enemy appearing in front, he fired the gun without hesitation and killed the target.

There were too many enemies, overwhelming and dense, constantly poking out from behind the trees. Luo Zheng was angry and running, wishing to kill all of them. The bullets whizzed away with Luo Zheng's anger, and accurately penetrated the brain of the targeted target. Gun headshot.

But there were too many enemies. Under intensive firepower, the number of wounded in the team increased. People kept shouting that someone had been shot. Luo Zheng listened and felt his heart break. Such a good soldier, Such a sacrifice? Hurry, run faster, shoot faster, Luo Zheng kept telling himself.

"Ah——!" Luo Zheng roared, and his speed suddenly increased a bit. He was like an angry tiger in the woods, jumping and running, the gun in his hand roared, killing an enemy who showed up, and suddenly When he found that the scholar and others were falling behind, he was shocked and turned around to catch up without hesitation.

"Ta-ta-ta!" The enemy also noticed Luo Zheng's ferocity, and fired concentrated bullets at them. Luo Zheng felt his scalp numb for a while, and knowing it was not good, he jumped forward, rolled to the back of a big tree, and knelt down. Zi aimed at the surroundings, his hands were as steady as a rock, his face was as cold as ice, and he kept firing.

"Bang, bang, bang!" The bullet shell ejected from the barrel of the gun, and the bullet whizzed away, killing a prominent target. After hitting the target, Luo Zheng suddenly spotted a familiar figure out of the corner of his eye, and took a closer look. , it was Tulu, and he was immediately overjoyed. He roared and shouted: "Brothers, hurry up and rush over."

A shout cheered up the scholar and the others, and they rushed forward. However, Luo Zheng rushed out of the shelter of the big tree and rushed towards Tulu's position. He saw five guns pointing at him in front of him. Luo Zheng couldn't help but If he dared to be careless, he pounced forward. He was in the air and instantly pulled the trigger. Two bullets whizzed away and rolled after landing. The gun in his hand continued to roar, killing two other visible targets and falling to the ground.

"Tulu, accept your fate." Luo Zheng rolled to his feet and ran towards Tulu, rolling away like a furious wild beast with unrivaled fighting intent.

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